04/26/1995 - Packet UPCOMING
APRIL 26, 1995
7:00 P.M.
TIGARD, OR 97223
(503) 639-4171
OW Please Note: Enclosed is a copy of a draft tree removal code incorporating
the task force's suggestions.
TO: Tree Task Force
FROM: Dick B. and Carol L.
DATE: April 17, 1995
SUBJECT: Revised tree ordinance
Based on the group's comments at its last meeting, the following
changes were made to the draft ordinance:
1. 18. 150.010 - added # 8 to regulate commercial forestry
2. . 18 . 150.020 - added definition of commercial forestry (10 trees
per year per acre for sale)
3 . 18. 150. 025 - changed registered arborist to certified
arborist; Tog ain certification an arborist must meet
experience, schooling and test requirements. Urban forester
is a title used in some cities and does not necessarily mean
that person is certified.
4 . 18. 150.025 - added a range of mitigation based on the amount
of tree removal; This still may be a burdensome requirement.
5. 18. 150. 030 - added the word "only' relative to sensitive lands
and tree permits;
- added a provision to prohibit commercial forestry as defined
by this code; The State Forest Practices Act does not limit
the amount of harvest and relates primarily to water quality,
fish and wildlife. Referencing the State Forest Practices Act
as the standard does not work for urban areas according to
State Forest Practice Act administrators. The State will
provide consulting services but does not want to review
commercial forest removal inside cities and we would,
therefore, not be able to require state sign off on review of
applications. City staff is not equipped to administer the
Forest Practices Act, much of what is irrelevant to urban
areas. Wildlife/fish issues are goal five related and staff
believes venturing into this area would create difficulty and
delay adoption of tree removal requirements.
6. 18. 150.040 - changed the distance from a stream or wetland to
50 feet; There are two ways to look at this change. There
could be some concern that this added distance will unduly
complicate the development process, require more permits and
administration costs as well as potentially lower urban
density. On the other hand, 50 feet could be considered more
appropriate because greater density increases the threat of
damage to wetlands.
7. 18.150.045 - Attached is a memo from the City Attorney's
office indicating there would be no cloud on the title due to
the original wording of this section. To ease concern,
however, an attempt has been made to further clarify that the
deed restriction state that trees retained under the incentive
section may be removed only if a tree dies or is hazardous and
that the deed restriction may be removed or will be considered
invalid if such a tree is removed because it died or was
removed as a hazardous tree.
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DATE: Apra 10, 1995 VIA FAQ
TO: Dick Bewersdorff, Tigard Senior Planner
FROM: TSI & Wyman, City Attorney's office-Ty"�
RR Tigard proposed Ordinance Section 18.150 -Tree Removal
This memorandum is in response to your inquiry regarding the referenced ordinance.
Section 18.150.145.B sets forth limitations on lemoval of pied trues and requires the
recording of a deed emiction regarding the Hmitatiaa on tree removal You have inquired as
to the possble impact of this restriction as a potential cloud on title.
Section of the proposed ordinance reads as follows:
An tree reserved
or retained is accordance with this section may
Y P _
thereafter be removed only for the reasons set out at Section through, and shall not be subject
to removal under any other Section of this Cbapter. The property
owner shall record a deed restriction to this effect as a condition
of approval of any development pmnut impacted by this Settle°'
The form of this deed restriction shall be subject to approval by
the Director.
on title in tlbc sense
that it would
seri restdctiwn does not create a cloud ,
The recordation of . Rather, tbc deed restriction would
le title ,
prevent the conveyance of a marketable
merely Place all parties on eonstracdve notice of the limitations on removal of preserved trees.
