03/19/2003 - Report Monthly Report
Mayor's Youth Forum
(Name of board, committee,task force, group, etc.)
1. Meetings were held on(list dates during month): March 19, 2003
2. Current activities (summarize): Applications will be accepted for the Youth Advisory
Council until April 16. Liz will send letters to all private schools in the city,the Middle
and High Schools, all church youth groups, and Home School organization
3. Status of long-term projects: The Skate Park Task Force will hold a meeting on April 2
to evaluate the site information and make recommendations. Then,the group will bring
its recommendations to the City Council.
4. Number of volunteer hours contributed this month(noted number of volunteers and total
hours). 9 x 1.5 = 13.5 hours
5. Attachments (include notifications, sign-in sheets, minutes, reports,press releases,
proposals, etc.) - List: March 19 minutes
6. Any items to be scheduled for on the Council tentative agenda(list item and date):
7. Status of members—are there any members scheduled to have their terms expire in the
next four months? Are any members indicating that they plan to retire,move or resign
soon? Please give details. N/A
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Youth Forum
Wednesday, March 19, 2003
Present: Mayor Jim Griffith, Liz Newton, Rich Carlson, Pam Brown, Bill Dickinson, Sheila
Kendall, Susan Stark Haydon, Bill Monahan, Ed Wegner, Ken Scheckla, Louise Myers,
Jonathan Cueto, Dan Lumley, Carla Remeschatis
Mayor Griffith opened the meeting at 7:40 a.m.
Bellevue Youth Program— Liz reported on her visit to Bellevue. She earlier sent a summary report to
each member of the Youth Forum. Liz displayed a document which contains a record of the activities
of the City of Bellevue over the past years. An overview of the program, a description of the
involvement of students and adults, and other materials was presented by Liz. Students receive
school credit for participating in the Youth Council. The Bellevue program has been Assets based
since 1997, but their youth efforts began in 1992. Their program does not duplicate any program
already offered in the community by another public or private provider. Funding is provided by a
combination of city funds ($100,000), private donations, grants, etc. Fees are charged for some
activities. City staff oversees recreation programs and coordinate the activities.
Susan suggested that the Bellevue information could be shared with the citizens who are looking at
ways to fund programs for schools. These materials could be considered as ideas for programs that
the citizens looking at developing new funding for youth could address.
Youth Council —There are 10 applicants for the Council. Decisions need to be made regarding the
model to be used by the Youth Council, so applicants can know what their role will be. A youth fair
may be needed, planned by the Youth Council. The initial application period is through the end of
March, and then interviews will be held.
The group discussed ways to encourage other applications leading to interviews in April. The goal is
to encourage the Council to have three or four delegates to the Youth Forum. Susan noted that with
the possible cut backs in funding at schools, this program could provide students with an opportunity
to be involved in suggesting programs and priorities to be funded. In the future decisions need to be
made when the youth will meet, where, and how often. Those decisions can be made after the
interview process. Parental involvement may be encouraged.
Liz asked for input as to who should be on the interview panel. Martha Flotten, Sheila Kendall and
Pam Brown will be interviewing. Parents will be encouraged to participate.
Susan reported that the application made by the Forum and district for the AmeriCorp grant was not
approved; however, a new round of funding will be available.
The application process for the Youth Council will be extended, a press release issued and letters
sent to organizations from which applicants could be generated. Church groups, organizations,
private schools, and others will be contacted.
The application deadline could be extended to mid-April to allow for interviews in April. Liz will work
on contacting the various entities soliciting applications.
Skate Park—Rich reported that the City has completed a matrix which evaluates a number of
potential sites. The issue of funding is uncertain given the funding needs. A decision is needed first
where the site of the skate park will be. A meeting will be held on April 2 where the Task Force will
evaluate the site information and make recommendations. Then, the group will bring its
recommendations to the City Council.
The group discussed the Clean Water Services property and Tigard High School sites as well as City
Hall, Fowler Middle School and others.
Jonathan Cueto of Washington County discussed a Health Fair which will be held on August 19 at the
new Washington County clinic by the Safeway center. It will be a Teen Health Fair. Jonathan
distributed information and a map on how the fair will be set up. Participants will go through stations
like a Monopoly board where they will make decisions. Sometimes consequences will be given to
participants. Community partners will be part of the event, showing participants what resources are
available to them. The County is seeking student who want to be involved in the fair. Tigard Tualatin
School District and the City of Tigard each suggested contacts who might be able to connect youth to
the fair. A radio station also will be enlisted to help out.
Liz reported that the joint meeting of the Tigard Tualatin School District, City of Tigard, and City of
Tualatin will be held on April 3. Susan will represent the Forum and report on the direction of the
Forum and its efforts to have an Assets based Youth Council.
Dan Lumley of the Tigard Optimist Club reported on the Club's annual activity to hold a relay
fundraiser for non-profits. He reported that the relay will be held on July 19 at the Tigard High School
track. In the past the Club has had good representation from the High School but would like to get
involvement at the elementary schools and others. Activities are planned throughout the day. It is
open to any non-profit Tigard group. The goal is to raise $50,000 for those groups. Each group has a
relay team which generates sponsors for their participation. Each non-profit keeps the funds that they
raise through pledges. The walking takes place over a 12 hour period. The Optimists don't keep any
of the funds, they create the infrastructure for the fundraiser and bring in the facilities.
Carla Remeschatis reported that Tony Hawk, a professional skateboarder, donated $25,000 to
Springfield's skate park. She suggested that there are national figures who do support skate parks.
Mayor Griffith noted that the Urban Hope International has a program scheduled for tomorrow at
Tigard High School. In addition, Susan noted that Urban Hope will be conducting after school music
programs at the Tigard High School. Louise noted that the founder of Urban Hope has visited the
library and is discussing ways to start funding efforts. In addition, youth involved in the Urban Hope
effort are using Tigard Library resources geared towards foundation to do research.
The next meeting of the Youth Forum is Wednesday, April 16, at 7:30 a.m.
The meeting concluded at approximately 9 a.m.
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