09/28/1982 - Minutes JOINT WATER STUDY COMMITTEE MINUTES SEPTEMBER 28 , 1982 1. All members were present. Minutes from previous two meetings were submitted and approved. 2 . Introduction of Bill Ross, chairman of Metzger Water Board and Jessie Lowman, manager of Metzger Water District. After an explanation of this committee 's charge and it' s status was given committee members asked the following questions . A. Would our arrangement of strengthening our Lake Oswego source and using Portland as a back-up have any effect on the Metzger Water District? B. If the city of Tigard took over the water district and part of the Metzger Water District what effect do you feel that would have? C. Are there any agreements for back-up with TWD and Metzger Water Districts? D. Why is Metzger contracted to Portland rather than other options? E. Please explain what the Water Management Advisory Board is and it' s function. F. What powers does the Advisory Board have? G. What was Metzger' s reason for not going with Willamette? H. Could Tigard hook into the existing pipeline? I . What do you feel are Tigard' s attainable options? J. How does the Metzger Water District project how much water they will need for one year? 3 . Members of the committee were asked to review their notes and minutes from past meetings and prepare a summation to discuss at the next meeting. Also, the committee plans to begin dis- cussing the question of dollars at the next meeting. 4 . The next meeting is scheduled for October 7 , 1982 unless other- wise notified. Bob Jean, attorney, will be invited to attend.