03/05/1992 - Packet AGENDA NPO #3 MEETING WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5, 1992 - 7:00 P.M. TIGARD CITY HALL - TOWN HALL CONFERENCE ROOM 13125 SW HALL BLVD. TIGARD, OREGON 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL: PORTER BISHOP FROUDE GARNER HANSEN HELM MORTENSEN 3. Approve Minutes from February 5, 1992 meeting (attached). 4. Discussion on annexation - Liz Newton. 5. SUBDIVISION PROPOSAL - Matrix Development Location - Western terminus of SW Gaarde. No application filed. 6. SUB 92-0001NAR 92-0001/SLR 92-0001 - Robinson/OTAK, Inc. - Applicant requests approval of the following development applications: (1) subdivision approval to divide a 16.83 acre parcel into 50 lots ranging between 9,570 square feet to 67,495 square feet; (2) variance approval for the following: to allow local street grades of as much as 13.5 percent, whereas Code Section 18.164.030 (M) allows a maximum local street grade of 12 percent; to allow development of two cul-de-sac local streets of 432 feet, whereas Code Section 18.164.030 (K) allows a maximum cul-de-sac length of 400 feet; (3) Sensitive Lands Review approval to allow road construction and residential development on slopes in excess of 25 percent. LOCATION: 12000 SW Bull Mountain Road (WCTM 2S1 1013D, tax lot 1200, and 2S1 10BC, tax lot 1500). ZONE: R-4.5 (residential, 4.5 units per acre). 7. Review Notices of Decision received. 8. Other Business. 9. Adjournment } 0 0 TO ENSURE A QUORUM TO CONDUCT BUSINESS, PLEASE CALL LIZ NEWTON AT 639-4171, EXTENSION 308 IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO ATTEND h:lbginljo4i -a NPO #3 MINUTES February 5, 1992 1. Before starting our own agenda, we met with NPO #7 to discuss the proposed Community Commercial Plan Designation and Zoning District. a. Cal Woolery and Bill Gross gave background of the reasons for the new zoning designation. b. Lengthy discussion was held regarding the draft letter from NPO #7 to City Planner Jerry Offer. Each item was explained and commented on. c. The two NPO's separated to conduct their individual meetings. 2. N PO #3 meeting called to order at 8:25 P.M. 3. Present: Froude, Garner, Hansen, Helm, Mortensen, Porter. Absent: Bishop Pending member: Dana LeMoine 4. Minutes from the January 8, 1992 meeting were approved. 5. NPO #3 continued the discussion of the proposed Community Commercial Plan. a. A motion was made and seconded to approve all items in the NPO #7 letter WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE DISTANCE LIMITATION. Passed unanimously. b. NPO #3 feels very strongly that the distance limitation should be changed to at least ONE MILE from any other type of commercial zone. A motion was made and seconded to this effect. Passed unanimously. 5. Robinson Annexation - NPO #3 realizes that we cannot prevent the annexation request and zone change to City of Tigard R-4.5. We do wish to express our deep regret and disappointment that this very special piece of Bull Mountain is being divided into such small lots. For this reason we do not choose to vote on the annexation request. 6. Notices of decisions received were distributed. 7. Other business - a. A letter from Ron Pomeroy regarding the Schumacher request presented to us at the January 8 meeting was distributed. We ask that in the future this type of letter be sent to each member of the NPO in our packets. We wish to express our disappointment that we were unaware this issue was scheduled for public hearing on January 27, 1992 and we were therefore unable to participate in the hearing. b. Concern was expressed that discussion is being held in various forums regarding a change in the City of Tigard annexation policy. We strongly request that these discussions be held in a public forum. At our March meeting we request that a city staff member come to our meeting to present us with the City's current position on annexation. We also request that a map of the City boundaries, area of interest boundaries, and urban growth boundaries be presented and that the information on the map be current as of March 1, 1992. Meeting adjourned at 9:40 P.M. Respectfully submitted, I Lila Garner I . • PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION FILE NO: SUB 92-0001 / VAR 92-0001 / SLR 92-0001 FILE TITLE: ROBINSON / OTAR, INC. APPLICANT: Otak, Inc. OWNER: Constance Robinson 17355 SW Boones Ferry 12000 SW Bull Mnt. Rd Lake Oswego, OR 97035 Tigard, OR 97223 REQUEST: A request for approval of the following development applications: 1) Subdivision approval to divide a 16.83 acre parcel into 50 lots ranging between 9,570 square feet to 67,495 square feet; 2) Variance approval for the following: 1) to allow local street grades of as much as 13.5 percent whereas Code Section 18.164.030 (M) allows a maximum local street grade of 12 percent; 2) to allow development of two cul-de-sac local streets of 432 feet whereas Code Section 18.164.030 (K) allows a maximum cul-de-sac length of 400 feet; 3) Sensitive Lands Review approval to allow road construction and residential development on slopes in excess of 25 percent. APPLICABLE REVIEW CRITERIA: Comprehensive Plan Policies: 2.1.1, 3.1.1, 3.2.1, 7.1.2, 7.3.1, 7.4.4, 7.6.1, 8.1.1, 8.2.1, 8.1.3. Community Development Code Section 18.50, 18.92, 18.134, 18.150, 18.160, 18.164. LOCATION: 12000 SW Bull Mountain Road (WCTM 2S1 1OBD, tax lot 1200, and 2S1 10BC, tax lot 1500) ZONE: R-4.5 (Residential, 4.5 units per acre) The R-4.5 zoning allows single family residential, public support facilities, residential treatment home, farming, manufactured home, family day care, home occupation, temporary use, residential fuel tank, and accessory structures. NPO NO: 3 NPO CHAIRPERSON: Herman Porter PHONE NUMBER: 639-0895 CHECK ALL WHICH APPLY: STAFF DECISION COMMENTS DUE BACK TO STAFF ON 1991 PLANNING COMMISSION DATE OF HEARING: TIME:7:30 HEARINGS OFFICER DATE OF HEARING: TIME:7:00 CITY COUNCIL DATE OF HEARING: TIME:7:30 ATTACHMENTS % VICINITY MAP LANDSCAPING PLAN X NARRATIVE ARCHITECTURAL PLAN % SITE PLAN OTHER: STAFF CONTACT: Jerry Offer - 639-4171 NEIGHBORHOOD PLANNING ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT REVIEW CHECKLIST NPO # 3 SUB 92-0001 / VAR 92-0001 / SLR 92-0001: REQUEST: A request for approval of the following development applications: 1) Subdivision approval to divide a 16.83 acre parcel into 50 lots ranging between 9,570 square feet to 67,495 square feet; 2) Variance approval for the following: 1) to allow local street grades of as much as 13.5 percent whereas Code Section 18.164.030 (M) allows a maximum local street grade of 12 percent; 2) to allow development of two cul-de-sac local streets of 432 feet whereas Code Section 18.164.030 (K) allows a maximum cul-de-sac length of 400 feet; 3) Sensitive Lands Review approval to allow road construction and residential development on slopes in excess of 25 percent. APPLICABLE REVIEW CRITERIA: Comprehensive Plan Policies: 2.1.1, 3.1.1, 3.2.1, 7.1.2, 7.3.1, 7.4.4, 7.6.1, 8.1.1, 8.2.1, 8.1.3. Community Development Code Section 18.50, 18.92, 18.134, 18.150, 18.160, 18.164. LOCATION: 12000 SW Bull Mountain Road (WCTM 2S1 10BD, tax lot 1200, and 2S1 10BC, tax lot 1500) ZONE: R-4.5 (Residential, 4.5 units per acre) The R-4.5 zoning allows single family residential, public support facilities, residential treatment home, farming, manufactured home, family day care, home occupation, temporary use, residential fuel tank, and accessory structures. Please review the attached development proposal and comment on those items listed below which concern(s) this NPO regarding this application. This listing is a template to aid in your review of this proposal. Please let us know how you feel about this development taking place in your portion of the city. Thank You. Access To and From Site Traffic Impact Neighborhood Impact Environmental Impact COMMENT: NO COMMENT: [ J Signed: Date: The C i t o f RYLS CT. { _ — I G A R D ILDNr )OD \ Q� sUB 9 aaa 1 MO TA{^I Si to Area 10\100\11 ,\ \ y RD SITE = �� 2 5 1 1 B C — 0 i a O Y' \ Ofgi tat data t map repraeee— C 1 1 N _ 11 / letlon and ut ed ri the Cira 2 5 1 1 B D O 1 0 � of Tigard utili:iaS Geegra— pllc Infdrnat. Syat ens CIS{ sof!war e. lafar— motion pdrlrayel lore ' 69 \. may hn iatendad In hn L ly —_ ufed with addilinnal N 0 R T R "11 a 1 aad/or inlarrlwlira data at 6atarrelned b �11 the City of Tigard. YY n 400 (01/31 112) - ------