City Council Minutes - 09/25/2001 Agenda Item No. 3,1 Meeting of /2 /1 D/ MINUTES TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 25, 2001 Council Present: Mayor Griffith, Councilors Dirksen, Moore, Patton, and Scheckla Commemorating the City of Tigord`s 401h Year! 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Griffith called the meeting to order at 6:34 p.m.. Mayor Griffith welcomed those attending this special Council meeting commemorating the City of Tigard's 40' Birthday. ❖ Pledge of Allegiance ceremony was led by Boy Scout Troop 419 2. WELCOME & READING OF PROCLAMATION — MAYOR GRIFFITH Mayor Griffith read two proclamations. The first proclamation proclaimed September 11, 2001, as the City of Tigard's 40' Anniversary, and the second proclaimed October 21-27, 2001, as World Population Awareness Week. Motion by Councilor Scheckla, seconded by Councilor Dirksen, to accept the proclamations as noted by the Mayor. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the City Council present: Mayor Griffith - Yes Councilor Dirksen - Yes Councilor Moore - Yes Councilor Patton - Yes Councilor Scheckla - Yes 3. SPECIAL GUESTS The following special guests spoke to the City Council and audience regarding their memories and congratulations to the City of Tigard upon reaching its 40`' year. ❖ Washington County Chair Tom Brian (Tigard Mayor— ]an. 1987 — December. 1988) Mr. Brian noted that he served in City government for 10 years. He advised that he has been a long-time resident of the City of Tigard, raising his three children here. He said much of Tigard's success is due to the efforts of the volunteers who serve the City of Tigard. He reviewed the building blocks of the community, which included the establishment of the Tigard Civic Center building. He also noted that Tigard was one of the first City's to have a City road bond measure pass. Mr. Brian referred to the enhancement of Tigard through improvements to Cook Park and the annexation of the Washington Square/Lincoln Center area. COUNCIL MINUTES — September 25, 2001 page 1 ❖ US Senator Ron Wyden Councilor Patton read a letter from Senator Wyden, which is on file in the City Recorder's office. ❖ US Senator Gordon Smith Councilor Moore read a letter from Senator Smith, which is on file in the City Recorder's office. ❖ US Representative David Wu Mayor Griffith read a letter from Representative Wu, which is on file in the City Recorder's office. ❖ Governor John Kitzhaber Councilor Scheckla read a letter from Governor Kitzhaber, which is on file in the City Recorder's office. ❖ Oregon Senator Ryan Deckert Mayor Griffith read a letter from Senator Deckert, which is on file in the City Recorder's office. ❖ Beaverton Mayor Rob Drake Councilor Dirksen read a letter from Mayor Drake, which is on file in the City Recorder's office. ❖ Former Mayor John Cook (Tigard Mayor- Jan. 1984 — Dec. 1986) Mr. Cook reviewed the City's incorporation that occurred in 1961. He also recalled how the property for Cook Park was purchased. He noted that he had served the City of Tigard for a total of 25 years. His service included a term as Mayor as well as participation on many boards and committees throughout the years. He said that he hoped the next 40 years would show continued growth and improvement in the City of Tigard. Former Mayor Gerald Edwards (Tigard Mayor—Jan. 1989 — March 1994) Mr. Edwards planned to attend; however, due to illness he sent regrets that he could not attend. ❖ Pioneer woman reading letter A letter was read depicting life during settlement days in the Tigard area. ❖ Tigard-Area Resident Bev Froude Mrs. Froude noted that she moved to Bull Mountain in 1964. She advised that her husband had lived on this property since 1941 before there was public COUNCIL MINUTES - September 25, 2001 page 2 water service. She said she first became involved with local government when they were concerned that Murray Boulevard was going to be extended over Bull Mountain. She challenged citizens to become informed about local government and said, "One person can make a difference." ❖ Tigard Resident Betty Moore Mrs. Moore recalled her childhood around 1923 and growing up on Main Street. She recounted anecdotes of this time period when her parents owned a grocery store on Main Street. Tigard was "a perfect little town." ❖ Tigard Resident Pat Anderson Keerins Mrs. Keerins was a long-time resident and was born at what is now known as the Windmill Park area. She said that 121" Avenue used to be called Christensen Road. Ms. Keerins submitted a letter containing a summary of her remarks. This letter is on file in the City Recorder's office. ❖ Tigard Resident Martha Bishop Mrs. Bishop, a long-time resident, volunteer, and wife of former Mayor Wilbur Bishop, recalled her early days in the City of Tigard. She noted that her husband, Wilbur Bishop, grew up in Tigard and they returned to the area after World War II and raised their family in Tigard. ❖ Tigard Resident Bibianne Scheckla Ms. Scheckla read from the book, Tigardville, a selection on the Scheckla family who settled the Tigard area. A copy of this book is available at the City of Tigard Library. ❖ State Representative Max Williams Representative Williams noted that as the City approached middle age, there were a number of problems to resolve. He noted the people of Tigard and their sense of service to their community and said it was a pleasure and honor to represent the citizens of Tigard. ❖ Tigard-Tualatin School District Superintendent Steve Lowder Mr. Lowder gave a history of the Tigard School District since 1961. In '61, the District was known as the Tigard Union District. The District is now comprised of 11,600 students. Presently, the City and School District are exploring shared uses of resources to provide opportunities for youth activities. ❖ Tigard Chamber of Commerce Representative — President Sheri Matheis Ms. Matheis extended good wishes to the City of Tigard. She noted the earlier organization responsible for forming the Chamber of Commerce was also responsible for implementing the petition to incorporate the City of Tigard. COUNCIL MINUTES — September 25, 2001 page 3 W ❖ 194 l soldier departing from Tigard. (A copy of the remarks is on file in the City Recorder's office.) ❖ Person talking about life in T"Igard at that time and City's incorporation. (A copy of the remarks is on file in the City Recorder's office.) Council meeting recessed: 8:15 p.m. Council meeting reconvened: 8:25 p.m. 4. BUSINESS MEETING 4.1 Council Communications & Liaison Reports: None. 4.2 Call to Council and Staff for Non-Agenda Items: None. 5. VISITOR'S AGENDA: No visitors signed in to speak to the City Council. 6. PROCLAMATION (noted earlier in the meeting, see Page 1). a. World Population Awareness Week, October 21-27 7. CONSENT AGENDA: Motion by Councilor Moore, seconded by Council Patton, to approve the Consent Agenda as follows: 7.1 Approve City Council Minutes: July 10, 17, 24, and August 14, 2001 7.2 Approve the Dedication of Reserve Strips as Public Rights of Way 7.3 Approve Policies for Solid Waste Rate Actions — Resolution No. 01-53-A* 7.4 Local Contract Review Board: a. Award Contract for the Construction of Embedded Crosswalk Lighting System to R. J. Rouse Electric, Inc. b. Award a Personal Services Contract for Electrical Inspections and Plan Review to Clair Company. c. Amend Purchase Order for Cook Park Master Plan Expansion — Phase I Construction for the Irrigation of Sports Fields *City Recorder's note: Resolution and ordinance numbers assigned during this meeting were inadvertently given numbers assigned to Council action items at a previous meeting. Therefore,the letter"A"was attached to the numbers for resolution and ordinances adopted at this meeting. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the City Council present: Mayor Griffith - Yes Councilor Dirksen - Yes Councilor Moore - Yes Councilor Patton - Yes Councilor Scheckla - Yes COUNCIL MINUTES — September 25, 2001 page 4 8. PUBLIC HEARING — FINALIZE FORMATION OF SANITARY SEWER REIMBURSEMENT DISTRICT NO. 20 — SW ROSE VISTA DRIVE a. Mayor Griffith opened the public hearing. b. Project Engineer Greg Berry presented the staff report, which is on file in the City Recorder's office. C. Public Testimony: None d. Mayor Griffith closed the public hearing. e. Motion by Councilor Moore, seconded by Councilor Scheckla, to approve the finalization of Sanitary Sewer Reimbursement District No. 20. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the City Council present: Mayor Griffith - Yes Councilor Dirksen - Yes Councilor Moore - Yes Councilor Patton - Yes Councilor Scheckla - Yes 9. UPDATE FROM THE NEW LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION COMMITTEE ABOUT THE RECOMMENDED SITE FOR THE PROPOSED NEW LIBRARY Library Director Margaret Barnes introduced Gary Larson and Rich Brooks of BML Architects. Mr. Larsen reviewed the placement of the proposed new library and potential location of Wall Street. He advised that there is enough area for the proposed building even with the consideration that must be given to wetlands and the floodplain. He also noted that there will be future room for growth. City Manager Monahan advised that the City was in negotiations to acquire an option on the property. 10. CONSIDER REVISING TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 13.09, REIMBURSEMENT DISTRICTS City Engineer Duenas reviewed this agenda item and presented the staff report to the City Council. A copy of the staff report is on file in the City Recorder's office. Mr. Duenas reviewed the proposed revisions to Tigard Municipal Code (TMC) Chapter 13.09, which would authorize purchasing an easement from an owner within a proposed district and allow the City to recover its cost of administering reimbursement districts as described in a memorandum submitted to the Council and contained in material on file in the City Recorder's office. COUNCIL MINUTES — September 25, 2001 page 5 Mr. Duenas advised that SEW r ammended approval of the ordInam-e, M cdon by Councilor Maorer ,seconded by CoundW P ton, to adopt OrdlInance No, 01-1 I-A. 0 RD INANC E NO, 01-I I-A — AN ORDINANCE AMIEN D INC CHA PTE R 1 3.t09, REIMBURSEMENT DISTRICTS., OF THE TIGAID MUNICIPAL CODE. The motlon was approved by a unanimous wute of the City Coundi present: Mayor GFIffidi - Yes Coundlor Uirksen Yes Coundlor Moore - Yes Coundlor Fartun Yes Cmndlor Scheckla - 'fes II. PUBLIC TKEARIN — CONSIDER REVISING TIGARD MLINICIPA.L. CODE CHAPTER 7. 