PFI2017-00222 CITY OF TIGARD PUBLIC FACILITIES IMPROVEMENT PERMIT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Permit#: PF12017-00222 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard OR 97223 503.718.2421 Date Issued: 10/18/2017 Parcel: 2S 109AA00300 Jurisdiction: Tigard Site address: 14165 SW 125TH AVE Subdivision: None Lot: None Project: Walker Rain Garden Project Description: Rain Garden at 14165 SW 125th ave Owner: FEES Description Date Amount PFI Permit Fee 10/18/2017 $300.00 PHONE: Contractor: PHONE: FAX: Applicant: DAVID JENKINS 11815 NE 99TH SUITE 1200 VANCOUVER, WA 98682 PHONE: 503-505-1065 Total $300.00 Please sign below to indicate acceptance of conditions and return copy with the proposed work schedule along with names and contact information of responsible parties before b ning ork. Permittee/Applicant Signature: Issued By: Special Conditions(See Attached) Note:THIS PERMIT DOES NOT COVER WORK ON PRIVATE PROPERTY Conditions for PF12017-00222 Type: Condition Name: Status: Severity: PFI_Utilities 01 -WORK SITE REQUIREMENTS Applied Notice Applicant must comply with all applicable provisions of federal and state law, the Tigard Municipal Code, and the terms of any agreement with the City of Tigard regarding work to be done pursuant to this permit. PFI_Utilities 02-WORK SITE AREA Applied Notice The work area and approach roads shall be maintained in a clean condition, free from obstructions and hazards. The spreading of mud or debris or storage of materials or equipment of any kind upon any public roadway is strictly prohibited and violation shall be cause for immediate cancellation of the permit. The City may at any time order immediate clean-up and suspension of work to accomplish clean-up. PFI_Utilities 03-WORK SITE EROSION CONTROL Applied Notice Prior to starting work, effective and approved erosion control devices must be installed and maintained meeting the Clean Water Services and DEQ requirements. The City may at any time order corrective action and suspension of work to accomplish effective erosion control. PFI_Utilities 04-WORK SITE REPAIRS Applied Notice Disturbed landscaped areas shall be restored or replaced. Existing signs, pavement markings, mailboxes, etc. shall be reinstalled or replaced, with like kind of material. Obtain City approval of restoration work. PFI_Utilities 05-TRAFFIC CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS Applied Notice Applicant shall provide traffic control according to the current edition of the"Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices [MUTCD]for Streets and Highways", U.S. Dept. of Transportation, FHWA, current edition, American Traffic Safety Services Association[ATSSA], and Oregon Temporary Traffic Control Handbook[OTTCH]. PFI_Utilities 06-TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Applied Notice Submit a job specific traffic control plan. A copy of the approved traffic control plan shall be readily available at the work area. Traffic control devices, flag persons, etc., shall be in place prior to initiation of construction work and shall be effectively maintained. PFI_Utilities 07-TRAFFIC CONTROL ROAD CLOSURE Applied Notice Public roadway shall not be closed to traffic, at any time, without obtaining written approval from the City Engineer. The applicant is responsible to provide 48 hour advance notice of traffic flow disruptions to affected businesses, residents and area wide Emergency Services: 503-629-0111 (Tigard Police Dept., Tualatin Fire&Rescue)and to 503-962-8140(Tri-Met) and 503-431-2345(Tigard School District)and other service providers impacted by such closure. PFI_Utilities 08-TRAFFIC CONTROL PROPERTY ACCESS Applied Notice Access to existing properties shall be maintained at all times, including normal delivery service and mail service. Obtain City approval of any access closures. PFI_Utilities 09-TRAFFIC CONTROL WORK HOURS Applied Notice Work is permitted in daylight between the hours of 7.00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Mon-Fri unless otherwise authorized by the City. PFI_Utilities 10-TRAFFIC CONTROL LIMITED WORK HOURS Applied Notice Hours of construction work on collector and arterial roads will be limited to 9:00 a.m.to 3:00 p.m. unless authorized by the City Engineer. Work will not be permitted on collector and arterial roads between 3,00 p.m. to 9:00 a.m. unless authorized by the City Engineer. PFI_Utilities 11 -TRAFFIC CONTROL MODIFICATION Applied Notice The City reserves the right to add to or modify traffic control requirements as necessary to effectively control traffic and to assure public safety. PFI_Utilities 12-UTILITY NOTIFICATION Applied Notice Oregon law requires following the rules adopted by the Oregon Utility Notification Center. Said rules are set forth in OAR 952-001-0100 through OAR 952-001-0080. Copies of said rules may be obtained from the Center by calling 503-246-1987. If you have any question about the rules, contact the Center. NOTE: Damage to utilities shall be corrected at the permit holder's expense. PFI_Utilities 13-UTILITY LOCATION CONFLICT Applied Notice Applicant must verify all existing utilities for both vertical elevation and horizontal location prior to start of work(pothole before digging if necessary). Should conflicts arise and redesign or relocation of facilities be necessary, it shall be done at the applicant's expense. Changes must be approved by the City in advance of work. Applicant shall coordinate the work with affected utility agencies. PFI_Utilities 14-TEMPORARY PATCH Applied Notice A temporary hard-surface patch shall be placed on trenches within roadways at the end of each work shift. Obtain advance approval of patching method. No trench shall be left at any time in an un-safe condition. Applicant is responsible for and is liable for hazards or damage resulting from the prosecution of the work. PFI_Utilities 15-REPAIR OF EXISTING FACILITIES Applied Notice Work under this permit shall include repair of existing facilities(roads, ditches, etc.)as may be necessary, as determined by the Inspector, to overcome deterioration or damage which occurred in conjunction with the work authorized by the permit. Corrective work shall be done at the applicant's expense. PFI_Utilities 16-PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING Applied Notice Before initiating any construction activity,the applicant shall coordinate with the City's inspector, <Insert Name>at<Insert Phone#>,to establish a preconstruction meeting. PFI_Utilities 17-NOTICE TO COMMENCE WORK Applied Notice The applicant shall notify the City's Inspector twenty-four(24) hours prior to commencing work, prior to any staged inspection, and after completing work covered by the permit. Call Jonny Gish 971-713-0281 or Jonny@tigard-or.gov PFI_Utilities 18-PERMIT/PLAN ON SITE Applied Notice A copy of the permit including a Certificate of Insurance, and all attachments, and a copy of the approved construction plan and all amendments shall be readily available at the work area. All work shall conform to the permit terms, conditions and provisions and to the City approved permit plans, and approved plan amendments and to the City's standards and specifications and to these General Conditions. Changes to any of these must be approved by the City, in advance of work performance. PFI_Utilities 19-MONUMENT PROTECTION Applied Notice Existing monuments, property corners, and survey markers shall be protected. Replacement shall be at the permit holder's expense. PFI_Utilities 20-EMERGENCY CONTACTS Applied Notice Provide to the City inspector, in writing,the names and 24 hour emergency telephone number of two(2)persons who have authority to resolve problems, take corrective action and, in general,will be responsible in case of any emergency. The applicant shall notify the City Inspector, in writing, of any/all assignment changes. PFI_Utilities 21 -OTHER Applied Notice RECEIVED City of Tigard OCT 10 2017 g rii Pl'I3IJ(; WORKS - FNG I N l,'F.H I NG CITY OFTIGARD PLANNING/EN(31NEERINC w Public Faclhty Improvement (PPI) Pernit TYPE OF WORK DESCRIPTION OF WORK(in the right-of-way) ❑ TYPE 1- Franchise l'tilirr 1\'ork Check onc: �L'Ijllljes ❑Side\\-alk/dri\-cw;1►'approach ❑Sirectimprorenu•nts performed by NV'\ PGE I�c•tailcd dcscriI)11oI1: ��'�� �'��i �cLs and/car c,rilir� :� encs. TYPE 2-�idcwalk;Ihi\c\\ac/�c\\cr Work pcl-f{armcd fell-the of-. • Sidewalk installation or repair. 1 /1 ( ) HW5 � �LS f�v� • Driveway;lpproach installaticmProlert-N7 address ocatlon : <. .1 rr and/or repair • tianitall sewer lateral installation and/or mails line tat) P�'��kL L1F�SAYL.6 I�0M ES ❑ TYPE 3--Full scale l)e\'clopinent :�ppllcanl: c- Work e formed with land use Address: ( (q '`'(�`/� apprcwal a-hich includes ane of (.iIv/state: '_ �{1�.;�/FI� l _ zip: '"1�W lel the following: Subdivisions of Partitions -� Street widening("o act A OuIM) I'I]cme: t675 _ \lainline installation for Sanitan� \�``� ��C� ���C (`� ` sewer, Storm sewer, Tigard \v2tcr cln (. ti•actor: 0 J and/or Tigard\Vater Service Arca ri ';a5 I:�lliratic�n: .� :Address: it il% �jC �Cil� C'?T. ��;i�" l ,(�J{� SUBMIT COMPLETED APPLICATION TO: (:it)-/state: `fit U�VcfL U ,N zit,: _ �v.f Cigr of Tigard Phclna :4�;O" �`;� (( r�� 1.t]]zll: &%0A L ,f1_„� Phinniug/Euginecring l�J� 13125 SW Nall Blvd. Contact nan]c: `�►�u,�1 �` 1 � 1'hc�nc: �t-�J SU� �UIv'f Tigard,OR 97223 \pptic'atiulls fir"minc•1•\\ork itt 1'lgtlt-�>f stat” C� �tQ �J T Z t�L1ri 01111 111:1,'1,(.ccl1;1l1C i 1a1f7111eC Y: ' Address: rowyennitsla tigard-or.gov Citl'/state: X11): imiiii1sNa G-�•► 111011e: 1:rl]ail: Case No.: ?FL Zd « — 00 2 Z7, ('.ontact name: application submittal fee: ; S60'00 Additional fees: $ 1":stimated Value of work is rc•duirc•d(If over��,I)O(1):�; application accepted: (within thc•public right-o1'-\X•ar) 1?;�: Date: Iv toto application reviewed: Is work related to a LAND-USI: lll•ASIONr ❑ Yes '`J No I� IU If so, please specifN• (NILI SDR,SUB,c°tc.) case #: By: Date: _-Applicant notified: is work rclaIcd ta B171 LDING P1,.1ZiAIIT!, 1'eS 11 No By: Date: 0 If sf1,plcasc spe•citV(lil'ILI)IN(a I)FIZA11T)c;3•sc`#: IN j���� �(1J2��p 1:\£NG\PermitApplitations\pfi_applical ion Rev.(2/16/2016 Cite'of Tigard 13125S\\ I kill Bk-d- - Tigard,01Cgun`)-223 \v\%-\v.tig;u-d-ctr.go% Page I of 4 DocuSign Envelope ID.084DODCD AD47-47E9-B1D3-970AB517A563 APPLICANTS NOTE: Pers(w hrcified as`:>1liplie utt"S11a11 be designated"Ne•riniIIcv'and•11;111 hr()\'ide tinctix ial assur;ulce fi,r work. II IC(II.icd by [lit,eitt'I1tlr.,uant t(,TNIC 15.041 1-30. 1\i1h tilt'c�(�I,ti�m cif uttltt, �,Iirr.�linlr}�tn�u.int t� a it Irani Ii?,I wul1 till (.its,�I I'>eatJ,�altctt the 11%\lit r.tn,1 flit .11,1,11(-:1111 a,c difte•tt•ttt Ili( 111111 Ix 111(-I'mulms(•I(+I It((ni1()I a Ic;;c( in III 1�,.(,-1,111 with wiltIvIl hull)ihr Ml 111.1 u,all AVVIII(It tl►r �Nttut I h( 4,1,n,li;I mu•I >i}.�n this a1'hhraru n i1,tilt ,},,1(c}„ INIdt-d,,I .111f11111 a%%'1mcrt authurirarnIII »1111 thi;;q)h1t(.1Ill a1 t t.ulcht;cll t' nlitic :1,r n�•t rc(I,nrr�l h�+d,r.nn Ili( I n1•r t;n.11ure un flit .,},hhcalu•I) BY SIGNING BELOW,THL APPLICANT(S) SHALL CERTIFY THAT: • •1•hc•b(\•r r•t ucIt dc>•,n(tt ti(.,1arr ar � rt 1,tclt'cl cic•t•cl rr�Irt i(�n� t lat n a !x•attached 1(1 c►r inl)ct�•c t�cjn tilt':1,h cct i )1VQV. • It' Ihc•a1)11Gkati(>n is gianit•d. the applicanl\511)c\cluf.0 dw I7J11,};r:trllc•cl itt acc•nrdancr With flit'Iurms artcl subjctt t{,Al the c c,n(lific,n�anti linulati(>n�c1i dx appi- t\•al. All(,t the ibm-e Ftatctnrutti and tilt,state ntc nt.in am plclt plsut,attachnu•nts,and exhibits transimitrd here•n•itlt,arc true;:utd the applieanrs sit acknina- -dgt:flat and llcrmil ISSUe•d,based on this aplAcau(»1,nt;tc he 10nkcd if it is found that am such statements are f•ahc•. The applicant 11aa I.C.1d tic C11111e•c(nttcrtts t)f the•:lphlicatitm,including the p(,lich.,and critrria,and the rcywrcmcnt,li,r a prm.ing()r dem•ing the npplicaj1OIV .1111)1jc1rtt/.lut1t0ri . (1_�l�c rtt's sis;n:tturc' Print tt;tntr I�sftc SIGNDoc S RES of each O'%-r)er of the sUbjec:t Property, if required. -�Oolc-uS12ned by: ►� UJAW Tom walker 10/6/2017 I3o2 b •c' 1'1-1!11 tt,ut�c' 1);ttc ,OaUc& Melissa walker 10/6/2017 [ "ler••signature -- — Print name - --- 1);t tc• (h�ne t`'s,il;n;tturc Print - I)atc- t PUBLIC FACALIT)'IMPROVEMENT PERMIT , Cif of Tigaid 1'I'i \\ I I:Iil BI\,i 1 tt atci,t t1t "tl n"'�; W,t 511: µ1 ti 'a?1 ]1(1ge 2 of'4 t t: i fPoS/oN N07-f-'5 PARKING I AREA \ 13iNsr�.L c�,wL Cc�r,srol�c>1oN���rv�tiw= SILT FENCE AS NEEDED TO— ' N5"�!L4.�1NO MA�n;r/4j'N 5iLr SEN; KEEP MATERIAL ON SITE \� 1 I OC"4OVEPDfNUUED5GIL5A5ef)UlkEJ \\ 0'9NNTNN r-!-UN ftNG OPOff-Y 424.00 \` S89050'20"W a3o.00 250.00' LOT�iiPE�i Z�4,`'�OI 5F 30' 1 I OU11-0INO COVErAOE 4.422 5F — - 70' P — �>/ »i'✓AY ApEr1 4,/1 6 5F / 5 — W TOTAl �,OVEPAGE = � o C) o 0 70'—r-- —i Z PE)PCENT GVJ�G 9 89/ W J z ?4123 PLAIN 36'-52" w 0 LL �. az < [ 7 ` Q U \ O \ I !, o N W L0�,A71ON OF t5 lAPET--)i YELL SCALE.- 1"=30' o M Lr) 5 LOG/iTION OF GONNE�TIO.N ! o 7"0 SEPTIC 5Y577FM 13X16 COVERED PATIO 10 > LOGIT OF PIPOVIDED 2'x2'RIPRAP -- r (n ELEC77PICAL DONNE,TION OVERFLOW PAD f I 5W L_ cArION OF PPOVIDED S8905 '20"W - - - -`— - t 5r01P17 CONNECTION' x-25' 25'--- C) 424.00 ; 18Q'69 0 430.00 �� Ca c�,� N °o i>> 15'x18'(270 SF)RAIN GARDEN TO BE o p INSTALLED PER CLEAN WATER p t SERVICES REQUIREMENTS I o COLLECT ALL RAIN DRAINS 1 \ � AND CRAWLSPACE LOW-POINT (� TO RAIN GARDEN U1 DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING FEES FOR STAIT ITSE ONLY Public Facility Improvement(PFI)Permit: DETAILED SUBMITTAL APPLICATION FEE REQUIREMENTS Part 1: Required submittal fee$300.00 FRANCHISE UTILITY AND SIDEWALK/ PERMIT FEE DRIVEWAY AND UTILITY CONNECTIONS,ETC. Part 2: All non-water system improrernents (Nvork in the right of way) Eninneer's estimate X 5`0(less$300.00 submittal fee) Engineer's estimate X—')",.Plan Review, Sketcb (including information below) WATER SYSTEM FEE ❑ Dimensions Part 3: All public water sx'sterm improvements ❑ Street Name I:ngnneer's estimate X 121"o ❑ Site Address PFI Permit Fee Exemptions: FULL SCALE DEVELOPMENT There will be no permit fee charged,or assurance required for the following types of ,vork: (Subdivisions/Parritions and Street Improvements) • Sidewalk repair(less than 20 lineal feet) • Relocate or replace rmailbos Design Plans • Ditch cleaning that does not itolve regrading. (G sets,2406 or 32x34] n• • Weep hole repair- ❑ Cover—Site,Vicinity,Abbreviation,Legend • Curb repair or replacement (less than 20 lineal feet) ❑ General Notes(City,Fater,Sewer,etc.) • Lawn sprink]er system installation or repair ❑ Street(Plan,Profile) • Street tree pruning or planting ❑ kVater,Storm and Sanitary(Plan Profile) • Planter strip landscapes maintenance ❑ Water Quality f acilities • 'fest wells ❑ Grading ❑ Landscaping/Tree Plan ❑ Composite Utility Plan(Electrical,Phone,Gas, Note: A cash assurance may be required per Storm,Sanitary,Fater,Signage,Street Lights,etc) TMC 15.04.140.(customer deposit) ❑ Details ❑ Traffic Sight Distance ❑ Signing and Striping ❑ Street Light Plan and Photometric ❑ Engineers seal/signature ❑ Sheet label(project land use name,revision and plan log block,dates and sheet numbers) Additional Submittals (per Land Use conditions) ❑ Traffic Report ❑ Storm water Drainage Calculations ❑ Geotechnical Report ❑ Preliminary_access Report(Sight Distance) ❑ Proposed Plat ❑ Pathway Design(if applicable) ❑ \Vater Department_-approval s PUBLIC FACILITY IMPROVEMENT PERMIT Cit-of Tigard 13125 til\'1 Ill]Blvd. 'figard,()regori 97223 xvww.tigard-or.gov 503-718-2421 Page 3 of 4 s HIGH DENSITY JUTE OR 6" MIN COCONUT MATTING FREEBOARD OVERFLOW TO 3:1 (H:V) MAXIMUM SLOPE CONVEYANCE. MAINTAIN MAXIMUM LINEAR SEPARATION FROM ALL STORM INFLOW POINTS El I `, . 1 � 1=1 I 1-11 I-111-1 I ElII-�' MIN -III-1 I J-1 =1 - -=1 11= IhI 11=1 I_!-!I I-1 I I--I,. -i = 1=!11-1 11=1111—J!1=1 I— -1 I hJ I I—f1I- 1l l-1 I l-I I I l I El I I—I I I-111_=I I I=III=111 11.1= =ill-III I J= = — —=� M � , I I I_I I I-111—I!II—I i I 1$ MIN GROWING MEDIUM I E-1 I I�111-J1-!1 I-I 11=1 I I-!J I-I I J- =111=J I I-i I!-i I I-1 I I=1 f i-I!I-III I]Ell 11=III-JAI-III- I f I i I 1=i I t!-f I I-111-JI=-!_I I-1 I l-1 I I-J i 1 \ I-!I 1=1 11-;l I i_I I I� =I!i !I 1-1 11-lII-I!J=f!I- \�3" DEEP (3/4" - 1/4") 1=lll�l!1=J E I.�!i�- tl 1=111_1 CLEAN CRUSHED DRAIN ROCK 9" DEEP (1-112- — 3/4-) \ \\ �/r�\ \,<\ },: �� j�j CLEAN CRUSHED DRAIN ROCK ///j✓ �f----OVERFLOW TO NATIVE \j\\\\\�\�\\�\��\' CONVEYANCE SUBGRADE NON—WOVEN GEOTEXIILE FILTER FABRIC NOTES: I. PUBLIC WATER QUALITY AND/OR QUANTITY SYSTEM 2. PROVIDE OVERFLOW CONVEYANCE SYSTEM, OVERFLOW CONVEYANCE HEIGHT TO ALLOW 6" MAXIMUM PONDING, PIPING TO A MINIMUM OF THE PLUMBING CODE OR CONVEY THE 25 YEAR STORM. 3. IF USING THE NATIVE SOIL INFILTRATION FOR SIZING, THE RATE SHALL BE DETERMINED BY ASTM STANDARD TESTING METHODS. 4. FLOW DISSIPATORS SHOULD BE USED IF ENTRY SLOPE TO THE BASIN IS GREATER THAN 3:1. FLOW DISSIPATORS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OUT OF ROCK OR GRAVEL PER DESIGN FLOW VELOCITY AT ENTRY OF THE FACILITY. 5. TREATMENT AREA SHALL HAVE HIGH DENSITY JUTE OR COCONUT MATTING OVER 18" MINIMUM OF GROWING MEDIUM OR BASE STABILIZATION METHOD AS APPROVED BY THE DISTRICT. E VEGETATION TO BE USED IN WET AREAS OF THE BASIN IS PER APPENDIX "A" OF R&O 07-20 FOR THE WET MOISTURE CONDITIONS. 7. VEGETATION TO BE USED IN OTHER AREAS OF BASIN CONFORMS TO PLANT LIST OF THIS HANDBOOK AS APPROVED BY DISTRICT. NON-STRUCTURAL LIDA PLANTER RAIN GARDEN ` HANDBOOK 'C1eanWatej \ Services DRAWING NO. 797 REVISED 05-16 c;►ea,Auder cr,;ccs Low Impact Development Approaches Handbook Appendix Planting Templates and Plant Lists Zone A: Area of the facility defined as the bottom of the facility to the designed high water mark. This area has moist to wet soils and plants located here shall be tolerant of mild inundation. Zone B: Area of the facility defined as the side slopes from the designed high water line up to the edge of the facility. This area typically has dryer to moist soils, with the moist soils being located further down the side slopes. Plants here should be drought tolerant and help stabilize the slopes. Swale Planting Zones Swale Planting Zones Zone B A Zone B Planter Plantinges Basin Planting Zones Zone B Zone A Saturated low Impact Development Approaches Handbook 77 Infiltration Garden Page 3 of 4 .: moon - nano t/ . E u f New Seasons,10th and SE Division St.,Portland should be planted with herbaceous rushes,sedges,perennials, ferns and shrubs that ore well-suited to wet-to-moist soil conditions. Buckman Terrace Apartments,Portland If the infiltration planter has side slopes(basin without vertical walls),soil conditions will vary from wet to relatively dry;several Design Factors (continued) planting zones should be considered.The flat bottom area will be moist-to-wet,and the side slopes will vary from moist at the bottom to relatively dry near the top where inundation rarely except as necessary to construct the facility.Consider construction of occurs.The moisture gradient will depend upon the designed infiltration planter areas before construction of other impervious maximum water depth,total depth of the planter,and steepness surfaces to avoid unnecessary traffic loads. of the side slopes.This moisture gradient is a transition zone and should be planted with species that tolerate occasional standing Soil Amendment/Mulch water,and plants that prefer drier conditions toward the top of Amended soils with appropriate compost and sand provide the slope.Areas above the side slopes,immediately adjacent numerous benefits:infiltration;detention; retention;better to the basin,and above the designed high water line will not plant establishment and growth;reduced summer irrigation be inundated and should be planted with self-sustaining,low needs;reduced fertilizer need; increased physical/chemical/ maintenance grosses,perennials,and shrubs suitable for the local microbial pollution reduction;and,reduced erosion potential. climate, Primary treatment will occur in the top 18 inches of the infiltration planter.Amended soil in the treatment area is composed of Native plants are encouraged,but non-invasive ornamentals organic compost,gravelly sand and topsoil. Compost is weed- that add aesthetic and functional value are acceptable.All free,decomposed,non-woody plant material;animal waste is not vegetation should be planted densely and evenly to ensure proper allowed.Check with the local jurisdiction or Clean Water Services hydrological function of the infiltration planter. for Seal of Testing Approval Program(STA)Compost provider. To avoid erosion,use approved erosion control BMPs for non- Quantities per 100 square feet: structural infiltration planters. •115 herbaceous plants,l'on center spacing, V2-gal container size;or Vegetation •100 herbaceous plants,Y on center,and 4 shrubs,l-gal Planted vegetation helps to attenuate stormwater flows and break container size 2'on center. down pollutants by interactions with bacteria,fungi,and other organisms in the planter soil.Vegetation also traps sediments, Trees are optional;if used,minimum 2 gallon by 2 feet tall. reduces erosion,and limits the spread of weeds.Appropriate, carefully selected plantings enhance the aesthetic and habitat Trees are allowed in infiltration planters and should be selected value.For a complete list of allowable plants refer to see page 76. by their adaptability to wet-to-moist conditions and full size at maturity.An area twice the width of tree rootball and the depth of The entire water quality treatment area should be planted the rootball plus 12"(or total depth of 30",whichever is greater) appropriately for the soil conditions.Walled infiltration run-on should be backfilled with amended soil for optimal growth,with planters will be inundated periodically.Therefore the entire planter no sub-surface rock layer.For infiltration planters with side slopes, trees should be placed along the side slopes of the facility rather than at the bottom. 3 low Impact Development Approaches Handbook (;Ir.0 i11�tc� Su (es PUBLIC and PRIVATE Facility Plant Lists Legend Seed Mix Planting Zone A-Treatment Area-standing or Low Grow Seed Mix for Veg Swale, flowing water/nearly constant saturation; Extended Dry Basin, Veg Filter Strip. anaerobic soils Dwarf Tall Fescue 40%, Dwarf Perenial Planting Zone A/B- Upper Treatment Area/Midslope - Rye 30%, Creeping Red Fescue 250X, rnoist, periodically saturated; anaerobic and/or Colonial Bent Grass 5%. Apply at a rate aerobic soils. of 120 pounds/acre Planting Zane B- Upper Slope- dry and infrequent --- inundation/saturation, if any; aerobic soils Planting Zone C-Green Roof Only- 4-12" soil depth Planting Zone D- Green Roof Only- 12"-24" soil depth 10 SUN = (at least 6 hours of direct sun) 0 PART SHADE _ (3 -6 hours of sun each day) 40 SHADE = (less than 3 hours of direct sun) * Note: Large Shrubs and Small Trees will not be allowed in street side swales ** Note: Trees will not be allowed in stormwater facilities that are in tracts or easements less than 30 feet wide. C,'leant'Vatu�Scrvices Low Impact Development Approaches Handbook 79 Public Facility Plant List Proposed Facility Type Chdrdctetisli(s C a � C � r9 t2) 76 r�0 Cr .