City Council Minutes - 01/16/2018 a City ofTigard
= Tigard Workshop Meeting Minutes
• . January 16, 2018
A. At 6:34 p.m. Mayor Cook called the City Council workshop meeting to order.
B. Deputy City Recorder Burgoyne called the roll.
Name Present Absent
Council President Snider ✓
Councilor Woodard ✓
Councilor Anderson ✓
Mayor Cook ✓
Councilor Goodhouse ✓
C. Mayor Cook asked those in attendance to stand with him for the Pledge of Allegiance.
D. Mayor Cook asked Council and Staff for any Non Agenda Items. There were none.
Finance and Information Services Director LaFrance presented this item,gave a presentation and
provided background on budget committee members. Mr. LaFrance discussed key concepts
regarding expenditures,Tigard's growing population,how growth does not keep up with costs,
declining service levels, how the city cannot maintain its current service levels and financial
problems facing Tigard. He explained that over time, service levels have continued to decline and
said a local option levy would help maintain service levels. He said staff is currently preparing their
proposed budgets that will not assume a passed levy.
Budget Committee Member Newton asked how the city would determine what services to maintain,
and how they would come to that determination. Mr. LaFrance said staff would cover this during
the upcoming budget meetings.
Mr. LaFrance gave an overview of forecasted services and expenditures that take into account
growth in the community along with associated costs. He talked about cash reserve and said they
need to make sure there is enough money in the bank July 1 in order to make payroll and pay other
bills,because the city does not receive any revenues from property taxes until November. This
amount is approximately 25% of the city's expenditures and continues to grow.
Council President Snider said that as options become less desirable,would the city be able to borrow
funds. Mr. LaFrance replied yes,but that he has not looked to see if other communities utilize this
method and the interest rate the city would pay would not be ideal, and would create additional costs
City of Tigard 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard, OR 97223 Page 1 of 4
that would need to be budgeted. Council President Snider said he is not suggesting the city do this,
but wanted to give the public the entire picture.
Mr. LaFrance said staff have been tasked with preparing their budgets with no increases, along with
another year of cuts,which would be approximately$5 million. Staff will then be able to talk about
individual cuts in April and at this point, some of these known cuts would be to police,parks and
recreation and library. The cuts to these areas will mean the city will be reactive instead of proactive,
focusing only on emergency needs in parks maintenance, fewer programs and hours to the library
and less administrative help.
City Manager Wine said the leadership team has discussed what core services are and what items
matter the most.
Mr. LaFrance discussed the expectations for the proposed budget meetings,assuming no local
option levy and incorporating one and two-year budget cuts. Staff will not present white papers to
the budget committee as they have in the past.
Council President Snider said that if reductions are proposed, staff should call these out in the form
of a white paper as they present to the budget committee. He said he is not comfortable with staff
not presenting white papers. Budget Committee Member Rone said there have been a number of
white papers presented by staff in the past that include fundamental information,and that maybe
these could come to the committee as an explanation, especially for new budget committee
Mr.LaFrance explained the agenda's for the budget committee meetings,how they will be outlined,
how to address questions from the budget committee,public testimony,possibility of a local option
levy election occurring between budget meetings two and three and budget committee meeting
agendas for meetings three and four. Budget Committee dates include,April 23 and May 7, then
levy election on May 15,with final budget committee meetings on May 21 and May 29. Mr.
LaFrance concluded by introducing the Budget Committee members in attendance: Clifford Rone,
Timothy Cadman, Chris Bence, Stephanie Veal,Tom Schwitzer and Liz Newton.
Mayor Cook thanked the members in attendance for coming to the meeting.
City Engineer Faha presented this item and gave a presentation. She explained she would be
updating council on the master plan and would bring this back to council in February for adoption.
Ms. Faha said the Stormwater Master Plan is the first Tigard has seen in thirty-years, she discussed
the known and new issues,recommended solutions,project delivery and the consultant team. She
explained that erosion is the number one issue. Ms. Faha gave an overview of how to navigate the
city's Stormwater web page and the story map for the public to use. She talked about the process
for developing the Stormwater Master Plan, Stakeholder Involvement Committee and who is
represented,public outreach events,talked about the rating and ranking criteria and the top eighteen
priority projects and implementation plan. She said the purpose of the plan is to provide a road map
to the city's systems and that Tigard's streams and greenways make Tigard special and unique and
that deterioration is affecting these streams. She said Tigard has done a good job of protecting the
city's greenways and floodplains.
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Council President Snider asked why the city has not had a Stormwater Master Plan in the last thirty-
years. Ms. Faha said there really is no good answer,but if the city had had one in place, they would
not have such massive projects now.
Mayor Cook said that all of the land that is now included in the proposed Stormwater Master Plan
was not always in city limits. Ms. Faha said the city has inherited problems over the years as well
and now when new development occurs there are more standards,however and older developments
did not have the same standards when they were built. She said Clean Water Services started
implementing standards in 1990 or 1991 and that is when the city started seeing some of these
Councilor Goodhouse said people do not realize these issues, and that when water comes through
so quickly,it digs down and creates a problem.
Councilor Anderson commended staff for their work on the Stormwater Master Plan.
Councilor Woodard commented on the great work done on the bank restoration to the Genesis
Trail system. He said it looks like someone went in and created a natural fall;it has nice slated rocks
and a nice sound to it. If this is what staff is doing to mitigate the erosion problems,then they are
doing a great job.
Council President Snider asked about funding. Ms. Faha replied this will be funded over twenty-
years, and in the future, they will look at the rates coming in.
Councilor Goodhouse asked how the city is looking at this in the Tigard Triangle,how this would
be funded and would it be broken into two separate parts. Ms. Faha said in the Tigard Triangle
Urban Renewal Plan it talks about areas like Red Rock Creek,areas along Red Rock Creek and
creating a trail and greenway system along this area,so there is an opportunity to use urban renewal
as a funding source, as well as storm and sanitary sewer funds.
City Manager Wine said it is not that the Tigard Triangle gets pulled out separately,it is that there
would be a multitude of funding sources available to phase and fund these projects over time.
City Manager Wine and Assistant City Manager Zimmerman presented this item,and asked if there
were any changes or updates council would like to make for 2018.
Mayor Cook said that some of the goals have outside funding risks and discussed the projects and
goals that have been accomplished. He said they have done work on each goal,but some may not
be completed within the two-year timeframe, and worries that some may not be completed at all due
to financial restraints.
Councilor Goodhouse agreed with the Mayor and said if the levy does not pass, they may be limited
to what they are able to complete. He said this shows the citizens what the city maintains and what
the city wants, and thinks they should wait and discuss this in more detail when they know if the levy
has passed or not.
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Councilor Anderson said they are all still priorities.
Council President Snider said that their priorities could be just surviving.
City Manager Wine clarified that staff is still assuming these projects are still a two-year goal and said
staff will do the best they can with the funding available.
Councilor Goodhouse said they need the levy to pass in order for some of these to continue to be
5. NON AGENDA ITEMS-There were none.
6. EXECUTIVE SESSION—There were none.
At 7:55 p.m. Councilor Anderson moved for adjournment and Councilor Goodhouse seconded the
motion. Motion passed by a unanimous vote.
Name Yes No
Council President Snider ✓
Councilor Woodard ✓
Councilor Anderson ✓
Mayor Cook ✓
Councilor Goodhouse ✓
Kelly Burgoyne, Deputy&ty leecorder
Attest: 2L
John . Cookf,Mayor
City of Tigard 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard, OR 97223 Page 4 of 4