10/21/1982 - Minutes J v 1 1.-L' Y 1 r 1'L'L\ ...r'i L1 L Y V V u.Lr..l'l.'1`L L' ♦Yl l lY U l.L'U Uctobpr Ll , 1982 1 . One member of the committee was riot present . 1Viinutes w-re looked over Flna approvea . ''. Irtroauct) on o: Prank Curry. public works director for the city of Tig--d . The purpose of asking Mr. Curry to this meeting -,-,as to ai scuss the po�sibi lity of the Water Di ."trict and th, City worki r.g toF;Fther. ;ome questions asked of Mr. Curry perp : r. ',ere you involvPM in Tigard city :=.ffairs when the city and he ;';at District — re having problems? B . ;';her can the ci tu- use the District ' s equipment but the eater District cannot uG- the city ' s e;;>>ipment"? rl i.-' you organize co-working with the other Citi--,? 1). ��oulu -nythir;g preclude Tigard Water District from joinintt the co-imperative effort? E. V.aS tre Tigar,' Water District ^ontacterl when this group t-as formed? F. is Tif;ard still going building n-rmits for King City? G. H o ;you get a:,ound out-moted equipmen t (old IrS . new etc . ) H . Who pays for equ! nment damages? 1. Vjh 4' -dvant.•'ges are there for the. Tig;.rd Water District in this co-operative? J. Ho,, many truck-, are there? K. ;;ol•s.d you like to see Tigard join th, .•o-operative? L. Can anyone run the .,..uipmer.t? iu,. How would the Water District go about ,joining the co-operative? ..N, Hov. ao you and th- Water Di.trict staff get along? U . Do you have inen in your 1� Partment that could run the viater District? r. ;;hen is it time uo replace water line.<"? �� . d;rio proviaeo your comp.iter software? R. Do you Know if' there is any co-operative effort in Eugene? S. If the City ^na the Vater District mergea could they also hanale the other cities Tigarn now services? m . Hov; lorig roula it take to offset costs incurreu if the Tigard no Metzger Vv--,t r Districts merged? Would it 'be rounterproauctive? U . 'chat is the ne>t best thing if th4s committee Decides against a merh r? V . If the verger %asn' t agreeabl- and comfortable with tt:e majority of the people what woula you sztggest as our next avenue? � . The committee decided it was time to stat dealing with the .Iuestions i--en this cor:;n;ittee to answer. Brr— :,uggested that it was imoor- tant that rich member individually discuss their own personal opinions as oi_me was running out . Discussion includes Lake Osw�-go as a viable source , water from Clackamas as )pposed to '401amette and co-operative �ifort^ . 4 . To orepare for the next -eeting Ray was ask-d to Fina out when next i:avi50ry Lo^L-U meeting is . i,nu Bruc .:ill ,peak to Citi Council on behalf of this committee. y. 1�ext meting is 'v'vednesday , October 27, ' 98?.