Parties acxluiring the Property
would therefore be placed on notice that they may not ramovc
trees except in accordance with ordinance Section 18.150.030.B.1 through
Section 18,150.030.A.A states that:
Except as set out in subsection B of this Section, the removal of
any trees shall tape place only p=ant to a tree removal peanit-
Subsection "B" of that ordinance provides, at subsections 1 through 4, inclusive as follows:
E/Z'd SIWHa `113HKM,O WdbZ:tT S6. 0Z bdd
Memo re: Tigard Proposed Ordinance Section 18.150 - Tree Removal
Apldl 10, 1995 -
Page 2
A tree removal permit shall not be required for the removal of a
tree which:
1. Interferes with, or prevents safe access to,underground or overhead utility
2. Obstruct visual clearance as defined in Chapter 18.102 of the Code; .
+ 3. Is a dead or hazardous tree;
4. Is a nuisance affecting public safety as defined in Chapter 7.40 of the
It is apparent from the foregoing that both Sections 18.150.045,B and 18.150.030.B permit
removal of dead or hazardous trees or other trees which interfere, obstruct or constitute a
nuisance as set forth above. Under the circumstance, this would appear to be a reasonable and
valid restriction, not m the class of restrictions prohibited by ORS 93.270 (dealing with
dxscnminatory restrictions in conveyancing instrwments) and as such is a valid and appropriate
exercise of the authority of the City of Tigard.
As indicated above, marketable dile can clearly be conveyed subject to the dead restriction.
Therefore, there is no "cload" on title in the ordinary usage of that tem. However, the
recording of a deed restriction would place all parties on constructive notice that removal of
trees can only be accomplished without a permit in accordance with provisions of Section
18.150.030.B.1 through
The effect of this restriction on marketability or resale value of a property cannot be foreseen
with complete accuracy. However, the ordinanaes cited clearly _mecMDicros for
removal of trees both with and without a permit- Any reasonable interpretation of the proposed
Ordinances establishes that a property owner could remove trees which would become a hazard
or a nuisance, even if such a tree was one originally "preserved" for the purpose of qualifying
for the incentives specified in Section 18.150.045.A of the ordinances. Accordingly, it is
anticipated that the impact on marketability of lots receiving incentives would be minimal-
I hope this satisfies your concerns regarding the proposed ordinance. Should you have any
questions regarding the foregoing, please do not hesitate to call-
Eifi'd S I Wtia 1113M )a,0 WtibZ:11 S6. OT Ndb
April 17, 1995
CHAPTER 18.150
18. 150.010 Purpose
18. 150. 020 Definitions
18. 150.025 Tree Plan Requirement
18. 150.030 Permit Requirement
18. 150. 040 General Permit Criteria - Discretionary - Mitigation
18. 150.045 Incentives for Tree Retention
18. 150.050 Expiration of Approval - Extension of Time
18. 150.060 Application Submission Requirements
18. 150.070 Illegal Tree Removal - Violation - Replacement of
18. 150.010 Purpose.
A. After years of both natural growth and planting by residents,
the City now benefits from a large number of trees. These
trees of varied types add to the aesthetic beauty of the
community, help clean the air, help control erosion, maintain
water quality and provide noise barriers.
B. The purposes of this chapter are to:
1. Encourage the preservation; planting and replacement of
trees in the City;
2 . Regulate the removal of trees on sensitive lands in the
City to eliminate unnecessary removal of trees;
3 . Provide for a treelan for developing properties;
P P g
4. Protect sensitive lands from erosion;
6. Protect waterualit • and
q Y�
7. Provide incentives for tree retention and protection;
8 . Regulate commercial forestry to control the removal of
trees in a urban environment.
C. The City recognizes that, notwithstanding these purposes, at
the time of development it may be necessary to remove certain
Page 1
trees in order to accommodate structures, streets, utilities,
and other needed or required improvements within the
development. (Ord. 89-06; Ord. 83-52)
18. 150. 020 Definitions.
A. Except where the context clearly indicates otherwise, as used
in this chapter:
1. "Canopy cover" shall mean the area above ground which is
covered by the trunk and branches of the tree.
2 . "Commercial forestry" shall mean the removal of ten or
more trees per acre per year for sale.
3 . "Hazardous tree" shall mean a tree which by reason of
disease, infestation, age, or other condition presents a
known and immediate hazard to persons or to public or
private property.
4. "Pruning" shall mean the cutting or trimming of a tree in
a manner which is consistent with recognized tree
maintenance practices.
5. "Removal" shall mean the cutting or removing of 50
percent (50%) or more of a crown, trunk or root system of
a tree, or any action which results in the loss of
aesthetic or physiological viability or causes the tree
to fall or be in immediate danger of falling. "Removal"
shall not include pruning.
6. "Tree" shall mean a standing woody plant, or group of
such, having a trunk which is six inches or more in
caliper size when measured four feet from ground level.
