02/23/1988 - Minutes METZGER i:IP MINUTES
February 23, 1 ' 88
Members Present : Bill Benz , John Bl omgren , Cathy Chase , Gene
Davis, Don M i l l er , Dave = i ebol d
1 . Meeting was called to order by chairperson Cathy Chase .
2 . Minutes of the last meeting were read and a.pprowed .
3. Mr . Wool e;• ' s memorandum of Jan . 21 Was discussed . He
explained where the list of pr i or t i es will be sent and how
they will be presented. The next step wi 1 1 be to the city
Transportation Committee for inclusion in the overall cit::,,
plan . Their next meeting will be Mar . 24th .
4. It was moved and seconded to have the priority 1 i st
established at our last meeting passed on to the
Transportation Committee intact with no changes in the
order . The motion passed unanimously.
J . It was m0ed and seconded to have our next meeting a
: 00 PM on Apri l 28th , 1 = _ to - - - Put the findings of the
Transportation Committee . The motion passed unanimously.
. The meeting ,.. -._ adjourned at 7 : 55 PM.
Respectful ! , = :bm . t ted ,
Donald blit _