Ordinance No. 18-06 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON
WHEREAS, in early 2015, Tigard City Council substantially amended Tigard Municipal Code Chapter 3.24
related to transportation and parks system development charges (SDCs) as well as adopted corresponding SDC
methodology reports;and
WHEREAS, since that time, staff from several departments with roles in the administration of the SDC
program—including Finance, Public Works, Community Development, and the City Attorney—have worked
to identify administrative issues with the adopted documents and developed recommendations;and
WHEREAS, in August 2016, Council directed staff to incorporate additional policy direction into the City's
code, specifically related to allowing additional credits beyond what is required for qualified public
improvements and allowing an exemption for city transportation and park SDCs where the project meets
certain criteria as a regulated affordable housing development;and
WHEREAS, the adopted transportation and park SDC methodology reports state that the city "may exempt
specific classes of development from the requirement to pay SDCs"as a matter of policy;and
WHEREAS,there is an identified need for affordable housing in the city and the proposed exemption removes
a financial barrier to the development of more affordable housing;and
WHEREAS, the proposed code provides for the efficient administration of the city's SDC program and
advances the city's goals for walkability,connectivity,and livability.
SECTION 1: Chapter 3.24 of the Tigard Municipal Code is hereby repealed,in its entirety, and replaced
to read as shown on the attached Exhibit A.
SECTION 2: If any provision of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstances
is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of the
ordinance which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application,and to this
end the provisions of this ordinance are severable. This City Council hereby declares that it
would have adopted this ordinance irrespective of the invalidity of any particular portion
thereof and intends that the invalid portions should be severed and the balance of the
ordinance be enforced.
SECTION 3: This ordinance shall be effective 30 days after its passage by the council, signature by the
mayor,and posting by the city recorder.
Page 1
PASSED: By /Y14. rill.-41x vote of all council members present after being read by number
and title onY'y,this CO day of fret-M-1/1 ,2018.
Kelly Burgoyne,Deputy City Recorder
APPROVED: By Tigard City Council this 64 day of M A( t ,2018.
John. ook,Mayor
Approved as to form:
City Attor e
Page 2
Exhibit A
Chapter 3.24 SYSTEM connection to a capital improvement. The
DEVELOPMENT SDCs created and imposed by this chapter are
CHARGE PROGRAM separate from, and in addition to, any
applicable tax, assessment, charge, fee in lieu
Sections: of assessment, or fee otherwise provided by
law or imposed as a condition of development.
3.24.010 Purpose The SDC Administrative Procedures Guide
3.24.020 System Development provides additional detail on implementation
Charge of SDCs.
3.24.030 Definitions
3.24.040 Charge Imposed 3.24.030 Definitions
3.24.050 Methodology
3.24.060 Project List For purposes of this chapter, the following
3.24.070 Expenditures definitions apply:
3.24.080 Payment
3.24.090 Installment Payments "Administrator"means the person, or persons,
3.24.100 Exemptions appointed by the city to manage and implement
3.24.110 Credits the SDC program or portions thereof.
3.24.120 Notice
3.24.130 Accounting "Applicant" means the person who applies for
3.24.140 Appeals a land use decision or building permit.
3.24.150 Prohibited Connection
3.24.160 Penalty "Building official" means the person, or
3.24.170 Severability designee, certified by the state and designated
as such to administer the state building codes
3.24.010 Purpose for the city.
This chapter is intended to implement the "Building permit" means the permit issued by
authority provided in ORS 223.297 through a building official, as required by the State of
223.314 by adopting and imposing system Oregon Structural Specialty Code Section
development charges (SDCs) to pay for the 105.1 or the Oregon Residential Specialty
installation, construction, extension, and Code Section 105.1. In addition, "building
expansion of the city's water, sanitary sewer, permit" means a manufactured home
stormwater, park, and transportation systems. installation permit issued by the building
The purpose of SDCs is to impose a portion of official, relating to the placement of
the cost of capital improvements for these manufactured homes in the city.
systems upon those developments that create
the need for or increase the demands on these "Capital improvements" mean facilities, real
systems. (Ord. 15-08 §2) property, or assets used for the following:
3.24.020 System Development 1. Water: supply, treatment, or
Charge distribution;
An SDC is a reimbursement fee, an 2. Sanitary sewer: wastewater collection,
improvement fee, or a combination thereof transmission,treatment, or disposal;
imposed on a subject property at the time of
increased usage of a capital improvement or
3-24-1 Code Update: 3/18
3. Stormwater: water quality or quantity past 18 months prior to the date of application
management, drainage, or flood control; for a building permit,or land use decision if no
building permit is required. Where the subject
4. Parks: active or passive parks, open property was used simultaneously for several
space, or recreational trails; or different uses (mixed-use) then all of the
specific use categories will be considered for
5. Transportation. purposes of this chapter. Where the previous
use was composed of a primary use with one or
"City"means the City of Tigard, Oregon. more ancillary uses that supported the primary
use and were owned and operated in common,
"Condition of development approval" means the primary use will be deemed to be the sole
any requirement imposed on an applicant by previous use of the subject property for
the city or county as part of a land use decision purposes of this chapter.
or building permit approval.
"Project list"means the list adopted by the city
"County"means Washington County, Oregon. pursuant to Section 3.24.060.
"Credit" means the amount by which an "Proposed use"means the use proposed by the
applicant may be able to reduce an SDC as applicant for the subject property. Where the
provided in this chapter. applicant proposes several different uses
(mixed-use) then all of the specific use
"Development"means a building or other land categories will be considered for purposes of
construction, including a physical change in this chapter. Where the proposed use is
the use of a structure or land, in a manner composed of a primary use with one or more
which increases the demand on or creates the ancillary uses that support the primary
need for new or enlarged capital proposed use and are owned and operated in
improvements. common,the primary use will be deemed to be
the sole proposed use of the subject property
"Duplex" means two attached single-family for purposes of this chapter.
residential dwelling units on a single lot.
"Qualified public improvement" means any
"Improvement fee" means the SDC for costs capital improvement that increases the capacity
associated with capital improvements to be of the city's system and is:
1. Required as a condition of
"Multifamily housing" means three or more development approval;
attached residential dwelling units located on a
single lot. 2. Identified as a need and included on
the project list; and
"Over-capacity"means that portion of a capital
improvement that is built larger or with greater 3. Not located on or contiguous to the
capacity than is necessary to serve the subject property; or
development or to mitigate for system impacts
attributable to the development. 4. Located contiguous to or in whole or
in part on the subject property and, in the
"Previous use" means the most intensive use opinion of the administrator, is required to
conducted at the subject property within the be built larger or with greater capacity
3-24-2 Code Update: 3/18
(over-capacity) than is necessary to serve "SDC Administrative Procedures Guide"
the development of the subject property or means the administrative rules adopted by the
to mitigate for system impacts attributable city for the implementation of this chapter.
to the development of the subject property.
There is a rebuttable presumption that "Single-family dwelling unit" means one
improvements built to the city's minimum detached residential dwelling unit, or one-half
standards are required to serve the of a duplex, or one row house.
development and to mitigate for system
impacts attributable to the development. 3.24.040 Charge Imposed
"Regulated affordable housing" means A. SDCs may be established and revised by
housing that is made affordable through public resolution of the city council. The resolution
subsidies or statutory regulations that restrict must include the amount of the charge;the type
or limit resident income levels or rents. To be of permit to which the charge applies; the
considered regulated affordable housing, units methodology used to set the amount of the
must: charge; and, if the charge applies to a
geographic area smaller than the entire city,the
1. Have a local, state, or federal geographic area subject to the charge.
compliance agreement or contract;
B. Unless otherwise exempted by the
2. Be affordable to households at or provisions of this chapter or any other
below 80% Median Family Income as applicable local or state law, an SDC is hereby
defined annually by Housing and Urban imposed upon all development within the city
Development (HUD) for the Portland- or outside the city boundaries pursuant to an
Vancouver Metropolitan Statistical Area intergovernmental agreement. SDCs are
(MSA); and imposed where development makes a
connection to the city's systems or where
3. Remain regulated affordable housing development increases the demand on the
units for a minimum of 20 years from the city's systems.
date of occupancy.
C. Any fee imposed or required to be paid,
"Reimbursement fee"means the SDC for costs assessed, or collected as part of a local
associated with capital improvements already improvement district or in lieu of a local
constructed,or under construction when the fee improvement district assessment,or the cost of
is established, for which the city determines complying with requirements or conditions
that capacity exists. imposed by a building permit or land use
decision, are separate from and in addition to
"Residential dwelling unit" means a building SDCs and may not be used as a credit against
or a portion of a building consisting of one or any SDC.
more rooms that includes sleeping, cooking,
and plumbing facilities and are arranged and 3.24.050 Methodology
designed as permanent living quarters for one
family or household. A. The city will adopt an SDC methodology
by resolution of the city council for each SDC
"Row house"means an attached single-family imposed. The methodology establishes the
residential dwelling unit on a single lot. improvement fee or reimbursement fee and the
method for calculating a development's
3-24-3 Code Update: 3/18
proportional share of the city's capital 3.24.060 Project List
improvement costs.
A. The project list adopted by city council
B. The methodology used to establish the must:
reimbursement fee must be based on
ratemaking principles employed to finance 1. List the capital improvement projects
publicly-owned capital improvements; prior that may be funded with improvement
contributions by existing system users; gifts or fees; and
grants from federal or state government or
private persons; the value of unused capacity 2. List the estimated cost, percentage of
available to future system users; the cost of costs eligible for improvement fee funding,
existing capital improvements; or other and timing of construction for each capital
relevant factors identified by the city council. improvement project.
Future system users will contribute an
equitable share of the cost of existing capital B. The administrator may,at any time,amend
improvements. the project list, including adding or removing
projects or changing the estimated cost,
C. The methodology used to establish the percentage of cost eligible for improvement fee
improvement fee must be based on the funding, or timing of construction for each
projected cost of capital improvements capital improvement project on the list.
identified in the project list adopted pursuant to Amendments must be consistent with the city's
Section 3.24.060 that are needed to increase the adopted goals, policies, and system master
capacity of the system to which the fee is plans or as otherwise determined by the
related and for which the need for increased administrator to be necessary for the public's
system capacity will be required to serve the health, safety, and welfare.
demands placed on the system by future system
users. C. If an SDC will be increased by a proposed
project list amendment to include a capacity-
D. The methodology may also provide for increasing capital improvement, the city must
periodic indexing of system development provide notice of the proposed amendment to
charges for inflation, as long as the index is: the persons who have requested written notice
under Section 3.24.120 at least 30 days prior to
1. A relevant measurement of the average the adoption of the proposed amendment. The
change in prices or costs over an identified city will hold a public hearing if a written
time period for materials, labor, real request for a hearing on the proposed
property or a combination of the three; amendment is received at least 7 days prior to
the date the proposed amendment is scheduled
2. Published by a recognized for adoption.
organization or agency that produces the
index or data source for reasons that are 3.24.070 Expenditures
independent of the system development
charge methodology; and A. Reimbursement Fees.Reimbursement fees
may be spent only on capital improvements to
3. Incorporated as part of the established which the fees are related, including
methodology or identified and adopted in a expenditures relating to repayment of
separate ordinance,resolution or order. indebtedness.
3-24-4 Code Update: 3/18
B. Improvement Fees. 1. Calculation. SDCs are calculated
based on the fees in effect at the time of
1. Improvement fees may be spent only submittal of the complete building or
on capacity-increasing capital plumbing permit application to which the
improvements to which the fees are fees relate. If a building or plumbing
related, including expenditures relating to permit is not required and a land use
repayment of indebtedness. A capital decision is required, SDCs are calculated
improvement increases capacity when it based on the fees in effect at the time of
increases the level of performance or submittal of the complete land use
service provided by an existing facility or application to which the fees relate.
provides a new facility. The portion of the
improvement funded by the improvement 2. Due and payable. Water SDCs are due
fee must be related to the need for and payable upon purchase of a water
increased capacity to provide service for meter.All other SDCs are due and payable
future users. upon issuance of the building or plumbing
permit to which the fees relate. If a
2. A capital improvement funded in building or plumbing permit is not required
whole or in part by an improvement fee and a land use decision is required, all
must be included on the project list other SDCs are due and payable upon
adopted by the city pursuant to Section issuance of the land use decision to which
3.24.060. the fees relate.
3. Notwithstanding Subsections B.1 and B. The city may not issue a required building
B.2 of this section, SDCs may be spent on permit or allow a connection to the city's
the costs of complying with the provisions systems until all applicable SDCs have been
of this chapter, including the costs of paid in full; deferral has been approved
developing SDC methodologies and pursuant to Section 3.24.080.D; exemption has
providing an annual accounting of SDC been granted pursuant to Section 3.24.100; or
funds. installment payment arrangements have been
made pursuant to Section 3.24.090.
C. SDCs may not be spent on the following:
C. If development commences or a
1. Costs associated with the construction connection is made to the city's water,sanitary
of administrative office facilities that are sewer, or stormwater systems without the
more than an incidental part of a capital required building permit or land use approval,
improvement; or all applicable SDCs will be immediately due
and payable.
