02/05/1976 - Minutes T MINUTES • •
N.P.O. #3
February 5, 1976
GTE Conference Room
Main St. , Tigard, Oregon
1. CALL TO ORDER: Meeting was called to order by Chairman Kluempke
at 7:45 p.m.
2. ROLL CALL: Present: Berquist, Haldorson, Mgebroff, Quimby, Raetz,
Rosenquist, Scheckla, Lesperance, Jan McCoy;
staff member Bolen
Absent: Kathy McCoy
A. Bolen explained that when the City Council passed a reso-
lution in December forming the official NPO structure, they
chose to send notice of upcoming zoning and subdivision items
to the chairmen of the NPO's only, due to the financial in-
ability to send notices to all NPO members on a continuing
B. The NPO members concurred that the actual notice be sent to
the NPO chairmen and that staff approach the Tigard Times
and Community Press to determine if they would be willing
to print the upcoming City Council and Planning Commission
agendas in each prior to each meeting. Later the issue was
raised as to whether or not Design Review Board agendas
should also be- provided and Bolen said he would attempt to
provide this in the paper if possible.
A. Bolen read the first Council finding covering the area of
why the Council chose not to provide for changing the zone
on the portion of Pacific Highway planned for commercial-
professional use, from C-3 to C-P.
1. Mgebroff moved that the NPO #3 Plan be amended to read,
the residential areas abutting the C-3 zoned areas on
Pacific Hwy. be protected by satisfactory forms of
buffering from noise and visual pollution which would
occur in the commercial developments. As a standard
for tolerable levels of noise entering the residential
area, it was suggested that DEQ be approached for per-
formance standards.
2. At the request of the chairman, the NPO members voted
to see how many were still in favor of their originally
submitted plan. The vote was 9 in favor and one no.
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NPO #3 Minutes
February 5, 1976
The dissenting member was Mrs. Scheckla who stated
her reasons for voting no as being the amount of C-3
zoned property planned to front onto SW Gaarde St. by
this original NPO Plan.
3. The members, then voted on the motion of Mgebroff and
the outcome was unanimous.
B. Discussion of realigning the Gaarde-Pacific Hwy. Intersection
1. The chairman called for a vote to determine how many
members were still in support of the original NPO plan.
The vote was 9-1 with Mrs. Scheckla voting no.
2. The members discussed this matter and finally resolved
that the issue had been thoroughly examined in the
course of the public hearings and no further actions
which could be taken by the NPO which would be likely
to be productive in this matter.
C. Rewording of Policy #24
1. Mgebroff said that he didn't agree with changing policy
24 to delete the specific street right-of-way and pave-
ment width requirements being called for by the NPO
and replacing this with the wording that a two lane
facility with restricted parking be provided. He said
that he felt there was a greater risk of an undesirable
street being constructed then if the plan contained
specific standards. He continued by saying that he
felt generalities as were now in the plan amended by
Council were unenforceable and when it is possible to
cite specific standards that the plan should contain
such. He then made a motion that the Council be urged
to reconsider this matter and the plan be amended to
include the standards proposed by the NPO. The NPO
voted on this motion and it passed unanimously.
D. InclusiDn of the off-ramp in the Canterbury Shopping Center
1. NPO unanimously agreed that this off-ramp should be
included in the plan and stated that this was a correction
of an oversight on their part.
E. Wording which states the undesirability of extending Murray
Blvd. to Gaarde St.
1. The NPO concurred with the wording added by Council
which states the undesirability of extending Murray
to Gaarde and stated that this was in their original
plan, but the added wording emphasizes the point.
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NPO #3 Minutes
February 5, 1976
F. Amended wording on page 25 of Plan Text which more clearly
delineates the effect of the designated greenway areas upon
private property owners.
1. The NPO agreed with this wording in that they found it
more clearly states the plan's intentions relative to
greenway areas.
G. Rewording on page 25 and deletion of policy no. 26.
1. The NPO concurred with this rewording and said that
it was their intention to emphasize the need for
pedestrian/bicycle paths and the wording chosen by
Council further emphasizes this point and is in
agreement with their submitted plan text.
H. Rewording on page 26, policy 28, which discusses the desir-
ability of retaining certain farm and wooded areas for as
long as possible.
1. The NPO agreed with the addition of this wording and
said that it concurs with one of their major objectives,
which is to maintain the open and natural residential
I. Discussion of CU 9-76 (Gilbertson) to allow a lawn mower
and chain saw shop at the present site of Tracy's Ceramics
and to include outdoor display of articles.
1. The NPO expressed their desire that the Comprehensive
Plan designation for this property of commercial-pro-
fessional be recognized, but also stated that they saw
certain mitigating factors which possibly preclude the
property being used for its planned use at this point
in time. These factors are:
a) the lack of present public sewer and the reported
limitations of the existing subsurface disposal
b) the existing improvements on the site which avail
themselves to the proposed use
c) the lack of sewer facilities precludes the adjacent
properties from being developed according to the
commercial-professional plan designation; the
proposed use would therefore create land use con-
flicts at this time.
2. Based upon their findings, the NPO then concurred that the
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NPO ¢#3 Minutes
February 5, 1976
property owners are justified to some use of thetexisting
improvements on the site and if it is not possible to use
them, according to the plan at this point in time, then
some interim use may be permissable. Therefore, they
directed staff to suggest to the Planning Commission that
if, following their public hearing they are able to find
this use acceptable, both in terms of the adopted plan
and surrounding land use, that restrictions as to noise,
which would eminate from the site, potential traffic
conflicts at driveways onto Pacific Hwy. and a time limit
to provide for a phasing out of the use towards the uses
proposed by the Comprehensive Plan be considered. The
major concern for noise was in regard to the testing of
chainsaws, the noise from which members found to be very
objectionable and would impact the residential area to the
J. Coordination of NPO Plan with Washington County
1. The NPO directed staff to draft a letter to the county
planning dept. requesting that their plan be adopted for
the areas outside the NPO boundaries and to be signed by
the NPO chairman.