02/12/1975 - Minutes NPO Meeting of 2-12-75
Chairman Dick Kluempke presiding wits 10 members present, and 6 guests
Dick Bolen showed the members the building and landscape plans and pictures of
the MacDonalds as sent to the City Planner.
It was proposed to draft a letter on behalf of NPO#3 to the M 8X X Design
Review Board in regard to the entrance proposed on School Street. It was de—
cided by members that that entrance—exit be disallowed due to the potential
saf66y hazard to children. The letter should indicate that this would be a
las t mint$te attempt incase the moratorium should fail by the City Council..
Said letter would indicate:
1) Safety of Lives
2) School Parking lot adjacent
3) Two exits on Facifie Hwy is enough
Q) Added traffic thru the residential area from the School Street Access
5) Fence 3 sides to eliminate foot traffic thru the parking lot. Prefer8tly,;`-==
KKMM School Street and the back of the property.
Discussion wus held in regard to Shcppirp Centers and the area with which
they serve, indicating a radius of 1-L miles and a population of 20,000
A traffic review by Carl Buttke, Consulting Fnpineer,was viewed in order to
prepare members for the nex# meeting where street planning would re discussed.