7. "Sensitive lands" shall mean those lands described at
Chapter 18.84 of the Code.
B. Except where the context clearly indicates otherwise, words in
the present tense shall include the future and words in the
singular shall include the plural.
18. 150. 025 Tree Plan Requirement
A. A tree plan for the planting, removal and protection of trees
prepared by a certified arborist shall be provided for any
lot, parcel or combination of lots or parcels for which a
development application for a subdivision, major partition,
site development review, planned development or conditional
use is filed.
B. The tree plan shall include the following:
Page 2
1. Identification of the location, size and species of all
existing trees including trees designated as significant
by the city;
2. Identification of a program to save existing trees or
mitigate tree removal over 12 inches in caliper.
Mitigation must follow the replacement guidelines of
Section 18. 150.070.D. according to the following
a. Retainage of less than 25 percent of existing trees
over 12 inches in caliper requires a mitigation
program according to Section 18. 150. 070.D. of no
net loss of trees.
b. Retainage of from 25 to 50 percent of existing
trees over 12 inches in caliper requires that two-
thirds of the trees to be removed be mitigated
according to Section 18. 150.070.D.
C. Retainage of from 50 to 75 percent of existing
trees over 12 inches in caliper requires that 50
percent of the trees to be removed be mitigated
according to Section 18. 150. 070D.
d. Retainage of 75 percent or greater of existing
trees over 12 inches in caliper requires no
3 . Identification of all trees which are proposed to be
4. A protection program defining standards and methods that
will be used by the applicant to protect trees during and
after construction.
C. Trees removed within the period of one year prior to a
development application listed above will inventoried as part
of the tree plan above and will be replaced according to
Section 18.150. 070 D.
18. 150.030 Permit Requirement.
A. Tree removal permits shall be required only for the removal of
any tree which is located on or in a sensitive land area as
defined by Chapter 18.84.
B. A tree removal permit shall not be required for the removal of
a tree which:
1. Obstructs visual clearance as defined in Chapter 18. 102
of the Code;
Page 3
2 . Is a hazardous tree;
3 . Is a nuisance affecting public safety as defined in
Chapter 7.40 of the Code;
4. Is used for Christmas tree production, or land registered
with the Washington County Assessor's office as property
tax deferred tree farm or small woodlands, but does not
stand on sensitive lands;
C. Commercial Forestry as defined by 18. 150.020.A.2 . and
excluding B.4 above is not permitted.
18. 150. 040 Permit Criteria.
A. The following approval standards shall used by the Director or
designee for the issuance of a tree removal permit on
sensitive lands:
1. Removal of the tree must not have a measurable negative
impact on erosion, soil stability, flow of surface
waters, or water quality as evidenced by an erosion
control plan which precludes:
a. Deposits of mud, dirt, sediment or similar material
exceeding 1/2 cubic foot in volume on public or
private streets, adjacent property, or into the
storm and surface water system, either by direct
deposit, dropping, discharge or as a result of the
action of erosion.
b. Evidence of concentrated flows of water over bare
soils; turbid or sediment laden flows; or evidence
of on site erosion such as rivulets on bare soil
slopes where the flow of water is not filtered or
captured on site using the techniques of Chapter 5
of the Washington County Unified Sewerage Agency
Environmental Protection and Erosion Control rules.
B. Within stream or wetland corridors, as defined as 50 feet from
the boundary of the stream or wetland, tree removal must
maintain no less than a 75 percent canopy cover.
18. 150. 045 Incentives for Tree Retention.
A. In order to assist in the preservation and retention of
existing trees, the Director may apply one or more of the
following incentives as part of development review approval
and the provisions of a tree plan according to Section
18 .150.025:
1. Density Bonus. For each two percent (2%) of canopy cover
provided by existing trees over twelve inches in caliper
Page 4
that are preserved and incorporated into a development
plan, a one percent (1%) bonus may be applied to density
computations of Chapter 18.92. No more than a twenty
percent (20%) bonus may be granted for any one
development. The percentage density bonus shall be
applied to the number of dwelling units allowed in the
underlying zone.
