10/27/1982 - Minutes JUlli'i �rt.�l'L'lt �,;�1'ULY l.via,+ ll"1'L,L' 1�1.L1'YU'1'r,a October 27, 1 . 1:11 .,,erat�evs I;resent, . miruLes t,pprovea after arrrenuing leuters D x 5. There wr:s no preprred rjgenda for this evening thlis, ins;.irir�, 'group ana indivinual summations . wPr�t /I�Crr� c- . Unless an (�r,,er ,racy meeting is cr)lleu theAAdvi.,,ory Boara dues not mce-t; i Or -�f)j)roxim�, telt' ;--' more weeks . j . Afue- an in uepth aiscussion by corn:aittee members it was de- cid.ea Lo pu�-:upune the next, meeting until the CH2IvI Hill btuay is reau� . 4 . Tne r,E,xt col:u;;it,tee meeting; is scheauled for 'r,ednesuay , bovember 1Q , lyts� .