10, NOISE ORDINANCE a. Mayor Griffith werled the pubic hearing, b. Planning Manager dick BewersdorfF pre mnted the staff reporx- A copy of Che staff report is on fire In rhe City Ri2eorder's oflty. Mr_ beww-* f reviewed Cvuncilsar Patron's with regard to �he Inwint of Secdon 7.40-1 — Noise Limits. He(feKrlbed how renumbering rhe Sec0011 WOUld clarlf� the Fnrens. A wrtmerr ouitne of how the smbon Is to be renumbt'red Is on file .,with the sta ff report on file in the Clty 9mrderds of Ctr C. Polk Tewnian r MJchad Tr pboifr Tigard, OR 97223, testified wi h re rd Lo issues that have occurred in his neiMrhoad mbting io a neobor who had bon urirooRerat ve in resolving-a nalse I we. He was cancemed about d* proposed ordina me's requirement to have three witnesses corroboram;i nolsa wloladon, Coundl dls d Mr. Trlgobofrs concerm and IC wa$ determined that the ordinance could be Pnended to note drat two wianesses would be sufnclern m dte a violation of the ordinance. one wirness could be a c1t 1 a-nd -one wltanew Id be an officer or City-emplo"ei. (Secticn 7.40.200) Michael Allen, 7023 SVS Barbara Lane, Tigard, OR 97223, w5vned than he limed in the same rfthlro6md as Mr. Trigobufrand cited die same probl@m wlUi the neighexw as des<ribed In Mr, Trijoixs testrnany. fle reyiewed some Imtanres of nolse that have occurred in the past with the neighbor in queriom He s,-rid they live In a small cull-de-sac and tt would be drflkrlt to obrAin three wl.tnesses to die a violation of dm r"m ordlnwce- CDTJNCIL M MUTES — September 25, 2001 Imp 6 d. Staff recommended that the ordinance be approved as submitted with amendments to Section 7.40.160 as noted from the concerns expressed by Councilor Patton, and to change the number of witnesses from three to two. It was determined that the City Attorney and Community Development Staff would work on the revisions to the ordinance while the Council reviewed the next agenda item. e. Mayor Griffith closed the public hearing. g. Council Consideration: Motion by Councilor Scheckla, seconded by Councilor Dirksen, to adopt Ordinance No. 01-13-A, with revisions as noted. ORDINANCE NO. 01-13-A — AN ORDINANCE REPEALING SECTIONS 7.40.130 THROUGH 7.40.200 OF THE TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE AND ADDING NEW SECTIONS 7.40.130, 7.40.140, 7.40.150, 7.40.160, 7.40.170, 7.40.180, 7.40.190 AND 7.40.200 TO THE TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE It was clarified that a police officer or city employee could be in place of one of the witnesses from a household. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the City Council present: Mayor Griffith - Yes Councilor Dirksen - Yes Councilor Moore - Yes Councilor Patton - Yes Councilor Scheckla - Yes 12. CONSIDER REVISING TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 2.09, BUILDING APPEALS BOARD Building Official Gary Lampella presented the staff report. Mr. Lampella proposed that Chapter 2.09 of the Tigard Municipal Code be amended to reduce the number of Building Appeals Board members from 14 to 7, making the board more functional and easier to convene. Motion by Councilor Moore, seconded by Councilor Scheckla, to adopt Ordinance No. 01- 12. ORDINANCE NO. 01-12-A — AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 2.09 OF THE TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE CHANGING THE NUMBER OF MEMBERS FROM FOURTEEN TO SEVEN. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the City Council present: COUNCIL MINUTES — September 25, 2001 page 7 Mayor Griffith - Yes Councilor Dirksen - Yes Councilor Moore - Yes Councilor Patton - Yes Councilor Scheckla - Yes A brief discussion followed after the adoption of the ordinance. Council directed that the Building Official could begin to recruit members for the Building Appeals Board. Mr. Lampella will inquire among those who have served before on the Board to determine if they wish to continue to serve. > ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS The City Manager reviewed the following: • League of Oregon Cities conference, November 9-11 in Eugene. • September 30, 2001, memorandum from Dick Bewersdorff, Planning Manager, regarding "Study of the Planned Development Ordinance" was distributed to the City Council • Information was distributed to the City Council concerning the Dick Shouten memo regarding Metro Greenspaces. • Information was reviewed regarding a house moved September 23 out of the City of Tigard. The house had been located temporarily on SW North Dakota Street. 13. COUNCIL LIAISON REPORTS: None. 14. NON AGENDA ITEMS: None. 15. EXECUTIVE SESSION: No Executive Session was called to order. 16. ADJOURNMENT: 9:33 p.m. x Attest: Catherine Wheatley, City Recorder 0 ZtJ Yay ateo Ci y of ' and: C I:\ADM\CATHY\CCM\010925.DOC COUNCIL MINUTES — September 25, 2001 page 8