2 . Lot Size Averaging. In order to retain existing trees
over twelve inches in caliper in the development plan for
any land division under Chapter 18. 160, lot size may be
averaged to allow lots less than the minimum lot size
allowed by the underlying zone as long as the average lot
area for all lots and private open space is not less than
that allowed by the underlying zone. No lot area shall
be less than eighty percent (80%) of the minimum lot size
allowed in the zone.
3 . Lot Width and Depth. In order to retain existing trees
over twelve inches in caliper in the development plan for
any land division under Chapter 18. 160, lot width and lot
depth may be reduced up to twenty percent (20%) of that
required by the underlying zone.
4. Commercial/Industrial/Civic Use Parking. For each two
percent (2%) of canopy cover provided by existing trees
over twelve inches in caliper that are preserved and
incorporated into a development plan for commercial,
industrial or civic uses listed in Section 18. 106.030,
Minimum Off-Street Parking Requirements, a one percent
(1%) reduction in the amount of required parking may be
granted. No more than a twenty percent (20%) reduction
in the required amount of parking may be granted for any
one development.
5. Commercial Industrial Civic Use Landscaping. For each
/ /
two percent (2%) of canopy cover provided by existing
trees over twelve inches in P
are caliper that reserved
and incorporated into a development plan, a one percent
(1%) reduction in the required amount of landscaping may
be granted. No more than twenty percent (20%) of the
required amount of landscaping may be reduced for any one
6. Setback Adjustment. The Director may grant a
modification from applicable setback requirements of this
Code for the purpose of preserving a tree or trees on the
site of proposed development. Such modification may
reduce the required setback by up to 50%, but shall not
be more than is necessary for the preservation of trees
on the site. The setback modification described in this
section shall supersede any special setback requirements
or exceptions set out elsewhere in this Code, including
Page 5
but not limited to Chapters 18.96, 18. 146, and 18 . 148,
except Section 18.96.020.
B. Any tree preserved or retained in accordance with this section
may thereafter be removed only for the reasons set out in a
tree plan according to Section 18. 150.025, and shall not be
subject to removal under any other section of this Chapter.
The property owner shall record a deed restriction that such
tree may be removed only if the tree dies or is hazardous
according to a certified arborist to this effect as a
condition of approval of any development permit impacted by
this section. The deed restriction may be removed or will
considered invalid if a tree preserved in accordance with this
section should either die or be removed as a hazardous tree. )
The form of this deed restriction shall be subject to approval
by the Director.
C. A modification to development requirements granted under this
section shall not conflict with any other restriction on the
use of the property, including but not limited to easements
and conditions of development approval.
D. The City Engineer may adjust design specifications of public
improvements to accommodate tree retention where possible and
where it would not interfere with safety or increase
maintenance costs.
18. 150. 050 Expiration of Approval - Extension of Time.
A. A tree removal permit shall be effective for one and one-half
years from the date of approval.
B. . Upon written request by the applicant prior to the expiration
of the existing permit, a tree removal permit shall be
extended for a period of up to one year if the Director finds
that the applicant is in compliance with all prior conditions
of permit approval and that no material facts stated in the
original application have changed.
18 . 150. 060 Application Submission Requirements.
A. Application for a tree removal permit shall be on a form
provided by the Director. Completed applications shall
consist of this form, two copies of the supplemental data and
narrative set out in Subsection B or this section, and the
required fee. Applications shall not be accepted unless they
are complete as defined herein.
B. The supplemental data and narrative shall include:
1. The specific location of the property by address,
assessor's map number, and tax lot;
Page 6
2. The number, size, type and location of the trees) to be
3 . The time and method of cutting or removing the tree(s) ;
4. Information concerning any proposed landscaping or
f planting of new trees; and
5. A narrative as to how the applicable criteria of this
chapter, for example, Section 18. 150. 040.A, are
C. In accordance with Section 18.32 .080, the Director may waive
any of the requirements in Subsection B above or request
additional information.
18. 150.070 Illegal Tree Removal-Violation-Replacement of Trees.
A. The following constitute a violation of this chapter:
1. Removal of a tree:
a. without a valid tree removal permit; or
b. in noncompliance with any condition of approval of
a tree removal permit; or
C. in noncompliance with any condition of any City
permit or development approval; or
d. in noncompliance with any other section of the
2 . Breach of a condition of any City permit or development
approval, which results in damage to a tree or its root
B. If the Director has reason to believe that a violation of this
chapter has occurred, then he or she may do any or all of the
1. Require the owner of the land on which the tree was
located to submit sufficient documentation, which may
include a written statement from a qualified arborist or
forester, showing that removal of the tree was permitted
by this chapter.