(Z N rui RT 03 CD � v► a, U_ o 'n aT Q' C -C a = O a ro D -O v _y > N V�T r0 'L7 i f[t Idi a 75 cu CU - C C d 2 I .4' `r p T� t71 3 n u > Z a 0 a Camassia leichrlinii, Camas Lily X I X Y SUN O PART SHADE 24' A Camasssa quamash, Common Camas X X Y 3:�SUN a PAR,SHADE 24" A/g Carex densa, Dense Sedge X }( X X X X Y -0 Sum 0 PART SHADE 24" A Carex obnupra, Slough Sedge X X X X X X Y - WN O PART SHADE 4 A Carex stipata, Sawbeak Sedge X X X X X X Y SU" 0 PART SHADE 20" A Carex vesicaria, Inflated Sedge X X X X X X Y f SUN O PART SHADE 36" A Carex vuipinoidea, Fox Sedge X X X X X Y SIN/ 0 PART SHADE 24p A Deschampsia cespitosa, Tufted Hair Grass X X Y SUN 0 PART SHADE 36" AB Hebe Autumn Glory; Hebe X N SUN 0 PART SHADE �, " B i _ Ins douglasiana, Douglas Ins X X X Y ] - WN 18" B Ins tenax, Oregon Iris X X X Y SUN t g N B Juncus balticus, Baltic Rush X X Y I SUN OPAN SHADE 20" A Juncus effuses var.pacificus, Soft rush X X X X X X Y SUN 0 PART SHADE 35 A Juncus ensifollus, Dagger-leaf Rush X X X X X X Y -4 SUN 0 PART SHAETE 10 A Juncus patens, Spreading Rush X X X X X X Y ! sup, CO PART SHADE #24" A Juncus tenuis, S ender Rush X X X X X X YS"" 0 rARTSHAac A Scirpus micorocarpus, Small Fruited Bulrush X X X X Y - SUN 0 PART SHADE A Symphyotrichum subspicatum, Douglas`Aster X X Y 36" B Shrubs and -egs Acer circinatum, Vine Maple X 7_'�' " Yi SUN 0 PART SHADE 15' g Amelanchier alnifolia, Western Serviceberry X Y SUN 20' B Ceanothussanguineus,Oregon Redstem Ceanothus X X Y SUN 0 PART SHADE #7' B Comus sericea. Red-twig Dogwood X X X Y SUN 0 PANSHADE 2A/B Physocarpus capitatus, Pacific Ninebark X X X X Y SUN 0 PART SHADE tA/B — - -- -- - Ribes sanguineum, Red-Flowering Current X X X X Y SUN B' B Rosa pisocarpa Cluster RoseX X Y SUN 0 PART SHADE 91 A/B Rubus parvifloros, Thimbleberry X X X X Y SUN 0 PART UTADE 8' B Rubus spectabilts, Salmonberry X X X X Y 0 RAN SHADE A Sambucus cerulea, Blue Elderber ry X X X X Y I SUN 0 PART SHADE 10 B F'ri low Impact Development Approaches Handbook ClcanWite��'SenKCS Public Facility Plant List (continued) Proposed facility Type Characteristics c a � C L OEZ a N CJ y7 30 TTLA- LA- Ql ...r = r V VT O Z7 ro 7@ r9 X71 N Q H 4r Z � _ Ql C a.r Q Q1 �► O C .� • ?+ _ w V > Z a tL a Sarnbucus racemosa,Red f lderberry X X X X Y SUNa PART SHADE Spriaea douglasW,, Douglas Sprraea X X X X X X Y SUN a PART SHADE 6' A/B a Viburnum edule, Higil Cranberry X X X X Y SUN PART SHADE 6 A/B Holodiscus discolor, Oceanspray X X X Y _ SUN 6' B Oemleria cerasiformis, Indian Plum X X X Y •%"of 6' B Phifadelphu lewish, Wild Mock Orange X X X Y SUN a PART SHADE 6' B torncer-a involucrata, Black Twinberry X X X Y - SUN aFAR SHAME 5' g Ceanothus velut�nus, Snowbrush X X X X X Y SUN rv►RTSHADE a' B Cornus sericea Xelseyii', Kelsey Dogwood ::X X X X X N - SUN a PART SHADE Zai^ B Gaultheria shallop,Salal X X Y 0#ART SHADE O SHADE 24" B Mahonia aquifotrum, Oregon Grape X X X X X Y SUN 5' H Mahonia nervosa, Dull Oregon Grape X X X X X Y 0KMSHADE 0SMDE 24" B Paxistima myrsirVtes, Oregon Box Leaf X X X X Y OPART SHADE 0SHADE 3' B SlImphoricarpos alba, Common 5nowberry X X X X X Y -)t�SUN 0 PART SHADE �sEEAt�E 6' B Groundijuvers Arcrostaphylos uva-ursi, Kinnickinnick X Y SUN 6" B Fragaria chdoensts, Coastal Strawberry X X X Y SUN PART SHADE 6" B Fragaria vesca, Woodland Strawberry Y JT.SUN a PART SHADE 10" B Fragaria vrrginiana, Wild Strawberry Y SUN a PART SHADE 101, B Helkrotrrchon sempervirens, Blue Qat Grass X N -3�SUN 24" B Mahonia repen.s Creeping Oregon Grape X X X Y •SKADI 12" B Abies grandis, Grand Fir .X X Y i TSUN a KRTSHAD[ 150' 6 Acer macrophylllm, Big leaf Maple Y -3:�SUrr CO PART SHADE 601 B Alnus rubra, Red Alder Y SUN 80' A/B Crataegus dougrasii, Black Hawthorn X X X Y WN 40' A/B Malus fusca, Pacific Crabapple X X X Y SUN a PAM SHADE 30' A/B Populus tremv des, Quaking Aspen X X X Y SUN 40, A/B Prunus emarginara var. mollis, Bitter Cherry X X X Y SUN 50' AB UemAX.TtcrN�SLTVIcr� Low Impact Development Approaches Handbook 81 Public Facility Plant list (continued) Plant Name ProposSed Facili Type Characteristics M M a 3 m m ... 0 `—�' 1-: rn a, aO I s o •" a tT to Q _ a .n a Z CU c l• ? w U � Sy p rroo Z 4`. [i Pseudot5uga menxiesii, Douglas Fir X X X Y "'" 0 Mitt WADI 20D' B Quercus garryana, Oregon White Oak X X X Y SUN 100' B Rhamnus purshiana, Cascara X X X Y 30' AB Thula plicara, Western Red Cedar X X X Y 150' AIB Tsuga herrophylla, Western HemlockX X X Y -*sm O•A►rr SNARE 125' A/B Salixscoulenana, Scouler's willow X X X Y *SM 30' B Tsuga mertenstana, Mountain Hemlock X X X Y SUN U PA"SNARE 125' B I 1 ow Impact Development Approaches Handbook Private Facility Plant List PFol)o-%d Facility Typ�e ro a . a Cr ct w � � «a, an (M ro m , m o = t � a ✓ n p 'p ii to a c c o > o i v v ao > cc 4n 76 ��/ aJ CTI 0 C 0 '� d r •• • > J C W V > U' Z d O 4 Q_ Delosperrna ssp, ice Plani X fJ *SUN q Malephora crocea vat.purpureo crocea X N SUN loll C 'Tequila Sunrise', Coppery Mesemb Sedum Autumn Joy - X N -- suN------- — 24 C Sedum acre, Biting Stonecrop X N SM 2„ C Sedum album, White Stonecrop X N SUN 3" C Sedum divergens, Padfic Stonecrop X N SUN 3" C Sedum hispanicum, Spanish Stonecrop X N SUN 3" C Sedum kamtschaticum, Kirin-so X N SUN 6" C Sedum oreganum, Oregon 5tonecrop X Y SUN O.AR,sHAOE qC Sedum sexangular,, Tasteless Stonecrop X N :UN q C Sedum spathulifolium, Stonecrop X Y 74SUN 4.. C Sedum spurium,Two-row Stonecrop X id SUN a PART SHAM �C Sempervivum rectorum, Hens and Chicks X N -4SUN C t r ' Achillea millefolitltn,Common Yarrow X 1 N _'SUM 36,. C Achillea tomentosa, Wooly Yarrow X N SUN g C Arenaria montana, Sandwort XN SUN 4' C Artemesia 'Silver Mound', Arternesia X N -4 SUN 12„ C Auriniasaxatihs, 'Compacta' X N 7'sun 5•• C Blechnum.spicant, Deer Fern X X Y O PART SHADE 0 SHADE 24" B Camassia leir-htlinii Camas lily X X X Y SUN O PARTSHA13E 24" A Camassia quarnash, Common Camas X X X Y SUN U PART SHADE 24" A/B Castilleja fohosa, Indian Paintbrush X Y WN loll C Carex densa, Dense Sedge X X X X X X Y SUN O PART SHADE 24 A Carex obnupra, Slough Sedge X X X X X X Y SUN CO)VART SHADE qA Carex stip ata, Sawbeak SedgP X X X X X X Y SUN O PART SHADE 20" A Carex veskaria, Inflated Sellae X X X X X X Y sura O PART SHADE 36" A Carex vulpinoidea, Fox Sedge X X X X X I Y SUN O PART SHADE 24" A f (.leanWvtc��Sci vicc-s - low Impact Development Approaches Handbook 83 Private Facility Plant List (continued) Proposed � c d � c � a � c s - a rn ro o Cr a a a p ii .� _ c C $ r = 0 4- KLO �! _d M � r r c Z C > 0 Z ci 1 a a Deschampsia cespitosa,Tufted Hair Grass X X Y SUN CO MRT SHADE 36" A/B Dianthus ssp. X N SUN O MRTSHADE 12 C Erigeron discoideus, Fleabane X N - SUN O MW SHADE 11.. C festuca glauca, Blue Fescue_ X Y SUN D PAKSHADE 12" C Fragaria chiloensis, Coastal StrawberryX Y SUN U MRTSHADE 10" C Gaillardia aristata, Birds-eye gilia X N -SUN CO MRT 5"DE 20" C Gazania linearrs 'CO Gold', Gazania X N 3�SUN 6 C Gilia capitata, Blue Thimble Flower X YSUN 12" C Hebe Autumn Glory, Hebe _X X N - SUN O PART SHADE 34 B 4+1 M douglasiana, Douglas Iris x X Y SUN 181, A/B Iris tenax, Oregon Iris X X Y SUN 18" I A/B Juncus bahicus, Baltic Rush X X Y - f SUN O PAWr SHADE 20" A Juncus effusus var pacificus, Soft rush X X X X X X Y sUN pMRTsHAoE 36" A Juncus ensitolius, Dagger-leaf Rush X X X X X X Y SUN O MIST SHADE 10" A Juncus patens, Spreading Rush X X X X X X Y SUN U PARI SHADE 36" A Juncus tenuis. Slender Rush X X X X X X Y - SUN 0 MRTSHAN 36" A Koelaria macrantha, June Grass X N SUN O SART SHADE 24" C [maria reticulate, Purplenet Toadflax X N SUN 20" C Lobularia maritima, Sweet Alyssuni X N SUN 12" C Polypodium glycrrhiza, Licorice Fern —X] Y SUN U M"SHADE 12" C Polystrchum munitum, Sword Fern X Y SUN 0 PANT SHADE 24" C Pbtentiila nepalensis, Nepal Cinquefoil X N SUN 0PAvrsNADE 14" C Potentilla neumanniana, Cinquefoil X Nx,E, 14" C Scirpus mlcorocarpus, Small Fruited Bulrush X X X X Y - SUN O PAK SHADE 24" A Symphyotrichum subspicatum, Douglas'Aster X X X X X X Y -0 SUN 36" B Thymus serphyllurn, Creeping Thyme X N -4 SUN 3" C Veronica liwanensis, Speedwell X N SM 01%raSUAac 2" C Large Shrubs and Small Trees' Acer circinatum,Vine MapleFX X X X Y suN U MRi SHADE 15' B Amelanchier alnrtolra, Western Serviceberry X X X Y -S}SUN 20' B 84L ow Impact Development Approaches Handbook cle;I]AVatel ServiCes Private Facility Plant List (continued) Plant Name Froposed Facility Type Characteristics CU ru c � a 3 CU rn ry ra CY n- aF n, n c_ CM eE el .. c a o a = o 3 g - t5 ? N N _ CC Cr 7cornIa ccx co da ?�, a:u > l7 z a Q_thus sang4rieus, Oregon Redstem Ceanothus X X X X Y SUN O PART SHADE 7' AA/B s sericEa. Red-twig Dogwood X X X X Y SUN 0 PART SHADE 20• Physocarpus capitatus, Pacific Ninebark X X X X Y SUN PANT SHADE 10' Ribes sanguineum, Red-flowering Current X X X X X Y SUN g• B/D Rosa pisocarpa, Cluster Rose X X X Y SUN ()PART SHADE 8' AIB Rubus parviflorus,Thimbleberry X X X X Y wN 0 PAM:►,ADE 8' B Rubus spectabiAs, Salmonberry X X X X Y SUN 0 PART SHADE 10' A/g Sambucus cerulea, Blue Elderberry X X X X Y SUN 0 PANT SHADE 10' B Sambucus racemosa, Red Elderberry X X X X Y SUN 0 MRT SHADE 10' B Amalanchier alnifofia, Saskatoon Serviceberry X Y SUN 20- D Berberis thunbergii, Japanese Barberry X N - SUN q p Spr,aea douglasri, Douglas Spiraea X X X X X X Y suN 0 MW SHADE 6' A/B Holodiscus discolor, Oceanspray X X X X X Y - SUN 6' g Lavandula angustifolia 'Hidcote', Dwarf EnglishX N - SUN 30" D Lavander Ionicera involucrata, Black Twinber ry_ X—�, X X X X Y �SUN0 POM SHAM r�• g Viburnum edule, Highbush Cranberry —Xi Y. X X X X Y O Mpr:HADE SHADE 6' A/g Oemleria cerasiformis, Indian Plum X X X X X Y O Hari SHADE •SHADE 6' B Pfidadelphus lewisfi, Wild Mock orange X X X X X Y ' SUN 6' B Ceanothus velutinus, Snowbrush X l X X X Y *sm 4 g Comus sericea 'Kelseyir', Kelsey Dogwood X Ix X X X N i:�SUN 0 PART SHADE 24^ g Gaultheria shallon, Salm X X XX X Y D PART SHADE 9 SHADE 24 BID Mahonia aquifolium, Oregon Grape X X X X X X Y WN 0 PART SHADE 5' 8/D Mahonia nervosa, Dull Oregon Grape EX X X X X X Y 4 PART SHADE •SHADE 24" B/0 A4anonia repens, Creeping Oregon Grape X Y suN 0PARTSHADE t2 D Paxistima myrsinites,Oregon Box Leaf X X X X Y O PART SHADE •SHADE 3 13 Symphoricarpos alba, Common Snowberry X X X X X Y *suN O►ARTsHADE •SHADE 6' B Symphoricarpos mollis, Creeping Snowberry _ X Yy+�SUM .h� 0 PART SHADE 18" D Thj,mus vulgaris, Common Thyme X N SUN 0 MAT SHAM 12" D c,'611AVIterN\Sovicc% Low impact Development Approaches Handbook g� J RETURN RECORDED DOCUMENT TO: CITY HALL RECORDS DEPARTMENT CITY OF TIGARD 13125 SW Hall Blvd. Tigard, OR 97223 Space above reserved for Washington County Recording information PRIVATE STORMWATER FACILITIES AGREEMENT This Agreement is made and entered into this day of ,20 ,by and between the CITY OF TIGARD, a municipal corporation of the State of Oregon(City) and Pacific Lifestyle Homes (Owner). RECITALS A. Owner has developed or will develop the Facilities listed below. (List the type of private stormwater facilities on site and the quantity of each type). Facility type(list each) Infiltration Planter/Rain Garden Quantity 1 B. The Facilities enable development of property while mitigating the impacts of additional surface water and pollutants associated with storm water runoff prior to discharge from the property to the public storm water system. The consideration for this Agreement is connection to the