2. Costs associated with the operation or
routine maintenance of capital D. Notwithstanding Subsection A.2 of this
improvements. section, the applicant may apply for a deferral
of payment of transportation or park SDCs to
3.24.080 Payment occupancy.The administrator may only grant a
deferral in cases where the amount due exceeds
A. SDCs are calculated and are due and the amount of a transportation or park SDC on
payable as follows: a single-family dwelling unit.The request must
be made in writing to the administrator no later
3-24-5 Code Update: 3/18
than the time of building permit application or, 3.24.100 Exemptions
if no building permit is required, then upon
land use application. Any deferred SDC must The following types of development are
be paid in full prior to the issuance of an exempt from payment of SDCs:
occupancy permit. The amount of
transportation or park SDC due on deferred A. Structures and uses existing on or before
obligation will be the amount in effect at the the effective date of the resolution that sets the
time of issuance of the building permit. amount of an SDC, except for connections to
the city's water or sanitary sewer systems made
3.24.090 Installment Payments after such date.
A. When an SDC is due and payable, the B. Additions to single-family dwelling units
applicant may apply for payment in 20 semi- that do not constitute the addition of a dwelling
annual installments, secured by a lien on the unit, as defined by the building code adopted
property upon which the development is to pursuant to TMC 14.04.
occur or to which the utility connection is to be
made, to include the SDC along with the C. Alterations, additions, replacements or
following: changes in use that do not increase the
development's use of a capital improvement.
1. Interest on the obligation at the rate
stated in the city's master fees and charges. D. Regulated affordable housing, from city
If no rate is set, then the interest on the transportation and park SDCs only.
obligation will default to prime rate as
published by the Wall Street Journal the 3.24.110 Credits
day of application plus four percent; and
A. Reimbursement fee credits.No credits may
2. Any and all costs,as determined by the be given for reimbursement fees.
administrator, incurred by the city in
establishing payment schedules and B. Improvement fee credits. The following
administering the collections process. activities are eligible for improvement fee
B. An applicant requesting installment
payments has the burden of demonstrating the 1. Change of use. Credits will be issued
applicant's authority to assent to the imposition in an amount equal to the existing SDC
of a lien on the property and that the property attributable to the previous use when a
interest of the applicant is adequate to secure change of use occurs. The credit so
payment of the lien. computed may not exceed the calculated
SDC. The applicant is not entitled to a
C. The administrator will record the lien with refund if an SDC for the proposed use is
the county as a lien on the property for the less than the same SDC attributable to the
amount of the SDC together with the costs in previous use. Previous use credits will be
Subsections A.1 and A.2 of this section. The automatically calculated and applied by
lien is enforceable in the manner provided in the administrator.
ORS Chapter 223 and is superior to all other
liens pursuant to ORS 223.230. 2. Property donation. Credits will be
issued in an amount up to the county
market value of real property donated to
3-24-6 Code Update: 3/18
the city for a future park improvement that needs or agreements associated with the
is on the project list. In lieu of county improvement.
market value, the city may require a
written appraisal as the basis for 2. Credit requests must be filed in writing
determining value at the discretion of the with the administrator on forms provided
administrator. Real property donations by the city no later than 60 days after
become eligible for credits upon recording acceptance of the improvement by the city,
of the signed deed with the county. with the exception of change of use credits
as described in Subsection 3.24.110.B.1
3. Capital improvement construction. above.
Credits will be issued for certain capital
improvements as described in Subsection 3. When construction of a capital
3.24.110.E below. improvement gives rise to a credit amount
greater than the improvement fee that
C. General provisions for improvement fee would otherwise be levied against the
credits. Improvement fee credits are subject to development, the excess credit may be
the following: applied against improvement fees that
accrue in subsequent phases of the
1. Credits must be used within 10 years development, if any.
from the date the credit is issued. Credits
expire after 10 years without the need for E. Eligible capital improvements. The
any further action by the city. following types of capital improvements are
eligible for improvement fee credits:
2. Credits may be transferable from one
development to another. 1. Qualified public improvement.Credits
for a qualified public improvement, other
3. Credits may only be used for than a park improvement,will be issued for
obligations relating to the specific SDC for the actual cost of the improvement as
which the credit was issued. approved by the administrator. Credits for
a qualified public improvement will be
D. Improvement fee credits for capital issued only for the cost of that portion of
improvements. In addition to the provisions in the improvement that exceeds the city's
Subsection above, improvement minimum standard facility size or capacity
fee credits for capital improvements are subject needed to serve the development. The
to the following: applicant has the burden of demonstrating
that a particular improvement is a qualified
1. Credits will only be issued for an public improvement.
eligible bonded or completed capital
improvement, or for a fee paid in lieu of 2. Park improvement. Credits for a park
construction of an eligible capital improvement on the project list,regardless
improvement, for the specific SDC to of whether the improvement is considered
which the improvement relates. A a qualified public improvement, will be
completed capital improvement becomes issued for up to the full cost of the
eligible for credits upon final inspection improvement. Credits are limited to costs
and conditional acceptance by the city, approved by the administrator based on
regardless of any ongoing maintenance park size and features.