2. Pursuant to Section 18.32.390, initiate a hearing on
revocation of the tree removal permit and/or any other
permit or approval for which this chapter was an approval
3 . Issue a stop order pursuant to Section 18.24 . 070 of the
Page 7
4. Issue a citation pursuant to Chapter 1. 16 of the Code.
5. Take any other action allowed by law.
C. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code, any party
found to be in violation of this chapter pursuant to Section
1. 16 of the Code shall be subject to a civil penalty of up to
$500 and shall be required to remedy any damage caused by the
violation. Such remediation shall include, but not be limited
to, the following:
1. Replacement of unlawfully removed or damaged trees in
accordance with Subsection D of this section; and
2 . Payment of an additional civil penalty representing the
estimated value of any unlawfully removed or damaged
tree, as determined using the most current International
Society of Aboriculture's Guide for Plant Appraisal.
D. Replacement of a tree shall take place according to the
following guidelines:
1. A replacement tree shall be a substantially similar
species considering site characteristics.
2 . If a replacement tree of the species of the tree removed
or damaged is not reasonably available, the Director may
allow replacement with a different species of equivalent
natural resource value.
3 . If a replacement tree of the size cut is not reasonably
available on the local market or would not be viable, the
Director shall require replacement with more than one
tree in accordance with the following formula:
The number of replacement trees required shall be
determined by dividing the estimated caliper size of the
tree removed or damaged by the caliper size of the
largest reasonably available replacement trees. If this
number of trees cannot be viably located on the subject
property, the Director may require one or more
replacement trees to be planted on other property within
the City, either public property or, with the consent of
the owner, private property.
4. The planting of a replacement tree shall take place in a
manner reasonably calculated to allow growth to maturity.
E. In lieu of tree replacement under Subsection D of this
section, a party may, with the consent of the Director, elect
to compensate the City for its costs in performing such tree
F. The remedies set out in this section shall not be exclusive.
Page 8
TO: Tree Task Force
FROM: Dick B. and Carol L.
DATE: April 6, 1995
SUBJECT: Revised tree ordinance
Based on the group's comments at its last meeting, the following
changes were made to the draft ordinance:
1. 18. 150.010 - added # 8 to regulate commercial forestry
2. 18. 150.020 - added definition of commercial forestry (10 trees
per year per acre for sale)
3 . 18.150.025 - changed registered arborist to certified
arborist; To gain certification, an arborist must meet
experience, schooling and test requirements. Urban forester
is a title used in some cities and does not necessarily mean
that person is certified.
4. 18. 150.025 - added a range of mitigation based on the amount
of tree removal; This still may be a burdensome requirement.
5. 18.150.030 - added the word "only' relative to sensitive lands
and tree permits;
- added a provision to prohibit commercial forestry as defined
by this code; The State Forest Practices Act does not limit
the amount of harvest and relates primarily to water quality,
fish and wildlife. Referencing the State Forest Practices Act
as the standard does not work for urban areas according to
State Forest Practice Act administrators. The State will
provide consulting services but does not want to review
commercial forest removal inside cities and we would,
therefore, not be able to require state sign off on review of
applications. City staff is not equipped to administer the
Forest Practices Act, much of what is irrelevant to urban
areas. Wildlife/fish issues are goal five related and staff
believes venturing into this area would create difficulty and
delay adoption of tree removal requirements.
6. 18. 150.040 - changed the distance from a stream or wetland to
50 feet; There are two ways to look at this change. There
could be some concern that this added distance will unduly
complicate the development process, require more permits and
administration costs as well as potentially lower urban
density. On the other hand, 50 feet could be considered more
appropriate because greater density increases the threat of
damage to wetlands.
7. 18. 150.045 - clarified that the deed restriction state that
trees retained under the incentive section may be removed only
if a tree dies or is hazardous and that the deed restriction
may be removed or will be considered invalid if such a tree is
removed because it died or was removed as a hazardous tree.