09/10/1984 - Packet TMARDTigard Library Board Meeting
pUMICLI MARY Tigard Public Library 7 PM
Phone 639-9511
12568 SW Main-Tigard, Or.97223 September 10, 1984
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Reports
a. Minutes
b. Monthly Report, August
c. Friends of the Library
4. City Tax Base - Bob Jean
5. Civic Center Update - Larry Smith, Norm Dull
6. Fund Raising
PUBL1 C Phone 639-9511
12568 SW Main-Tigard, Or.97223 MINUTES TIGARD LIBRARY BOARD August 20, 1984
Call to Order 7:05 PM
Roll Call Dick Bendixsen, Sue Carver, Jane Miller, Susan Mueller,
Walt Munhall. Excused: Peggy Ober, Dorene Thomas.
Minutes Minutes for the regular meeting, July 9, 1984, and the
special meeting, July 23, 1984, were approved as written.
Civic Center President Munhall waived the agenda- to permit Larry Smith
Update and Norm Dull (smith/dull partnership architects) to pre-
sent an up-date on the design for the new civic center and,
specifically, the library program. Smith reviewed the sche-
matics in some detail. The estimate for cost per square foot
for 30,000 square feet is $50-$55. The library will be ap-
proximately 11,495 square feet. A great deal of discussion
concerned lack of public toilet facilities inside the library.
The architect will plan for a toilet facility to accommodate
library users. Traffic in the children's and young adult area
was considered. It was felt that visibility of all library
areas from the circulation desk would be adequate. Board
members expressed concern over the total square footage being
sufficient for future service projections. President Munhall
asked Smith and Dull if they would be able to attend the next
Board meeting, September 10, 1984. Both agreed to present a
further update at that time.
Monthly Report Librarian reviewed monthly report for July. No discussion.
Election of Dick Bendixsen nominated Walt Munhall to serve as president
Officers for 1984-85. There were no other nominations and the vote
Motion was unanimous. Munhall nominated Dick Bendixsen to serve
as vice-president for 1984-85. There were no other nomi-
Motion nations and the vote was unanimous.
Circulation Policy Changes to the circulation policy were discussed and agreed
upon point by point. Susan Mueller moved that the circula-
Motion tion policy be accepted as amended. The motion was seconded
and approved unanimously.
Friends of the Susan Mueller reported that the Friends of the Library book
Library sale at the Tigard Town and Country Days lost money after
paying for rental space. The next Friends' meeting will be
September 6, 1984, at 7:30 at the Library.
CLIC Librarian reported that the city librarians in Washington
County have formed an interest group (City Librarians
Interest Group, CLIG) and met on August 9, at Beaverton
City Library. The group is concerned about the uncertain
future of Washington County Cooperative Library Service
(WCCLS) funding, strained relations between the county and
cities, and finding a new governance structure for WCCLS.
page 2
CL1G The group also sees a need to develop some .goals that
(continued) will address city library development and participation
Grant Librarian reported that it was possible that the Tigard
Seeking Rotary would be interested in making money available to
the library for furnishings. A draft letter to the
Rotary was read requesting funds to furnish and buy
materials for the young adult section or participate in
the overall project. The letter was approved for the
Board President to sign and send to Tigard Rotary.
Adjourned 9:15 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Irene Ertell
Approved as corrected: