09/22/1981 - Minutes • Downtown Tigard Committee Minutes - September 22, 1981 President Alan Paterson called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. in the conference room of the Durham -�Iastewater Treatment Plant . In attendance were: committee members Beshears, Utz, Brown, Jones, Barnum, Henderson, Krupnik and Johnson; staff Aldie Howard; community members JB Bishop and Harold Holly; planning consultants Don Driscoll and Jim Hinman. New responsibilities -- Paterson introduced those in attendance and reported briefly on the council meeting of the previous evening . He said the council is drafting a resolution charging the committee with those same duties and functions that are outlined in the committee 's official correspondence of Sept . 2, 1981, to the Tigard City Council . Time Frames -- In view of the short time frame for establishing an urban renewal agency prior to Jan. 1, the committee and Jim Hinman set the following dates: • _ , 1 Sept . 28 Consultant to submit urban renewal ordinance for city attorney 's review Sept . 31 - Ordinance to be submitted in city council packets Oct . 5 - Committee meets at 7: 00 p.m., at Fowler Jr . High, to discuss progress and strategies Oct . 5 - Committee meets at 8: 30 p.m. with city council in study session Oct . 12 - Committee attends regular cite council meeting at 7: 30 p.m. to �';ztness count l ' sC�SIOn n1 =Dan re n��'i? i ordinance -�ov . (appro.:} - :trait of ur __ rcn2waI olcan avai laale T-or p,ublic review itiov . 30 'capprC'i j - Public haa"' Y'j on urban ren:`•,•ial r)-an Assuming that the above schedule is Sept, and that the council votes favorably on the ordinance, Hinman noted that the agency will be in existence prior to Jan. 1, allowing imposition of taxing restrictions during the 1982 year . Any delay -- such as the requirement for a public vote -- would delay the receipt of taxes for a full year, but need not delay further planning, the consultant stressed. ProcYess to date -- IJ=inman reported that the tasks have beer., completed: r -- Establishment of an urban renewal "stuc.y area" .(bordered by Pacific zIL'ry., Hall 31731vra., 0 '=4ar 3 St ., a '1_-I St .� • -- Tabulation of land use data and valuation figures fcr 'he affected area (5% city's assessed valuation, or 525 .6 million) -- Consultation with planning director for background and planning data -- Drafting of schedule and rough ordinance for establishing urban renewal agency -- Identification of downtown problems or blight symptoms I • • Downtown Committee - page 2 • • More on blight -- Ilith regard to establishment of blight, Hinman said he had identified the following conditions: 1 . Inadequate streets -- Inadequate circulation and parking on Main Street under present and forecasted conditions; both Burnham and Commercial identified as too narrow and congested to handle additional traffic generated by transit facility and/or commercial development . (All conditions under this category were characterized as serious enough to result in substantial harm to downtown business .) 2. Inadequate pedestrian facilities -- Grossly inadequate sidewalks on Burnham, especially in view of projected civic center traffic; inadequate pedestrian facilities on Commercial, Tisard St ., and _'Main Street bridge; inadequate pedestrian crossing at 14ain Street RR tracks . 3 . Downtown railroad tracks -- The two sets of tracks cut the city in half, create noise, smoke and vibration. 4 . Fanno Creek Floodplain -- The floodplain cuts off residential areas from the downtown business district; contains a substantial amount of unmaintained and unsightly vacant land; contains an unsightly abandoned sewer treatment facility. • 5 . Lack of adequate data on downtown housing--its condition and potential for rehabilitation 6 . Lack of data on infrastructure 7 . Mixed and non-conforming land uses Committee members went on to suggest the following additional conditions: Utz: Poor "cosmetic" condition of downtown; lack of standards which results in delapidated and unsightly buildings maintained in private oc• nership Howard: Lack of traffic signalization; double P.P. trackage (as opposed to shared tradkage) ; improper setbacks; inadequate drainage As an aside on building deterioration, Driscoll pointed out that any plan becomes more complex and controversial to the extent that it involves condemnation/relocation -- no matter how desirable that tactic may seem. He suggested that the committee may wish to limit the initial scope of its attac,�:, and expand the plan at a later date to tackle secondary or sensitive problems . t,d4,ou_nment: 9: 30 p.m. •