seg-0476 20170918 ResultsTuesday, September 19, 2017 2:47 PM Traffic Count Report Count_ID 1388 Station_ID 48 STR_ID 0476 Direction of Approaching Lane North Weekday ADT 4150 Reverse Weekday ADT 4459 Weekend ADT 3926 Reverse Weekend ADT 4312 Combined Weekday ADT 8609 Combined Weekend ADT 8238 85th Percentile 39 Reverse 85th Percentile 39 Between SW Springwood Dr & SW Manzanita St 300' South of Springwood Dr Recorder Setup 09/11/2017 10:23:00 AM Recorder Picked Up 09/18/2017 8:55:00 AM Recording Ended Study Started 09/12/2017 Study Ended 09/18/2017 Direction of Near Lane North Distance_to_Near_Lane 21 Distance_to_Far_Lane 39 Speed Limit 35 Pole_ID C11‐34B #42 SW 121st Ave