public storm water system. C. The property benefited by the Facilities and subject to the obligation of this Agreement is described below or in Exhibit A(Property) attached hereto and incorporated by reference. See Attached Exhibit A D. The Facilities are designed by a registered professional engineer to accommodate the anticipated volume of runoff and to detain and treat runoff in accordance with Clean Water Service City's Design and Construction Standards. E. Failure to inspect and maintain the Facilities can result in an unacceptable impact to the public storm water system. NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed by and between the parties as follows: 1. OWNER RESPONSIBILITIES. The City shall provide Owner an Operations and Maintenance (O&M Plan) for each facility. Owner agrees to operate, inspect and maintain each Facility in accordance with the current O&M Plan and any subsequent modifications to the Plan. Owner shall maintain a log on inspection activities. The log shall be available to the City upon request during City inspections Page 1 —Private Storm water Facilities Agreement 50014-36792 612117 2. DEFICIENCIES. All aspects in which the Facilities fail to satisfy the O&M Plan shall be noted as "Deficiencies". 3. OWNER CORRECTIONS. All Deficiencies shall be corrected at Owner's expense within thirty (30) days after completion of the inspection. If more than 30 days is reasonably needed to correct a Deficiency, Owner shall have a reasonable period to correct the Deficiency so long as the correction is commenced within the 30-day period and is diligently prosecuted to completion. 4. CITY INSPECTIONS. Owner grants City the right to inspect the Facilities. City will endeavor to give ten(10) days prior written notice to Owner, except that no notice shall be required in case of an emergency. City shall determine whether Deficiencies need to be corrected. Owner(at the address provided at the end of this Agreement, or such other address as Owner may designate in writing to City)will be notified in writing through the US Mail of the Deficiencies and shall make corrections within 30 days of the date of the notice. 5. CITY CORRECTIONS. If correction of all Owner or City identified Deficiencies is not completed within the timeframe set forth in Section 3, City shall have the right to have any Deficiencies corrected. City(i) shall have access to the Facilities for the purpose of correcting such Deficiencies and(ii) shall bill Owner for all costs reasonably incurred by City for work performed to correct the Deficiencies(City Correction Costs) following Owner's failure to correct any Deficiencies in the Facilities. Owner shall pay City the City Correction Costs within thirty(30) days of the date of the invoice. Owner understands that this is a debt owing to City. In addition, Owner agrees that upon non-payment, City Correction Costs shall be secured by a lien on the Property for the City Correction Cost amount plus interest and penalties. 6. EMERGENCY MEASURES. If at any time City reasonably determines that the Facilities create any imminent threat to public health, safety or welfare, City may immediately and without prior notice to Owner take measures reasonably designed to remedy the threat. City shall provide notice of the threat and the measures taken to Owner as soon as reasonably practicable, and if such imminent threat arose from a Deficiency with the Facilities, charge Owner for the cost of these corrective measures as provided in Paragraph 5. 7. FORCE AND EFFECT. This Agreement shall constitute an equitable servitude or covenant running with the land and shall bind all owners of the Property present and future, and their heirs, successors and assigns. 8. AMENDMENTS. The terms of this Agreement may be amended only by mutual agreement of the parties. Any amendments shall be in writing, shall refer specifically to this Agreement, and shall be valid only when executed by the owners of the Property, City and recorded in the Official Records of the county where the Property is located. 9. PREVAILING PARTY. In any action brought by either party to enforce the terms of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover all costs, including reasonable attorney's fees as may be determined by the court having jurisdiction, including any appeal. 10. SEVERABILITY. The invalidity of any section, clause, sentence, or provision of this Agreement shall not affect the validity of any other part of this Agreement, which can be given effect without such invalid part or parts. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Owner and City have signed this Agreement. NOTARIZE DOCUMENT BELOW Page 2—Private Storm water Facilities Agreement 5001436792 6rv17 INDIVIDUAL OWNERS SIGN BELOW CORPORATE, LLC PARTNERSHIP, TRUST OR OTHER LEGAL ENTITY SIGN BELOW Owner(Individual) (Entity name) By: Owner(Individual) (Sign here for entity) Title: STATE OF OREGON ) } ss. County of ) This instrument was acknowledged before me on , 20 , by as of City of Tigard. NOTARY PUBLIC FOR OREGON My Commission Expires: CITY OF TIGARD By: (City Engineer) Page 3 —Private Storm water Facilities Agreement 50014-36792 6/2/17 i fPO5i0I\1IvCT 5 PARKING I a tt 15tAI L kI,VEI.C(+ff'J nJN f 4WN::- SILT FENCE AS NEEDED TO-\ AREA \ o KEEP MATERIAL ON SITE 13'Ot%��'D�NuUC3 I 424.00 \� S89050'20"W i 430.00 \J I 250.00' 3)' PJ/i_�)!N(5 COVE,E AW-1422 5F 70'-- tt' .�',F';Vfi'✓A(;'kEll W .,)Vrk;&E 1-J oo 70'------�I z �'�kC FPS?C.vkG 2.89 Lu p T, O ( _ _ �2�PLNv 36'-52" I w U) ui > p LL t- \ GiP�tf 1yi(�XII' �. a. z Q Q U OI, b N W ZO:,-�riGly OF 5r1lPED WL-­ C:) WE-­ SCALE: 1"=30' a -20' p 0 C) r- 7-0 t)fM 5r5r�J7 13X16 COVERED PATIO -�- - � �I ' .