01/28/1981 - Minutes 0 • • MINUTES DOWNTOWN COMMITTEE MINUTES JANUARY 28, 1981 Meeting was called to order by Chairman Dresser at 7:30 p.m. All members were present. Guests included Cheryl Bersher from the Chamber of Commerce, Mayor Wilbur Bishop, Councilman Tom Brian, and J. B. Bishop, local businessman. The first item of business was an announcement by the Chairman that due to business related matters he would be unable to continue as Chairman. Mr. Paterson, Co-Chairman suggested that he, (Paterson)become Chairman and that Mr. Dresser become Co-Chairman. It was suggested that the Committee should elect a Recording Secretary. Staff agreed. In fact, Mr. Howard told the Committee that he was resigning as Secretary effective immediately. Mr. Brown suggested that the communication between the Committee and the City Council left much to be desired. The membership agreed. After lengthy discussion, it was suggested that a member of the Committee present timely reports to the Council to keep them abreast of what was happening. Motion by Brown, seconded by Hansen . . . "Assign Committee member to make timely reports to the City Council" . . . passed unanimously. Staff briefed the Committee on the status of the HUD Grant. A lengthy discussion followed and "the right track was finally agreed upon". Motion by Hirl, seconded by Hansen . . . "The sequence of events to be followed by this Committee is as follows: Preparation of a Regiest For Proposal (RFP) at the • February 11, 1981 and February 25, 1981 meeting. Committee and the City Council to meet at a Study Session in March to discuss the RFP. Changes incorporated. When the funding is in hand, the RFP will be sent to interested consultants. The Committee will then review the responses and make a recommendation to the Council. Council to hire a consultant. Consultant to complete the plan as outlined in the RFP. Plan submitted to the Committee and Council. Final acceptance of the Program." . . . Passed unanimously. At the next meeting on February 11, 1981, Staff will present a proposed change to Resolution 80-46. Proposed changes include expanding the present Committee by the addition of one person-at-large, one person from the business community, one person from the school department, one person from the fire district and one person from the water district. A list of names to be submitted to the City Council with this Resolution change. The Committee felt that it should expand its membership to insure a broader base. Roger Brown is to make a presentation to the City Council on February 17, 1981 to answer any questions the Council may have. Minutes of Committee meetings will be presented. A Recording Secretary was not found when the meeting adjourned. Aie d •