01/09/2002 - Report Monthly Report
d �—
( ame of board, committee, task force, group, etc.)
1. Meetings were held on(list dates during month) G��Zf/� ,9 Z(X) 2-
2. Current activities (summarize):
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3. Status of long-term projects: P/194- a,f'-etw `�c'tl a)
4. Number of volunteer hours contributed this month(noted number of volunteers and total
hours). svr3 Y Y-5 - J L �?Utl�5
c(4 &0�f f r n ��� v7 oj- J VI �!�►cls(I ,�V. Cv-U n �
5. Attachments (include notifications, sign-in sheets, minutes, reports, press releases,
proposals, etc.) - List:
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6. Any items to be scheduled for on the Council tentative agenda(list item and date):
7. Status of members—are there any members scheduled to have their terms expire in the
next four months? Are any members indicating that theyplan to retire, move or resign
soon? Please give details. IVIA �- AAMIn 1'3 n?ilit✓ h U, ,2ya����Yv O
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December 27,2001
Dan Wells
RE: Next youth Forum Meeting—
Wednesday,January 9,2002, 7:30 a.m.
Dear Dan:
Sorry you were unable to attend the December 12,2001,Youth Forum meeting. A copy
of the minutes is enclosed. Mike Javens reported on the plans to proceed with a pilot
program for expanded after-school activities at Twality in January. Rich Carlson
provided an update on the Skateboard Park Task Force. Consensus of the group was to
focus next on how to get youth more involved in the Youth Forum and in community
The upcoming January 9, 2002, agenda will focus on the following:
1. A report on progress in obtaining equipment, supplies, food, and volunteers
for the program for expanded, after-school activities at Twality in January.
2. A report on activities/events to promote to students at Twality for the
expanded, after-school, pilot program.
3. A report on the Skate Park Task Force activities.
4. Discussion on a draft action plan to involve youth (information enclosed).
5. Discussion on background checks (newspaper article from Chief Ron
Goodpaster enclosed).
6. Other issues brought forward by participants.
7. Confirm the next meeting date for Wednesday,February 13, 2002, at 7:30 a.m.
See you on January 9!
Liz Newto
Assistant to the City Manager
13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223 (503)639-4171 TDD(503)684-2772
Tigard Youths Fore
Meeting Minutes
December 12, 2001
7:30 a.m.
In Attendance: Rich Carlson,Steve Clark, Pam Brown, Karen Gardner,Mark
Mahon, Marjorie Conroy,Kari Robertson, jenny Nelson, Mike
Javens,Susan Stark Haydon,Greg Schwab, Councilor Ken
Scheckla, Mayor Jim Griffith,Chief Ron Goodpaster, Dan Plaza, Liz
Newton, Wayne Grimm
Mayor Griffith opened the meeting at 7:30 a.m. He reported that he was at the National
League of Cities Conference last week which had a large number of youth delegates.
Tualatin had about five representatives. Skateboard vendors were there and will send
us their information.
Mike Javens reported on the plans to proceed with a pilot program for expanded after-
school activities at Twality in January 2002.
Teachers are lined up,ready to go.Jan White is contacting businesses. There are three
weeks to work out details for the January 14 startup. Liz sent information to local
colleges that will provide us with volunteers. In January, the Youth Forum will discuss
outreach for citizen volunteers. Ideas were suggested to enlist volunteers from King
City or retired teachers. Pam Brown and Ed Wegner plan to take the"wish list" for
materials, like ping pong and pool tables, to local service clubs.
The kickoff event at school will be a pizza event. The first week in January a newsletter
will go out to parents. Mike will have an information piece inserted announcing the
kickoff event. He thinks setting up the pool tables or ping pong tables to show the
students what will be available will stimulate interest the first week. It is not known if
the service clubs can respond quickly enough to have the materials available for early
January. Information will be generated quickly so the service clubs can be contacted
with the"wish list."
There will also be a homework area and videos. Mike has the staff lined up for the start
of the event. The local video stores will be approached for donations of videos. There is
also a need to approach food vendors like Pizza Caboose and Round Table.
Susan noted that the state funding concerns could impact our efforts as after-school
programs could face cuts. Our plan is to proceed to get the program started.