3-24-7 Code Update: 3/18
3. Bicycle and pedestrian improvement. least 60 days prior to the first hearing on the
Credits for a bicycle or pedestrian proposal. The failure of a person on the list to
improvement on the project list,regardless receive a notice that was mailed does not
of whether the improvement is considered invalidate the city's subsequent action.
a qualified public improvement, will be
issued for up to the full cost of the B. The city may periodically remove persons
improvement. Credits are limited to costs from the notification list.At least 30 days prior
approved by the administrator based on to removing a person from the list, the city
facility size and materials. must notify the person that a new written
request for notification is required if the person
F. Relationship between Transportation wishes to remain on the notification list.
Development Tax and SDC credits. For any
transportation capital improvement that is C. A change in the amount of a
eligible for credits from both county reimbursement fee or improvement fee is not
Transportation Development Tax (TDT) and an amendment of the SDC or SDC
city transportation SDC, the amount of SDC methodology if the change in amount is based
credit issued will be reduced by the amount of on a change in cost of materials, labor or real
TDT credit issued. property as set forth on the project list adopted
pursuant to Section 3.24.060 or the periodic
G. Relationship between citywide and application of one or more specific cost indices
overlay SDC credits. For any transportation published by a recognized organization or
capital improvement that is eligible for credits agency and is incorporated as part of the
from both a citywide and overlay SDC, the established methodology or identified and
amount of overlay SDC credit issued will be adopted in a separate ordinance, resolution, or
reduced by the amount of citywide SDC credit order.
3.24.130 Accounting
H. In addition to Subsection 3.24.110.E.1
above, credits will be issued in an amount of A. The city will utilize standard accounting
up to half the cost of any non-qualified public practices to segregate all SDCs into separate
improvement street elements of River Terrace capital improvement system funds, and keep
Boulevard. Credits are limited to costs such funds separate from all other city funds.
approved by the administrator based on the
adopted River Terrace Boulevard cross B. The city will provide an annual accounting
section. of all SDCs funds showing the total amount of
all SDC revenues collected for each type of
3.24.120 Notice system and expended for each capital
improvement or other costs allowed by this
A. The city will maintain a list of persons who chapter.
have made a written request for notification
prior to adoption or amendment of any SDC or 3.24.140 Appeals
SDC methodology. Written notice will be
mailed to persons on the list at least 90 days A person may file an appeal in writing for the
prior to the first hearing to establish or modify following actions or decisions:
an SDC or SDC methodology. The
methodology supporting the adoption or A. Appeal of an expenditure. Appeal of an
amendment of an SDC must be available at SDC expenditure must be filed with the city
3-24-8 Code Update:3/18
within two years of the date of the alleged been incorporated herein. It is hereby declared
improper expenditure. The city council will to be the city council's intent that this chapter
determine whether the expenditure was in would have been adopted had such an
accordance with this chapter and the provisions unconstitutional provision not been included
of ORS 223.297 to 223.314. If the city council herein. •
determines that there was an improper SDC
expenditure, the city council will direct that a
sum equal to the misspent amount be deposited
to the account or fund from which it was spent
within one year of council's decision.
B. Appeal of an SDC methodology.Appeal of
an SDC methodology adopted by the city
council pursuant to Section 3.24.050 must be
filed no later than 60 days after the date of
adoption and must be contested according to
the procedure set forth in ORS 34.010 to
C. Appeal of other decisions. Appeals of
other decisions, including calculation of an
SDC charge or credit,must be filed with the
city within 30 days of the administrator's
decision that is being contested. The city
council decides all such appeals.
3.24.150 Prohibited Connection
No person may connect to the water, sanitary
sewer,or stormwater systems of the city unless
the applicable SDC has been paid.
3.24.160 Penalty
Violation of this chapter is a Class A infraction
punishable by a fine not to exceed $500.00.
3.24.170 Severability
The provisions of this chapter are severable,
and it is the intention to confer the whole or any
part of the powers herein provided for. If any
clause, section, or provision of this chapter is
declared unconstitutional or invalid for any
reason or cause, the remaining portion of this
chapter will be in full force and effect and be
valid as if such invalid portion thereof had not
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