04/08/1985 - Packet TMARD
LI BRA W Tigard Library Board Meeting
PUBLICPhone 639-9511 Tigard Public Library 7 PM
12568 SW Main*Tigard, Or. 97223 AGENDA
April 8, 1985
Call to Order
Roll Call
Monthly Report
Friends of the Library
Mary Spies (Lee Loveland Associates)
Civic Center Update
LSCA Update
PUBLICIftme 639-9511
12 568 SW Ma i n-Tigard, Or. 97223 MINUTES TIGARD LIBRARY BOARD March 11, 1985
Call to Order 7:05 PM
Roll Call Jane Miller, Susan Mueller, Walt Munhall (Chairman) ,
Peggy Ober, Dorene Thomas. Excused: Sue Carver,
Dick Bendixsen. Guests: Karrin Hawes, Bobby White.
Minutes Minutes for February 11 approved with noted typo "adjourned."
Monthly Report Monthly report was distributed and read. No discussion.
Friends of the Susan Mueller reported that Helen Steyeart is putting much
Library energy and effort into the rummage sale; however, there is
concern over the small amount of rummage collected so far.
She also reported that Jim Tower had done a drawing of the
new library building to be used as letterhead for Friends'
stationery. Jean Lindsay has applied for a bulk mailing
permit and is seeking a printer for the stationery. They
plan to send requests for donations to all registered
borrowers as well as businesses and service clubs.
LSCA Librarian reviewed the letter received from the State Library
regarding Tigard's intent to apply for funds through the
Library Services and Construction Act 11 (LSCA) to purchase
new furnishings and equipment. The letter essentially dis-
couraged any further application, rating our chances as
"least likely to be competitive" because "the new structure
at 11,400 sq.ft. is not going to be large enough to meet the
needs of even the current population of the service area
(27,000) ." Board members discussed the pros and cons of
changing the original grant intent from furnishings to square
footage. It was decided to recommend to City Council at the
March 25 Council meeting that application be made for 4200
additional square feet in order to bring the building up to
standard. Board members discussed the architects' estimate
of $3200 to prepare necessary documents to be submitted as
part of the application. By consensus the Board decided to
recommend that the architect's fee for preparation of mate-
rials to accompany the application be negotiated downward
or include detailed drawings for actual construction.
Rotary Following discussion regarding the allocation of the Rotary's
gift, Chairman Munhall offered to contact Tom Taylor and clear
up any misunderstanding as to how it would be applied.
TIGARD LIBARY BOARD - *UTES - March 11, 1985 -- page
WCCLS Librarian reported that there was difficulty with
allocating funds under the formula in planning for
the FY 1985-86 budget. The WCCLS Finance Committee
met and formulated a statement of recommended prin-
ciples regarding WCCLS budgeting and expenditures.
These main principles identified the automated cir-
culation system as priority #1. It was also stated
that non-fee access through the public library outlets
must be preserved through the current formula, dis-
couraging any changes in the formula at this time.
The statement also recommended that no new projects
or service outlets be funded for the duration of the
two-year levy. The report will be presented to WCCLS
professional board on March 14.
Civic Center Susan Mueller reported that progress was being made
resolving problems with the design of the roof,
installation of heating and cooling devices and that
it was expected City Council would call for bids on
March 25.
City Budget Librarian requested that as many Board members as
Meetings possible plan to attend the March 27 budget meeting
when all departments would be reviewed for cuts or
changes. It was also reported that the Budget Com-
mittee did not seem inclined to consider operating
levies as a solution to the city's financial problems,
to include a separate library levy if the WCCLS levy
fails in March.
Adjourned: 8:25 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
_14eta-1 Z551-, 22111
Irene E. Ertell
Approved as corrected: