City Center Urban Renewal Plan Substantial Amendments Proposed new text is shown in double-underline. Deleted text is shown in st6kethr-o g Explanatory language shown in italics. CITY CENTER URBAN RENEWAL PLAN Only changes shown, current plan can be viewed at: hllp://www.ti arg d or.gov/document_center/Communi . Development/urban_renewal plan.pdf I. Introduction The Plan has a duration of 20 years (see Chapter XI),meaning that no new debt will be incurred after Fiscal Year 2025/2026. The maximum amount of indebtedness(amount of tax increment financing for projects and programs)that may be issued for the Plan is Twenty- Two Million Dollars and No Cents($22,000,000). The first substantial amendment was developed in 2016 and went to voters in the May 2017 election. It amended the boundary and updated the plan as needed. II. Goals and Objectives No changes to this section III. Outline of projects No changes to this section IV. Map and Legal Description of Urban Renewal Area Map and Legal Description are replaced in their entirety. V. Urban Renewal Projects No changes to this section VI. Relationship to Local Objectives B. Tigard Comprehensive Plan Goals and Policies (Comprehensive Plan has been updated since original City Center Urban Renewal Plan adoption) Pokey 3.4.2 The City Sha14-- D-ateet F sh and wildlife f L..,L.44.,1eng st.o.,.v, eaffider-s 1...managing the D,.1;...,2 c 1 Y-UTTVT-= � wneh• ,:1 ide for opeuspuee,reeFe4 en !a-ads, faEilities and preserve resoufees. Polie ,z c z The City has designated the 100 Year-Floodplain of Fai+ne Creek, its tr-ibu4ar-ies, and the T-tialatin River-as Gr-eeaway,whieh will be the baekbene of the open spaee system. Where Landfill and4or-development are allowed within or-adjaeent to the 100 Yeaf Floodplain,the City shall r-equir-e the eefisider-eAiefl f died-i-e-Atieft of sti fieie„A open land area for greenway adjoining and within the floodplain. Poliey 3.5.4 The City shall provide an inter-eenneeted pedestr-ian�bike path thfoughout the 04�- PE)Iiey 3.7.1 > site, NATURAL RESOURCES AND HISTORIC AREAS. Goal 5.1:Protect natural resources and the environmental and ecological_functions they provide, and to the extent feasible, restore natural resources to create naturally functioning systems and high levels ofbiodiversity. Policy 7: The City shall protect and restore riparian and upland habitats to the maximum extent feasible on public and private lands. Goal 5.2:Promote the preservation and protection ofhistorically and culturally significant resources. The Plan identifies Parks,Public Spaces and Bicycle/Pedestrian Facilities projects, including but not limited to the Fanno Park Improvements,Urban Creek/Green Corridor and Urban Green Spaces projects,which will further the Comprehensive Plan's Natural Areas policy objectives. In addition to preserving and upgrading existing parks and natural areas such as Fanno Creek Park,the Plan will facilitate the creation of"green" amenities and pedestrian/bicycle facilities that will provide new active and passive recreational opportunities for residents, downtown workers and visitors and improve connectivity between downtown and adjacent neighborhoods. Pokey 5.1 = The City shall improve and enhanee the pe4iefis of the eei+#al btisiness distr-iet as the feeal peipA for- 0 0 sidef4ial,business, eivie and pr-efessiona4 aetivity er-eating a diversified and eeonomioally viable core area. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Goal 9.1:Develop and maintain a strong, diversified, and sustainable local economy. Policy 1: The City shall establish strategies to retain and encourage the growth ofexistine businesses. Policy S: The City shall promote well-designed and efficient development and redevelopment of vacant and underutilized industrial and commercial lands. One of the Plan's stated goals is to"Promote high quality development of retail, office and residential uses that support and are supported by public streetscape,transportation, recreation and open space investments."The Plan identifies intersection improvements, such as the Hall Blvd/99 W Intersection Improvements project,road widening and realignment projects and other street projects that will improve circulation and access in and around downtown. In addition,the Plan authorizes streetscape projects and pedestrian/bicycle improvements that will make downtown safer and more accessible to pedestrians and bicyclists by filling in gaps in the existing sidewalk system,providing new or upgraded bike lanes, and establishing new multiuse trails and pedestrian crossings. Finally,the Plan includes parks,public spaces and public facilities projects that will make downtown a more appealing place to do business and facilitate the transition of existing industrial and auto-oriented uses to locations outside of the Central Business District. Pokey 6.1.1 The City shall pr-ovide an oppeAunity for-a diversity E)f housing densities an HOUSING Goal 10.1:Provide opportunities for a variety ofhousing types to meet the diverse housing needs of current and future City residents. Policy 1: The City shall adopt and maintain land use policies. codes, and standards that provide opportunities to develop a variety of housing types that meet the needs.Preferences. and financial capabilities of Ti a�present and future residents. Policy S: The City shall provide for high and medium density housing in areas such as town centers (Downtown), regional centers (Washington Sauare). and along transit corridors where employment opportunities, commercial services, transit, and other public services necessary to support higher population densities are either present or planned for in the uture. In addition to financing the programs described in Section IV,the Plan includes public improvements projects that will make the Area a more attractive and viable location for new, high quality medium- and high-density residential development in downtown Tigard. Policy 4�1r1 - T the 1:.,.,bility OfT-iga-,1 b. ' Wiper-laeration and design E)f tfa-i}Sp i4 ti9 f eil•+:es; a vrcu ii-ztc icrcr,-aixcr b. Efieetifaging pedestrian aeeessibility by pr-evidifig safe, seetife and desirable pedestfian routes. Policy 4 1 7 z transpefttation(i•3eliading motor-vehiel' ieyell deet-;a transit and the- , , ccccJcrncrrcrrarsrcuixcr-vcrrcr a. The development of and implementation ofpublie street st.,...a.,.- s that feeognize the ffmki purpose fiatofe of the street fight of way for t444�-, p€de stfian,vieyele,tatansit,tfl}"ckzriid atitouse; 1. Coo-,din do . .;tl. Tr-; met and/or-. other-t-.,ns t pfovide s g T;,..,f t o t ansit sefN,tee to Tigard. Fixe r-oute t-ansit. .;11 pfimafib,use aftefial and eolleetof streets in Tigard. Development adjaeent to tfansit routes e. Gefistftietion of bieyele lanes on all af:teiifcr3-and rcvacvcvi-s=within rgcricr eensistent with the>?:eyele Master-Plan. All s,.1.00ls afks ubli. f4e lige., and fetail 0 aveaee0 ss to a bikeway; publie f4eilities and retail afeas shall str-ive to have dir-eet aeeess to a sidewalk. f Twig Weal streets eaeoiir-age a o,l etiof i trip lefigth by p idif g .tiy t.., v.to«s and destinations. ,;th a pfier-it-y for 1.;eyelo and pedestfia eennt• and o , �� l Tiga f.1 , ,:11 stippeft the development of., . „to«rail system. paA of the r-egiefial transit fietwaf Poli y 8.1.3 pfogfafli of —Weation and • Pohey 8.1.5 Develop t.-.,,-,spai4a4io,-, foe l;ties whiek ., aeeessible to all members of the eoffifymaity and minimize out of dir-eetion tFavel by: a. The design and eonstmetion of tFa-aspet4a4ion faeilities to meet Fe ements of the Amer-ie-ans with isabilities AEt; a*d b The development of neighbor-hood and loeal conneetions to provide adequate CiFeulation in and out of the neighbor-hoods. Policy 4 mC7 T1 r-c��-- The Gity shall plan feF a safe and e�fieiefit street and foadway system that meets etwent needs and.,beep e fittur-e ,. .th .,,tea development. poliey 8.3.1 The City shall coordinate with T,-: Met r„PFovide F r. public r-ansir Meets the needs ,. oe f both the ,ter .,ncl r e ga-,1 community; • oes o ece > f thTi 1. ,1dFeSSeS the s .,1 df r,-ansit dependent population; • Ao roos oen e. Re"ees polliation and tr- ,1 D edttees efiefff eensum.r' poliey 8.3.2 The City shall 0 e the e"ansion and ttse,.4',-.,, lie r,-.resit b) Loeating land intensive USeS ifi elOSe PF i ill I t;a isitway s; and e. Su ting e f fo fts by TF met and vtheF gFOUPS t6PFvvide fOF theneeds of tnc i disadvantaged, poliey 9.5.1 0destria and 1.:eyelo, of ande .ter movement: al ..al4s of the o � o 0 City,by developing the pa4hway system shown on the adepte Pedesr,-iaff'Bike..ay Plan. TRANSPORTATION Goal 12.3:Provide an accessible, multi-modal transportation system that meets the mobility needs of the community. Policv 4: The City shall support and prioritize bicycle, pedestrian, and transit improvements for transportation disadvantaged populations who may be dependent on travel modes other than private automobile. Policy 6: The City shall require development ad iacent to transit routes to provide direct pedestrian accessibility. Policy 8: The City shall design allProiects on Tigard city streets to encourage Pedestrian and bicycle travel. Goal 12.4:Maintain and improve transportation system safety. Policy 2: The City shall coordinate with appropriate agencies to Provide safe, secure. connected, and desirable pedestrian, bicycle, and public transit facilities. In conjunction with proposed street improvements,the Plan provides for new bike lanes and sidewalks as well as upgrades to inadequate bicycle and pedestrian facilities. These projects will increase multimodal access and circulation throughout the Area. Further,to improve neighborhood livability and create a visually appealing streetscape environment that draws residents and visitors to downtown and promotes more active commercial, recreation and entertainment uses, landscape improvements, street trees, street furniture and other streetscape improvements are identified as key components of the Plan. Poliey 11.1.1 The redevelopment of downtown Tigard shall be aceomplished in order-to make it eomplementary to newer shopping areas. Convenience, appear-anee and the nee of the s1,,.....;ng p4lie shou4d be primary eeasider-ations. Pokey 11.6.3 Reqttir-e that all development pei:fnitted in Aetion Areas be designed to faeilitate pedestrian,v .tet within the,en. e r-and to transit. SPECIAL PLANNING AREAS-DOWNTOWN Goal 15.1: The City will promote the creation of a vibrant and active urban village at the heart of the community that is pedestrian oriented, accessible by many modes of ransnortation. recognizes natural resources as an asse4 and features a combination of uses at enable people to live, work. play, and shop in an environment that is uniau-& T' r Goal 15.2:Facilitate the development of an urban village. Policy 5:Downtown design, development and provision shall emphasize public safety. accessibility, and attractiveness as primary objectives. Goal 15.4:Develop comprehensive street and circulation improvements for pedestrians. automobiles, bicycles, and transit. Policy 1: The downtown shall be served by a complete array of multi-modal transportation services including auto, transit, bike, and pedestrian facilities. Policy 5: Streetscape and public area design shall focus on creating a pedestrian friendly environment without the visual dominance by automobile-oriented uses. Proposed pedestrian and bicycle improvements, such as the Commuter Rail Access and Tigard Street/Grant Pedestrian/Bicycle Crossing projects,will provide safe and convenient pedestrian access to local shops and transit. In addition, streetscape improvements along Main Street, Burnham Street,Commercial Street and other Area roadways will make downtown a more accommodating,pedestrian-oriented commercial district than it is today. Lastly,public facilities projects such as the Performing Arts Center and Public Market will generate support for new and existing businesses that provide entertainment and recreational options for downtown visitors. Plan,Goal 1: Livabih-ty manner- Deny—Efieettr-age pedestrian aeees^;1,�ybyy safe, seetr-e and desirable pedestfian r-atites. (36 7: Balanced T,-.,.,s,,oft.,t;.,n System t spvrtatie ng mato r'ehicle,bicycle,pedestria tr-ansit end other-modes) Pohey 1 Develop and implement publie stfeet standards that Fe 0 the multi p o .,t„«o .file st feet r ght of, for„t;l;t y ede t fia vnycre, crccrrsr, cruck-and ucrcouse. r-vixcy 3 Bieyele lanes midst be eefistnueted on all after-ials and eelleetor-s- within Tigaf,1 eonsistent with the Bicycle Master-Plan(y.,ith nst, etion o ,.,-, stFuet; projects). A 11 ..L. r., r schools, -ks „b.lie foe lities .,n of :l P-ovlicy 4 Sidewalks mast be eonstfuet@d on all streets within Tigard(witeens4iietion of h o foe lities and Fetal areas shall have dire.t aeeess to ., sidewalk. Po hey 6 7 . .,1 streets shall be designed to o r0.7 etioa i., t«:, o length by p ;,ing, eet;. ;ty and limiting out of dire.tie tra of Po4ey TT-i^gafrwill sccppeft the deyeelepmeR4 of a co mffmterr-ail systei�3 as paA of the Fegional transit aetwofii& Goal 3! Safety Strive to aehieve a safe tFanspe4ation system by developing street standards, aeeess management poheies and speed eantrels"N,hei3 PE)Iiey3 Sa=e and secure pedestrian and bikewa,s sl}all be design , between paFlis and at4ef -s in Tigar-d. the eamn+Hnity and minimize otit of direetion travel. Pohey 1 Design and eenstfuet tfafispoAation 4eilities to meets r-e"ir-emeats of the Amer-ieafis with Disabilities Aet. Pohey 2 Develop neighbefhood and Weal eenneetiens to Goal 6: Goods MEweme Pokey Design arterial rroutes,highway ucce-Ssand acijuccircland uses in ways that f,.:hate the e f fieient,,, 0„4 of goods and C. Transportation System Plan Goals and Policies TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM PLAN Goal 2: Transportation Efficiency—Develop and maintain a transportation systemfor the ef ficient movement of people and goods. Policy 4: The city shall design arterial routes, highway access, and adiacent land uses in ways that facilitate the efficient movement ofpeople. goods. and services. Goal 3:Multi-modal Transportation System—Provide an accessible, multi-modal transportation system that meets the mobility needs of the community. Policy S: The city shall require development ad iacent to transit routes to Provide direct pedestrian accessibility. Policy 7: The city shall design all proiects on Tigard city streets to encourage pedestrian and bicycle travel. Goal 4:Safe Transportation System—Maintain and improve transportation system safety. Policy 2: The city shall coordinate with appropriate agencies to provide safe, secure connected and desirable pedestrian: bicycle: and public transit facilities. The Plan includes streetscape improvements and bicycle/pedestrian system improvements designed to encourage alternative modes of transportation to the automobile. By filling gaps in the existing sidewalk system,installing new bike lanes and upgrading existing bikeways to standard,the Plan will help create a complete system of bicycle and pedestrian facilities that enables pedestrians and bicyclists to commute safely and efficiently to and within downtown. The Plan includes street improvements that will address motor vehicle needs in and around downtown Tigard. Projects such as the Scoffins Street/Hall Boulevard/Hunziker Realignment and Highway 99W intersection improvements will reduce congestion and improve circulation while creating a safer environment for drivers,pedestrians and bicyclists. D. City of Tigard Park System Master Plan "Thfough building eenneetions,the City of Tigafd will pf&vide a park system t .Bala ees the impaets of gr-.,..t and: g density...:4h pafks and greet+ways; the City; -D,-,.yides safe and well maintained parks and reereation fae l;t;os.� .D,-,.yides for o f fe.five and o ,.ally.sound management,.4'p b.lieresoure maintenanee � » Chapter-Six Reeemmendations provides detailed r-eeemmendations for-paf4E faeikties, >managemefA, ok eandition, ireereational o 0 and provide aecess > > for people with disabilifies," . "Provide a intereonne to 1. ]opt ,..,,]b;eyele system that links T;...,r 's .. o0 0s nowor-k , sehools, and eommereial eentefs;' u E6rr mere-ial area PARKS.RECREATION. TRAILS,AND OPEN SPACE Goal 8.2: Create a Citywide network ofinterconnected on-and off-road pedestrian and bicycle trails. Policy 1: The City shall create and interconnected regional and local system of on-and ofd road trails and paths that link together neighborhoods,parks: open spaces: maior urban activity centers and regional recreational opportunities utilizing both public property and easements on private property. The Plan includes multiple projects that support the City's park system vision and recommendations. In particular,the Fanno Creek Park Improvements and Enhanced Pedestrian Bridge,Urban Creek/Green Corridor and Urban Green Spaces projects will upgrade and increase multimodal access to existing parks and open space areas and create new green space and recreational areas that will draw residents, shoppers and visitors to downtown Tigard. VII. Proposed Land Uses No changes to this section VIII. Property Acquisition and Disposition No changes to this section IX. Relocation Methods No changes to this section X. Tax Increment Financing of Plan No changes to this section XI. Duration of Plan No changes to this section XII. Future Amendments to Plan No changes to this section