01/22/1975 - Minutes NFO C_ of J£1rubry 2,2, _10r75
Meeting cllar)ed '.!It . l0memrers :,.resect and Art prese-A
Art Hats netitioreAl the grou,,; to -)cr tl)cjt ;'cl','on&I'd Is -.,iot '-e a1.10w8d to
1--vilri nPxt- to the Felhorl ",ue to rn Pet y rae, o r
k I k-,E-
4, r—*,-� -ar on �,43half cf
It v. >rended t _t 13 e3ir ct 6 lett
!-� i'13 tc tlle City Coo'- to 4-hi t t er•
Th-I.s `+?Lttar ,as 1-ter chrnged to Peo if t1he cirri oari cc,,i11 i-ct, ffirst
lrl.rr to the NFC; deel-*ng or, the rub3ect.
_,gevt:�d J.owlicl��v to 1-e vet down fcr N`(`�#3 vere difcu.-va(l. i. lirt rcvi-ied
by `'ick Boler were revi-ewerl, *1 and k2 were accej_-tid. #3 v411 to rewritten
wit- the re,i&inler to !-;e discus-ed in the next meeting.
Mpps vit'n znn!ng requiremerts frd thl_-'r m%,niras were reque-:ted.
All futLre meetir?m will `-e anrvunc-.fl lnth9 Tjmrd Tirle -
r r�rinr to t1lo meetl, p
so that the public is inv=ted to attand if interest-od.