Tigard Youth Forum
Meeting Minutes
December 12,2001 Page 2
Pam Brown noted that the community youth group will be disbanding and it may
distribute its funds to the after-school program. A couple hundred dollars will be
Skateboard Park
Rich Carlson reported that 70-75 people have been at each of the two skateboard
meetings. Half were students. About 30 of the people at the last meeting had not
attended the first. Tualatin staff and council and a representative of Chehalem Park&
Recreation gave presentations at the meeting about their experience building,
maintaining, and fund raising for a skateboard park.
Tualatin stressed that their program was visibly done by students. In kind donations by
adults were substantial. Fund raising in Tualatin was done through the city. Chehalem
had a foundation.
People signed up for three subcommittees which will start after the first of the year,
dates have not been set. The subcommittees are—
• Site Location To survey vacant sites to identify options.
• Design The advice received is "you design what you
want, then find a site." "Bigger is better" is the
advice of Tualatin and Chehalem.
• Fundraising Initially, the group will get out and inform
people we are moving ahead. On January 15,
the committees will approach city council to
seek some seed money for initial design.
There was discussion of the possibility of adding the skateboard facility to the new
library site. Environmental restrictions, however,limit the buildable portion of the site
to the library.
Rich noted that it is also important to get the insurance carrier involved in the process.
In Chehalem the student"skate board" takes care of maintenance of the property.
Mayor Griffith noted that there is an option to install temporary features at a parking
lot to get things started. Rich noted that getting what the kids want is important. He
thinks they are leaning toward a concrete, permanent facility,covered with lights.
Liz noted there has been interest expressed to tape the skateboard committee meetings.
The participants say its okay. We will begin to film.
The next meeting of the entire skateboard task force is on February 19. Reports will be
made from the sub-committees.
• Tigard Youth Forum
Meeting Minutes
December 12,2001 Page 3
Washington County Youth Advisory Council
The.deadline is December 21 for submission of names of youth to participate in the
Washington County Youth Advisory Council. Liz also asked for ideas of how to
approach getting students involved in the decision making process. Steve Clark
suggested that the school district be asked to approach the leadership group at THS,
Twality and Fowler to identify interested students. Liz noted that 8 hours per month is
the suggested commitment sought from a student.
Susan Stark Haydon said that the survey has been completed in the schools. The results
will be shared with the Youth Forum. It's likely that the results will identify the need for
after-school activities.
Liz suggested that the forum should talk about how to get students involved in local
decision making. It will be on the agenda for January. Karen Gardner suggested there is
a need to include children of ethnic diversity so we can identify how to get them
involved. Wayne Grimm noted that children of ethnic backgrounds are showing up in
small numbers at youth library events. He noted that more emphasis is being placed on
Spanish language materials for the library. Karen Gardner noted the need for ESL
materials for participants.PCC and the city could help.
Ron Goodpaster noted that the time of our meetings is a difficult starting time if we
want to involve youth.The location is also an issue with transportation a concern. He
suggested holding a discussion whether it would help to move meetings from school to
school. Wayne Grimm agreed and noted there is an after-school bus to the library that
could be used.
Mayor Griffith said that another possibility is having a youth council for the
community. That option could be identified after involving more youth in the forum.
Mayor Griffith asked if the Youth Forum wants to hold a future meeting at 4:00 or 4:30
p.m., but not the January 9 meting. This will be discussed at the January 9 meeting to
determine if a future meeting in the afternoon can be set.
Ken Scheckla suggested that the Portland Trail Blazers be approached to see if they are
interested in providing some assistance.
Next meeting of the Youth Forum, on January 9, 2002,will discuss—
• After school programs
• Youth Involvement-
--In the Youth Forum and in a possible Youth Council
The meeting adjourned at 8:32 a.m.
Sexual abuse
=i prom t words of
p warnmg
After the arrest of a volunteer, in dg use
Portland parks oftials review lives of thousands
screening methods, andpolice of children.
p Now he's facing
urge parental vigilance criminal charges
week that
THE OREGONIAN he sexually abused
%N . i
one of the boys.
Doug Walters is no kid anymore. But DUSENBERRY Since the news
he remembers. Pleads notguilty broke, about two
He remembers his boyhood hero,Jer- dozen people have
ry Dusenberry. Coach "The Duse." wed police to al-
That's what they called him in the old lege past abuse by.Dusenberry or just to
neighborhood 30 years ago. say he acted peculiar.
Sunrise Little League and taco feeds. Dusenberry pleaded not guilty at an
Family gatherings.The Duse was always arraignment last week
r around His indictment has forced city parks
The lids would go to his house, to
o. ofcials to rethink how they screen.em-
Nothing unusual.He was just a baseball ploys and more than 1,000 volunteer
coach. Other coaches did the same coaches who sometimes have unfettered
things for their teams. access to children.
r "He was close enough to the families "We're pretty devastated by the whole
to be considered a second or third father, thing,"said Lisa Turpel,recreation man-
someone you could just ask advice,"said ager for the city. "Regardless of the out-
Walters, 41, a middle-school student come of the case,it's very devastating to
management specialist."The part of him find out that someone who's been with
1 that he showed us was an exceptional us as long as he has even.has these
t role model." charges against him."
As far as coaches go,Dusenberry was Police are reiterating old warnings that
a textbook volunteer. He was with the parents always need to know where their
Portland Parks and Recreation Bureau lids are and who they're with,and to be .
and other youth groups for four decades,
Please see ARREST.Page D6
Arrest,* Chfldre n's e avYor can signalproblems
Continued from Page DI coaching basketball and trampo- that shows arrests as well as con- than relying on someone you've Walters handles discipline and
line. victions. The checks help, but just met,even if they are in a posi- student activities at Gregory
especially sensitive to changes in "things will slip through the cracks tion of authority. Heights Middle School. He some-
their children's behavior that can It's an awesome yet unobtru- g P � �'• �
signal problems. sive building nestled in a grove of .Whether you want them to or not," "You've got to really know who times deals with unruly kids and
fir trees at the north end of Mt. Turpel said. you're dealing with," Turpel said, unbelieving parents. He knows
Capt. Larry Ratcliff, who heads Scott Park that houses a gymnasi- That's why she hopes to step up "Unless you're really sure about people. He's,been kidded by ex-
the Portland Police Bureau's Farm- swimming.p programsteap somebody,having y
ly Services Division,said it's o their exercise se and craft rooms., indoor There's a en sc how to keep their kids safe oame your kid y the pens. very
sole Gaze of someone you may not "This was ve humbling to me
tant for parents to listen to their roller-skating rink in the base= predators.redators. know everything about may not because he was a hero," Walters
kids. He said one man who has ment. Every year, about 40 as be such a good idea." said. "He was a man with class
come forward with allegations visitors, adults and children, use Just because you ve dropped a and dignity and intelligence. I
the center.
against Dusenberry told his moth- child off to basketball practice, didn't see this, and I'm not naive
er when it allegedly happened and dance team, a painting class ora Walters said he thought he to this."
she didn't believe it. It's one of 11 community cen- swimming lesson, that doesn't knew Dusenberry pretty well. He stumbles over the words.He
"Kids are going to be honest ters and 13 community schools mean your responsibilities as a When he heard the news,he asked sits in his disheveled office that
with their parents, but parents run by the parks department.Tur- parent for supervising that time his brother, sisters .and friends reeks from a hot, nearly un-
wed to ask questions and look for pel said the activities wouldn't are over, she said. If you're not about the old coach. Nothing.No touched pot of coffee. He leans
signs that the child is trying to tell happen without the help of dedi- providing the transportation,who one saw it coming. back in his chair. Folds his hands
you something,"Ratcliff said. "Un- cated volunteers. Thousands of is?" His
y g, parents remained friends together.
fortunately, there's not a big red volunteer coaches, Iifgguards and Turpel said neither city employ- with the coach when the kids grew "It floored me,"he said."It liter-
flag on people that tells parents instructors supplement a full-time ees nor volunteers are allowed to up. Dusenberry recently visited ally brought me to my knees sob-
that they're going to do this to their staff of about 200. drive children to and from prac. Walters' parents in Arizona, Wal- bing,"
children." Dusenberry's indictment is tices and classes in personal vehi- ters said.
forcing the city to take a fresh look cles,which the city stresses to par- Walters'mother called him and
at how those people are screened. ents when they enroll their chil- choked through the tough ques- You can reach Mark Larabee at
The Mt.Scott Community Cen- Right now, annual background dren in activities.It's best to make tion:"Did it ever happen to you?" (503)294-7664 or by e-mail at
ter is where Dusenberry spent checks are done.. Turpel said a arrangements with people you He told her everything was all marklarabee@news.oregoni-
much of his time in recent years, new system may be looked at,one know and trust, she said, rather right.Nothing happened. an.com.