04/13/1988 - Minutes TICARD LIBRARY BOARD April 13' 1980 MINUTES Call to Order: 7:00 p.m. ' Vince Matarreue' Chairman presiding Roll Call : Susan Carver, Jane Miller' Walt MunhaIl; Excused, Amo DeBernardis' Linda Monahan; Absent: Dorene Thomas; Audience: Susan Mueller; Staff: George Anne Miller, Irene Ertell. Reports : Minutes from March 8' 1988' were approved an written. Morthlv Report for March was distributed. There was some discussion regarding the Washington County Cooperative Library Service (WCCSL) structure and finance situation as well as the increase in Tigard' o circulation for March ' 88 over March '87, at 45 percent. was given by Susan Mueller' and she outlined several projects the group has planned to raise money for various items in the library. She also reported that the cookbook project that they are working on was very successful in soliciting advertising from local business persons . Budget Message to City Council : Chairman Matarresu discussed the fact that the library book budget for 1988-89 in about $10'000 less than it was For 1087-88 and he had considered asking the Board to perhaps write a memo to City Council asking them to reconsider the allocation for hook materials this next year. However, he reported that he had talked to Councilor Ea6on who felt there just was not any more give in the budget and that the Board should seek other ways to supplement the library book budget for the coming year, City Survey Review: The librarian had distributed to the Board members a copy of the questions pertaining to the library that had been contained in the recent city—wide survey on City services . She explained that this was a preliminary report and that more cross—tabbing information would be available later that would enlarge upon the information that was there , The Board discussed briefly the various questions and suggested that per-haps the next time a survey was conducted, they would like to have some input on the questions to be asked WCCLS : Update on structure and finance. The librarian briefly reviewed the current status of the structure and finance situation for WCC| S^ pointing out that the County Board of Commissioners has appointed a committee consisting of city managers' library administrators, and people from t.he incorporated area who are involved in library activities to study the issues , The Board of Commissioners has also recommended that m consultant be brought in to study ihe finance question to try to get equitable distribution of funds to the libraries that are providing the service. Library Beard Priorities : Member Munhall presented a list of concerns that he and member DeBernardis would like to see the Library Board address . There was considerable discussion among the members present on various items on i.he list. The Board has requested that the agenda each month contain an item called "open agenda" at which time members may address any particular- issue that they are concerned with. The members have also requested that they receive a copy of the new book list which the library publishes each month as well as more information on circulation of materials, most of this information being available through WIL.I . Munhall also discussed the possibility of warehousing less--used books county--wide so that shelving would be available for, materials that move more rapidly in all of the various libraries . The Board agreed to discuss this further. the Board will also continue to discuss various items on the list which Munhall and DeBernardis have drawn up. CAB Opening: Librarian announced that there is an opening on the Citizens Advisory Board (CAB) for WCCSL. Several names were discussed and the Board has requested that the librarian investigate this further to see about: the availability of these people. Foundation for Library: Chairman Matarrese told the Board that he had written a letter to Dr. Steffanoff regarding the $5,000 bequest which he had given in October, requesting his input as to whether or• not the beginning of a foundation or trust fund for• the library would be appropriate. He has also tried to get in touch with Dr. Steffanoff by telephone and has not been successful . The Board discussed whether or not they wanted to establish a foundation with this gift in the hopes of attracting more money and using this as a means of supplementing the book budget each year, or whether to go ahead and use the money in the FY 88--89 budget inasmuch as the allocation is less then it was last year. There was consensus: among the group present to perhaps spend the money in next year' s budget for book materials . However, it was agreed that this would be discussed at the next meeting when more of the members would be present. Meeting Schedule : It was announced that the May meeting will be a joint one with the CAB and WCCLS. The meeting will be on Tuesday, May 10, 1988, at 7:00 p.m. and the Board has decided that they will hold their own meeting a hour earlier and then meet in conjunction with the CAB. The regular meeting on the second Wednesday will be cancelled . Adjournment: 8 :45 p,m. Respectfully submitted, Irene Ertell Library Director cs/4337D ' TICARD LIBRARY BOARD March 8' 1988 MINUTES Call to Order: 6 :30 p.m. , Vince Matarrane^ Chairman' presiding . Roll Call : Amo DeBernardix, Susan Carver, Jane Miller, Linda Monahan, Walt Munhall, Dorene Thomas . Staff: George Anne Miller Reports : Minutes for February 10' 1988' were approved as written. Budget FY 1988-80: The Board discussed a memorandum to the Budget Committee regarding the Library budget for FY 1988-89. (See attached . ) The two items of concern were the lack of funding for the collection under the 5-Year Plan and expanding open hvurw in response to a Council inquiry at the November 1987 Workshop. It was decided that Chairman Matarruxe would present the memorandum to the Budget Committee at their meeting on this date. The meeting was adjourned at 7: 30 p.m. and members attended the Budget Committee meeting. Respectively submitted, Irene E. Ertell Library Diraotor, ht/4005D