08/21/2002 - Report Monthly Report AUGUST 2002 (Month/Year) for MAYOR'S YOUTH FORUM (Name of board, committee, task force, group, etc.) 1. Meetings were held on(list dates during month) August 21, 2002 2. Current activities (summarize): There was a presentation and discussion on the elimination of the lunch buddy program in the elementary schools. A sub-committee of the Mayor's Youth Forum will meet to consider possible options for continuing that program. 3. Status of long-term projects: The assets survey results will be distributed to middle and high school students this fall, then the Youth Advisory Council concept will be revisited. 4. Number of volunteer hours contributed this month(noted number of volunteers and total hours). 9 volunteers x 1 hour= 9 hours 5. Attachments (include notifications, sign-in sheets, minutes, reports, press releases, proposals, etc.) - List: August 21 minutes. 6. Any items to be scheduled for on the Council tentative agenda(list item and date): None. 7. Status of members—are there any members scheduled to have their terms expire in the next four months? Are any members indicating that they plan to retire, move or resign soon? Please give details. N/A I:WDRAYOUTM2002WONTHLY REPORT•AUGUSTAOC Tigard Youth Forum Meeting Minutes August 21, 2002 7:30 a.m. Tigard City Hall In Attendance: Mayor Jim Griffith, Rich Carlson, Martha Flotten, Dan Plaza, Ken Scheckla, Susan Stark Haydon, Mark Mahon, Susan Koepping, Robin McFall, Wendy Ballard Turner, Brenda Annis,Jo Schopp, Liz Newton, Ron Goodpaster Mayor Griffith opened the meeting at 7:35 a.m. The agenda was modified to hear the Skateboard Park update first to accommodate Rich's work schedule. Skateboard Park Update Twenty kids attended the last meeting and gave their ideas to the Purkiss Rose design team. The idea was to have the kids leave the meeting excited about the proposed design. Rich thinks that was accomplished. The next meeting on the design will be in September. At that meeting, Purkiss Rose will bring back the proposed final design. The design is scheduled for presentation to City Council on November 26. A neighborhood meeting still needs to be scheduled regarding the Tigard Street site to give nearby residents an opportunity to have input if the skateboard park is located on that property. Dan said that he and Bill Monahan need to meet with representatives of the district to finalize some initial plans before meeting with the neighborhood. There was discussion about possible grant funding for part of the project. Rich said that the consultant does have some information about grants and that the funding group will get together in the next week One of their primary focuses will be to expand the membership of that group. Mark asked if the skateboard park was located on the Tigard Street site,would property ownership be transferred from the school district to the city? Dan responded that it would probably be either a property transfer or long-term lease, but the details are yet to be worked out. Ken asked about liability. Dan responded that an intergovernmental agreement(IGA)would address those issues. Ron suggested getting a neighborhood representative involved early on in the process to ensure neighborhood buy-in. Rich responded that is the purpose of the neighborhood meeting. Tigard Youth Forum Meeting Minutes August 21,2002 Page 2 Dan commented that the city's insurance company would review elements of the final design and offer comments. Lunch Buddy Program Liz introduced the guests in attendance. Wendy distributed a handout and gave an overview of the program. She said a part-time coordinator could probably manage the program for about 40 volunteers. There are 16 volunteers participating now. Jo Schopp shared her perspective as a classroom teacher and said the lunch buddy program gives students a positive caring adult to connect with when their home circumstances may not provide that on a consistent basis. She said she could probably identify two or three students each year that could benefit from the program. Brenda Annis shared her perspective as a volunteer. She liked being able to make a difference in an hour a week and said it made her feel good to be a positive, consistent presence in her lunch buddy's life. She believes the lunch buddy program is valuable for the volunteers and the kids at a fairly low cost. Susan Koepping asked some questions about management of the volunteers for the program. Ken suggested someone who might be interested in assisting. Liz will follow-up with Susan Stark Haydon. Consensus was for Liz, Susan Stark Haydon,Susan Koepping,Jennifer Brown, and Wendy Ballard Turner to meet to brainstorm options for continuing the lunch buddy program. Update on Middle School, After-School Program Donations Pam Brown and Ed Wegner were both absent so an update will be scheduled for the September meeting. Assets Survey Results Distribution Update The information will be distributed to school staff and then families after school starts. Susan Stark Haydon will contact Becky Read at Washington County regarding the status of the written material. Discussion on THPRD Liz explained that discussions on the proposed annexation of Bull Mountain residents and discussions on Senate Bill 122(service provider agreements) raise the issue of whether or not THPRD should provide recreation services to all or part of Tigard. Tigard Youth Forum Meeting Minutes August 21,2002 Page 3 Consensus of the group was that any future discussions ought to be in the context of unifying the Tigard community rather than dividing it. Robin suggested, as a starting point for the discussion, that a consortium of all recreation service providers should meet and perhaps start with a needs assessment. Other Issues Robin reported on TRA's very successful summer music event. Despite the morning rain, 200 people attended. (They were hoping for 75.) Over$400 in services and products were donated for the event. The TRA board is hoping that the event served to promote TRA and its programs. Meeting adjourned at 8:40 a.m. Next meeting September 18. 1AADWYOUTM2002WEETING AUGUST 21 MINUTES.DOC