02/08/1982 - Packet TMARDTigard Library Board Meeting
LIBRARY Tigard Public Library 7 PM
PUBLIC Phone 639-9511
12568 SW Main•Tigard, Or. 97223 Agenda for February 8, 1982
I Call to Order and Roll Call
II Reports
A. Minutes, January 11, 1982
B. Civic Center Development Committee
NOTE: Dennis Brun, architect for phase 1 and 2 of the project,
will be present for discussion and questions
C. Downtown Committee Report
D. Monthly Report, January 1982
III Old Business
A. Book Complaint
B. Lease for 1982-83
C. Local Needs Survey
D. Library Parking
PUBLICPhone 639-9511
12568 SW Main-Tigard, Or. 97223 MINUTES January 11, 1982
Call to Order The regular meeting of the Tigard Library Board was called to
and Roll Call order at 7:00 PM, January 11, 1982, by Chairman Walt Munhall.
Excused: Jim Sidey. Absent: Jean Carlisle. Guest: Mike
Smith, Director, Forest Grove City Library.
REPORTS The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as distributed.
Civic Center The Chairman, in deference to guest, Mike Smith, called for a
Development report on the Civic Center Committee so that the Board and Smith
Committee could discuss matters pertaining to planning and building a
library-civic center complex. Munhall reviewed the process which
has been followed to date, regarding the choosing of the archi-
tect, siting decisions and general direction which the Committee
has pursued. He pointed out that it has been agreed that Dennis
Brun will complete phase 1 and 2. At that time City Council will
decide whether to award Brun phase 3 of the project. Munhall also
reported on the meeting held January 8, at which space needs were
discussed. He felt that the library's needs had received fair
treatment, though there would be a need to justify some of the
"conference" spaces. Smith shared his experiences in planning
and building the Forest Grove Library which shares a site with
police and fire station. He assured the group that being near
the police was an advantage in many ways, i.e. , shared supplies,
security, and that the arrangement did not detract from the
library's image. The fire station was not a source of excessive
noise or disruption. Smith pointed out that a new and larger
facility meant increased maintenance costs. Discussion also
centered on importance of good lighting, servicable furniture
and durable carpeting. Smith also pointed out that all city
codes should be checked carefully.
MONTHLY REPORT Librarian reviewed monthly report for December. There was
discussion regarding the postponement of the county survey.
Chairman asked that a local survey be discussed at the next
There was no report on the Downtown Committee.
OLD BUSINESS Vince Matarrese reported his assessment of the Harold Robbins'
Book Complaint book, The Betsy, in response to a formal request for reconsider-
ation which had been received by the Librarian. After discussion
the Board agreed by consensus that the book will remain on the
adult fiction shelf.
NEW BUSINESS Librarian reported that an agreement between the City and
Library Parking J.B. Bishop was being drawn up and that the parking area
south of the Library would probably be in use within the
week. Bishop had noticed the agenda item posted at City
Hall and offered to let the Library use it for parking
until he begins work on the property--six to eight months
from now.
Meeting adjourned 9:15 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Irene Ertell
City Librarian
Approved as corrected:
KJBLICPhone 639-9511
12568 SW Main•Tigard, Or. 97223 MEMORANDUM February 8, 1982
SUBJECT: Monthly Report, January, 1982
1. Administration:
a. Librarian attended meetings of the Civic Center Committee and the sub-committee
on January 7, 26, and 28. The Civic Center Committee, on recommendation of the sub-
committee, chose the Crow-Public Works site as location for development as a civic center.
The architect was instructed to do a set of "foot prints" using the Crow site for all
services and a set using the Crow site for city and police with a free standing library
on the Public Works site. The committee will recommend to City Council that a bond election
be held June 29 and that a purchase agreement be negotiated on the Crow site.
b. Library Board held its regular meeting on January 11. Minutes were mailed on
January 27.
c. Librarian met with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Sorg on January 21 to discuss new lease and
tax exemption. Since that time the City has received a letter indicating that the rent
will be increased $110 (a total of $550) per month to accommodate the 1981-1982 tax increase
through June 1982. Under the new lease the amount of rent will be $1,250 per month.
d. Librarian and Assistant Librarian have met with City administrative assistant
pertaining to computer uses in the library. The City is planning to computerize as many
tasks as possible using space on computers being used in finance and police departments.
Library has submitted a need to computerize the circulation system to include printing of
overdues. One of the requirements for inclusion in the program would be a two-year pay
back. That is doubtful for the library.
e. Librarian attended Washington County Cooperative Library Services network meeting
on January 28. Of interest: (1) The by-laws were approved as revised at the previous
meeting. (2) Don Skerrott, Cooperating Attorney for the ACLU, spoke on intellectual freedom
and censorship.
2. Personnel:
a. Volunteer hours totaled 133 for a daily average of 6.3.
b. Community service assignees worked 57 hours.
3. Statistics:
a. Circulation of all materials 9976.*
Books 8201 Magazines 418
Adult Books 6795 Audio-Visual 213
Juvenile Books 1406 Other 45
Interlibrary Loan: Requests placed 72;
Requests filled 75.
(*All time high; previous high June 1981 -- 9770. )
b. User cards issued 375. In-town 204; out-of-town 171.*
(*Renewals account for some increase because the first issued Gaylord cards are
expiring after two years. )
Tigard Public Library - Monthly Report, January 1982 - page 2
3. Statistics: continued
c. Story hour attendance -- total 44; average 6.3.
d. Reference/Reader's Advisory 575.
e. Materials added 667.
f. Materials withdrawn 84.
g. Money received:
Fines $16.90
Lost Books 19.90
Misc. Replacement 7.25
Donations 8.60
Card Fees --
Total $52.65
4. Youth Services - John Henshell:
Circulation of "E" (easy reader) and "E 1-4" (grade 1 through 4) books doubled this
month. An unusual number of young people, individuals and classes, are using the library
for reports as well. Some of this is the result of streamlining the collection and the
addition of new books.
New features for 1982 include a "Poem of the Month" and a "Riddle of the Month."
The poems will be seasonal or of particular interest to young people. The riddles
will vary in level of difficulty, and the answer will not be posted until the follow-
ing month.
New magazine subscriptions are being added. These include: Boys Life, Dynamite,
Jack & Jill, and Teen Magazine.