01/15/1975 - Minutes NPO #3 Me-etlrg of 1-15-75
0, MVIth 11 irerm''err pre,-,ent an,1 Harris Hanscn as qu,-�.st.
etlng. ect=encO �,t 7:3
Discuslon hel,!- ResLier,�tial If s U-3pt lc�cctal Gonvi,leratioy-�s, FrAvacy, 1711olse, llicusa`)rid S.Ize
Tensity Li-d sccialjAterLiction.
Resi..'iez tial- rlann-in,,- of h-using f'cr cob
nein t1)r.,rn'&,rP-s
Urris 'Hanron n' oposed the ma�or Lrea cf development ',All �-e the n
Bellwoorl area (pLst 46-1-e Bellwood &xe& end the arev past Pull Mcuntain.
It wL-P s�apverted 'y Pick _Dclen Chat 011-,'ectives he set up t:t this time for I.,',Pn as ra-
quired by Etate Lew
Objectives corcerning the ro-si-lentI&I Devalo:-ament of the land were �iiscussf-.O uit�li t-ne
"I -
following objectives agareed upon in c `-1rorilogic&1 or�ler
1)To retain in portions cf Tigard the subur':6n quality th&t Us ch&racterizaa the Tigard
L,re& in V)e past and that has made Tig&rrl an attrLtctive � Lbce to live for ftmilles
c seeking an �,lternctive to liigher-lens�ty urban livinp.
2)to provide A rabs having p,3ruk,nently sul-uri,bn chLr�-,.trar for tho.-e ftmAli3s ullin Aesire
& EJrgle-14&!.,Aly looma on e. larper lot Lnd uho ere wIlling to support Vie cCMpLrttfiv1y
higher ecsts of public se-vicet- e.SFCC1rtad with low-density urban -Alevelo,.- nart
b) and to provea areL�s of t',Ie city having a singgle :L.nily resirlential character.
3)to permit rersities ViLt will economical-L'y support the cost of neceseary 1-ub-lie
vices &nH fec�lites, si4ch as raved streets I T alestrlan ways and utilittes.
,)to Termit & variety of NY hnusirg types to meet the nieds of differert f�;rrlly sise
and -Pa-Pily 1ricome.
These �re-OtLted in the ( rder of --riorlly rs the st&tA, of 10,43
K��etlng &�Journed z..t c-:30 wit" 'he r,3x* meet-!rF sug.,ast�-,,d t-o 1,e Jbr,. 22nd