�c rlGly OF PJPGVIDEJJ 2'x2'RIPRAP ----mo--- r--- P / (n f OVERFLOW PAD LEGi X'l;,itL :,:�I�NE;rIOPJ 35'-32" �►,y LvC,9r10N OF PPOVlDED S8905 '20"W � SroP>ti�ovr:Ecrlv�� 18 .69' -25--C+-25' \� 424.00 N a 0 430.00 ION 0a � 15'x18'(270 SF)RAIN GARDEN TO BE 0 0 INSTALLED PER CLEAN WATER o tri ((� SERVICES REQUIREMENTS o COLLECT ALL RAIN DRAINS AND CRAWLSPACE LOW-POINT (\ TO RAIN GARDEN :fl Infiltration Planter / Rain Garden Operation and Maintenance Plan Annual inspections are required. It is recommended that the facility is inspected on a monthly basis to ensure proper function.The plan below describes inspection and maintenance activities, and may be used as an inspection log.Contact the design engineer, Clean Water Services or City representative for more information. Identified Problem Condition Invasive Vegetation as Invasive vegetation found in facility. Remove excessive weeds and all outlined in Appendix A Examples include:Himalayan Blackberry; invasive plants.Attempt to control o Reed Canary Grass;Teasel;English Ivy; even if complete eradication is not Nightshade;Clematis;Cattail;Thistle; feasible.Refer to Clean Water Services Scotch Broom Integrated Pest Management Plan for SPRING SUMMER FALL appropriate control methods,including o proper use of chemical treatment. rD rD O Obstructed Inlet/Outlet Material such as vegetation,trash, Remove blockages from facility sediment is blocking more than 10% -0 of the inlet pipe or basin opening WINTER SPRING o Inspect after major storm (1-inch in 24 hours) rD Q Excessive Vegetation Vegetation grows so tall it competes Cut tall grass 4"to 6"and remove o with or shades approved emergent clippings.Prune emergent wetland 717 wetland grass/shrubs;interferes with grass/shrubs that have become SPRING access or becomes a fire danger overgrown. Ideal time to prune emergent wetland grass is spring.Cut grass during dry months Tree/Shrub Growth Tree/shrub growth shades out Prune trees and shrubs that block sun wetland/emergent grass in treatment from reaching treatment area.Remove area.Interferes with access for trees that block access points. WINTER n maintenance/inspection Do not remove trees that are not interfering with access or maintenance Ideal timing for pruning trees is without first contacting Clean Water winter Services or local City. H C: Infiltration Planter / Rain Garden Operation and Maintenance Plan (continued) Annual inspections are required. It is recommended that the facility is inspected on a monthly basis to ensure proper function.The plan below describes inspection and maintenance activities, and may be used as an inspection log. Contact the design engineer, Clean Water Services or City representative for more information. IdentifiedCD Problem Hazard Trees Observe dead,dying or diseased trees Remove hazard trees. A certified As Needed arborist may need to determine health of tree or removal requirements II Poor Vegetation Coverage 80% survival of approved vegetation Determine cause of poor growth and I, o and no bare areas large enough to correct the condition.Replant per the ,IYiF affect function of facility. approved planting plan and applicable SPRING FALL standards at the time of construction. Ideal time to plant is spring and CU Remove excessive weeds and all fall seasons invasive plants. rDC r'D O 27 rDTrash and Debris Visual evidence of trash,debris or Remove trash and debris from facility, D dumping Dispose of properly > SPRING SUMMER FALL WINTER O Contaminants and Pollu- Evidence of oil,gasoline,contaminants If contaminants or pollutants are tion or other pollutants.Look for sheens, present,coordinate removal/cleanup , a) odor or signs of contamination, with local jurisdiction SPRING SUMMER FALL WINTER O Erosion Erosion or channelization that impacts Repair eroded areas and stabilize using or effects the function of the facility or proper erosion control measures. creates a safety concern Establish appropriate vegetation as needed. FALL WINTER SPRING Flow Not Distributed Flows unevenly distributed through Level the spreader and clean so Evenly planter width due to uneven or that flows spread evenly over entire M, clogged flow spreader planter width �1WF WINTER SPRING Infiltration Planter / Rain Garden Operation and Maintenance Plan (continued) Annual inspections are required. It is recommended that the facility is inspected on a monthly basis to ensure proper function.The plan below describes inspection and maintenance activities, and may be used as an inspection log. Contact the design engineer, Clean Water Services or City representative for more information. ProblemIdentified Vector Control Evidence of rodents or water piping Repair facility if damaged.Remove As Needed through facility via rodent holes. harmful insects,use professional if CDInsects such as wasps and hornets needed.Refer to Clean Water Services interfere with maintenance/inspection Integrated Pest Management Plan for activities management options n rD Sediment Accumulation in Sediment depth in treatment area Remove sediment from treatment Treatment Area exceeds 3 inches area.Ensure planter is level from side to side and drains freelytoward SUMMER FALL D outlet;no standing water within 24 hours after any major storm(1-inch Ideally in the dry season in 24 hours) n rD Z3 Standing Water Standing water in the planter Remove sediment or trash blockages; between storms that does not drain improve end to end grade so there is o freely.Water should drain after 24 no standing water 24 hours after any WINTER SPRING hours of dry weather major storm(1-inch in 24 hours) Inspect after major storm (1-inch in 24 hours) Grate Damaged,Missing Grate is missing or only partially in Grate must be in place and meets As Needed or Not in Place place may have missing or broken design standards.Replace or repair grate members any open structure n CD m