02/09/1981 - Packet a
PUBLICPhone 639-9511
12568 SW Main.Tigard, Or. 97223 AGENDA February 9, 1981
1. Call to Order
2. Reports
a. Minutes - January 12, 1981
b. Monthly Report for January 1981
3. Old Business
a. Building Plans
b. Computer Serial Levy
C. Budget FY 81-82
4. New Business
a. Loss of Books
b. Reciprocal Borrowing
RiBLICPhone 639-9511
12568 SW Main•Tigard, Or. 97223 MINUTES Tigard Library Board January 12, 1981
Call to Order The regular meeting of the Tigard Library Board was called to
and Roll Call: order by Chairman Betsy Chick at 7:15 PM.
Excused: Dick Bendixsen, Jean Carlisle and Madalyn Utz.
Reports: Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as circulated.
Librarian briefly reviewed the monthly report.
Old Business: Librarian reported that the Friends of the Library building
Building Plans committee will be formulating a needs statement to be presented
at the Washington County Cooperative Library Services Citizens
Advisory Board (WCCLS CAB) meeting March 11, 1981. The WCCLS CAB
is planning to put a bond issue on the ballot next fall to build
libraries throughout the county.
Serial Levy for Librarian reported that City Council had approved the resolution
Automated Circu- to support the automated circulation levy to go on the Feb. 17,
lation: 1981, ballot. In discussion, it was decided that the Library
Board would enlist the help of the Friends of the Library in
conducting an information campaign if Washington County Commissioners
approve placing the levy on the Feb. 17 ballot. This would include
distribution of pamphlets, news item in the Courier (newsletter)
and telephone follow-up.
Budget 1981-82: Librarian discussed personnel requests and capital outlay items
that are needed. Board expressed concurrence with proposed requests.
New Business: Chairman Chick passed letter from Roger Pitsinger who is resigning
Resignation from the Board. Chairman Chick will write a letter of appreciation
from board members.
OLA Legislative Chairman Chick read a letter from the Oregon Library Association (OLA)
Committee: legislative committee seeking support for library issues to be pre-
sented to the 1981 legislature. Librarian was asked to send copies
of the letter to all board members and send affirmative reply to OLA.
Meeting adjourned 8:15 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Irene Ertell
City Librarian
Accepted: V
Accepted as corrected:
PUBLIC Phone 639-9511
12568 SW Main*Tigard, Or. 97223 MEMORANDUM February 9, 1981
SUBJECT: Monthly Report, January 1981
1. Administration:
a. Library Board held its regular meeting on January 12. Minutes are attached.
b. Librarian attended Washington County Cooperative Library Services (WCCLS)
professional board on January 28. Of interest: Washington County commissioners
turned down the request to place the computerized circulation system on the February
or March ballots. Pam Daves, Chairman of WCCLS citizen advisory board has requested
that the possibility of forming a special service district for libraries be explored.
In light of the increased use of libraries and lack of money for adequate staffing,
this is a real set-back for us.
c. The library staff has been requested to look for ways to cut tasks without
crippling our service reputation. Some ways which we have devised include: (1)
shelving certain categories of paperbacks by the first letter of the author's name
only; (2) eliminating the book cards for western, mystery and romance paperbacks;
(3) restricting patrons to three inter-library loans at one time; (4) suggesting that
patrons call other libraries in the county when we do not have their request; (5) being
especially careful to do small tasks right the first time.
2. Personnel:
a. Volunteer hours totaled 171 for a daily average of 7.7.
3. Statistics:
a. Circulation 8898
Books 8424 Magazines 322
Adult 6083 Audio-Visual 50
Juvenile 2345 Other 27
ILL 71
b. User cards 249; in town 120 - out-of-town 139.
C. Story hour: 73 total; 9. 1 average.
d. Materials added 138.
e. Materials withdrawn 257.
f. Money received:
Fines $34.35
Lost Books $32.85
Misc. Replacement $12.45
Donations $4.50
Tigard Public Library - Mwly Report, January 1981 - page 2
4. Youth Services - Kathy Tremaine:
a. The Friends of the Library presented the Library with a check for $200 for
the successful Christmas Tree chain. Cassettes and filmstrips have been purchased
and received.
b. January's "special" was a weather prediction project. Children colored
pictures of the library depicting different kinds of weather. When the picture
matched the weather, it was displayed on a large calendar and the "artist" won a
"Reading in the Rain" book bag.
C. Story-hour attendance is growing. The volunteer storytellers remain
dependable and creative.