12/03 & 12/17/2003 Report Monthly Report
December 2003
Skate Park Task Force
1. Meetings were held on(list dates during month)
Fundraising meetings were held on December 3 and 17.
2. Current activities (summarize): The following is Rich Carlson's recent status report.
The Task Force will begin planning for the Jan 28 meeting to expand task force membership when we get together on Jan 7.
In addition,the Task Force has been invited to the Jan 27 City Council meeting to discuss the future of the Skate Park.
Please mark all three dates on your calendar.
We will also be making presentations to the PSO's in January in order to encourage involvement from interested students
and parents. The following have volunteered to make presentations:
CFT--Yesenia and Tyler, 1/6 at 6PM
Deer Creek--Greg and Tyler, 1/13 at 7PM
Durham--Yesenia and Tyler, 1/20 at 7PM
Templeton--Tyler, 1/8 at 7PM
Fowler--Yesenia and Steve, 1/13 at 7PM
Twality--Sam, Maycell,and Greg, 1/6 at 7PM
Tigard High--Greg,Tyler,and Michael, 1/15 at 7PM
(Meeting at 7534 SW Ashford Street)
Metzger-- ?
MaryWoodward-- ? 1/12 at 8:45AM
Status of long-term projects:
The major long-term project continues to be fundraising. Rich Carlson continues to look
for additional adults to join the Task Force's fundraising efforts. Over $2,000 has been
donated to the skate park fund in honor of Mayor Griffith. The balance in the account
now is approximately $3,600.
4. Number of volunteer hours contributed this month (noted number of volunteers and total
hours). n/a
5. Attachments (include notifications, sign-in sheets, minutes, reports,press releases,
proposals, etc.) n/a
6. Any items to be scheduled for on the Council tentative agenda(list item and date): n/a
7. Status of members—are there any members scheduled to have their terms expire in the
next four months? Are any members indicating that they plan to retire, move or resign
soon? Please give details. N/A