06/11/1984 - Packet TWARDLIBRAW Tigard Library Board Meeting K)SLIC Phone 639-9511 Tigard Public Library 7 PM 12568 SW Main•Tigard. Or.97223 June 11, 1984 AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Reports; Minutes Monthly Friends of the Library 4. Civic Center Advisor Committee Advisory C mm ttee 5. WCCLS Up-date 6. Circulation Policy • • M TlqARD= RARY PUBLICPhone 838-9511 12568 SW Main•Tigard, Or.97223 MINUTES TIGARD LIBRARY BOARD May 14, 1984 Call to Order 7:05 PM Roll Call Dick Bendixsen, Jane Miller, Susan Mueller, Peggy Ober, Walt Munhall. Excused: Dorene Thomas. Absent: Madalyn Utz. Staff: John Henshell, Irene Ertell. Minutes: Approved as written. Monthly Report: Reviewed by Librarin. No discussion. Friends of the Susan Mueller reported that a slate of officers was Library Report: selected at the last meeting and that the group was focusing on building up membership and fund-raising for furnishings in the new building. The next general meeting will be June 4 at 7:30 PM at the Library. Circulation Policy: John Henshell, Associate Librarian and Circulation Super- visor, reviewed the present circulation policy suggesting changes recommended by library staff that would bring the policy into line with practice. It was also requested that the Board adopt a schedule of payment for lost/damaged ma- terials that reflect current book prices. The policy was reviewed and changes adopted as agreed on by Board members. Library staff will obtain current book prices and make re- visions in policy statement to be presented at the next Library Board meeting. WCCLS Contract/Budget Librarian reported that Beaverton has not signed the Update: interim contract for county-wide library services. It was reported that under the actual budget for WCCLS FY 1984-85 Tigard would receive $182,277 in the first year. The Board discussed the implications for the Library of the passage or non-passage of the County tax base and the City tax base. It was agreed that if both issues fail and the Library budget must be reduced, the Board will make a concerted effort to preserve more of the book and materials budget than presently planned. Contingence Plan: Librarian reported that at the last WCCLS professional board meeting all city public library members present had agreed on terminating out-of-city free access on July 1, 1984, if the county tax base goes down. The Board discussed the issue of pricing library cards for out-of-city users if the county tax base fails. By concensus, the Board agreed to recommend to City Council a fee of $36 for out-of-city users. It was pointed out that this is approximately the average cost of serving a card holder and that cards can be issued on quarterly and semi-annual basis. Discussion of a possible levy in September prompted the decision to set a number divisibl� by four. TIGARD LIBRARY BOARD - NUTES - May 14 1984 -- page oil, Library Planning: Li rarian reported that the Civic Center Design Committee has four appointees out of seven and that they've met once. The Board expressed its concern over having direct repre- sentation on the Committee either through Walt Munhall or Dick Bendixsen. Munhall urged all members to attend the meetings. Librarian asked Board members to give her their ideas for the new facility so that they may be incorporated into the building program. Adjourned: 8:35 PM. Respectfully submitted, Irene Ertell City Librarian Approved: Approved as corrected: e TWARD LIBRARY PUBLIC Phone 639-9511 12568 SW Main*Tioard, Or.97223 MINUTES TIGARD LIBRARY BOARD May 21, 1984 SPECIAL MEETING Call to Order 7:15 PM Roll Call Dick Bendixsen, Susan Mueller, Peggy Ober, Walt Munhall, Dorene Thomas. Excused: Madalyn Utz, Jane Miller. Staff: Irene Ertell. 1984-85 Budget: Librarian reviewed budget ($139,328) for FY 1984-85, pointing out possible lay=offs or reductions in staff hours, various cuts in collection development, and reduced hours of service. The Board discussed the lay-off/reduction in hours, agreeing that the re- duction in hours for all staff was preferable to losing one person. They supported saving as much staff as possible even at the expense of the book budget. Discussion also concerned a possible WCCLS $2.2 million levy to be voted on June 26. The Board, by concensus, decided to support the levy if it evolved. Civic Center: Librarian reviewed the schedule of meetings for the Design Committee: Civic Center Design Committee and the timetable for choosing an architect, the design, bidding on the construction and ground breaking. Discussion con- cerned the incomplete committee--four out of seven members appointed. There was also concern that three members had met and begun making decisions. The feasi- bility for a spring 1985 ground-breaking was discussed in light of the very crowded timetable that had been developed. Munhall reported that he would be attending the next meeting on May 24 and reporting to the Committee on Space Needs III. Adjourned: 8:20 PM. Respectfully submitted, 11rene Erte 1 City Librarian Approved: Approved as corrected: