08/05/2003 Report Monthly Report
August 2003
Skate Park Task Force
1. Meetings were held on(list dates during month)
Fundraising meetings were held on August 5.
2. Current activities (summarize): The following is Rich Carlson's recent status report.
Lowe's Home Improvement Center donated approximately $200 in materials so that Task
Force members can build quarter pipes for the demonstration they put on at the Washington
County Teen Health Expo on Tuesday, August 19. In addition to the demonstration, the Task
Force also sold t-shirts and solicited donations and volunteers.
The next event will be the Tigard Blast, which is scheduled for the weekend of September
13. The Task Force will have a booth and put on a demonstration at that event as well.
Beginning in September, monthly meeting nights will change to the first and third
Wednesday of each month. The meetings will be held at Tigard City Hall. The next meeting
will be held on September 3, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. at Tigard City Hall. They will be completing
their preparation for the Tigard Blast, as well as planning for future fundraising events.
Status of long-term projects:
The major long-term project continues to be fundraising.
4. Number of volunteer hours contributed this month(noted number of volunteers and total
hours). n/a
5. Attachments (include notifications, sign-in sheets, minutes, reports, press releases,
proposals, etc.) n/a
6. Any items to be scheduled for on the Council tentative agenda(list item and date): n/a
7. Status of members—are there any members scheduled to have their terms expire in the
next four months? Are any members indicating that they plan to retire, move or resign
soon? Please give details. N/A