02/13/1984 - Packet 0
TWARDLIBRARY Tigard Library Board Meeting
PUBLIChone 639-9511 Fowler Junior High Library 7:30 PM
12568 SW Main-Tigard, 4r.97223 J=W 13, 1984
2. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Reports
a. Minutes
b. Monthly Report
c. Friends of the Library
4. Budget 1984-85
5. Space Needs
6. Review Selection Policy
KJBLI PlIone 639-9511
12588 SW Main•Tigard, Or.97223 MINUTES TIGARD LIBRARY BOARD January 9, 1984
Call to Order 7:05 PM at Durham Treatment Plant.
Roll Call Walt Munhall, Peggy Ober, Dick Bendixsen, Susan Mueller,
Jane Miller, Madalyn Utz. Excused: Dorene Thomas.
Minutes Minutes of the December meeting were approved.
Policy Statement Chairman Munhall postponed the review of the policy
Review statement to the February regular meeting.
Report on Open Librarian reported that in accordance with the Board's
Hours request that a survey had been conducted in the library
from December 14 through 28 to determine the new 40-hour
schedule for open hours. 243 responses were received.
42% chose the following schedule: Tuesday through Thursday,
11:30 AM - 8:30 PM; Friday and Saturday, 11:30 AM - 6:00 PM;
closed Sunday, Monday and legal holidays.
WCCLS Update The Librarian reviewed the status of the WCCLS levy proposal
which is still being considered by the County Commissioners.
It was indicated that the Commissioners might favor placing
the levy on the ballot in March as a separate issue. Whether
or not it passed at that time the $2.2 million would also be
included' in the County's proposed tax base ballot in May. If
the levy passed in March as well as part of the tax base
measure in May, then the March levy would not be collected and
WCCLS would be supported through the County tax base. A five-
year "guarantee" from the County would assure that WCCLS would
receive the $2.2 million annually. Discussion followed con-
cerning the results if neither the March or May ballots passed
and the certainty that the County could make a five-year "guarantee."
Adjourned: 7:15.
(NOTE: The regular meeting adjourned and the Board reconvened
as Space Needs III Review Committee. )
Respectfully submitted:
Irene Ertell
City Librarian
Approved as corrected: