01/20/1982 - Minutes Minutes- NPO 3 1/20/82
1 . Election of officers
Lou Ann Mortensen- Chairperson
Bob Bledsoe- Vice Chairperson
Alan Horowitz- Secretary
2 . Volunteers to attend meetings
a) City Council
1) Second Monday- Roger Garrett/ Bob Bledsoe(alternate)
2) Third Monday- Howard Raetz/ Lyall Turnbull (alt. )
3) Fourth Monday- Bob Bledsoe/ Lyall Turnbull (alt. )
b) Planning Commission
1) First Tuesday after first Monday
Beverly Froude/ Lyall Turnbull (alt. )
3. Boundary Commission schedule passed out to members
4. Copy of Comprehensive Street Development and Maintanance
Program= Phase I- Collectors 1 1 2 will be circulated
among NPO 3 members for review before next meeting
5. City has made resolution to send proposed Bechtold
annexation to boundary commission. Liz Newton will
discuss the Bechtold issue next meeting.
6. Chairperson asked members to get residents of NPO 2,5,and7
involved by speaking to people we know in those areas.
Steering committee- discussed upcoming steering committee
6. Old Business
a) Jeremy Coursolle discussed areas of interest to Tigard
b) Jeremy Coursolle discussed his role to coordinate
comprehensive plan with NPOs.
7. Other
During the next meeting Jeremy Coursolle will discuss
processes we will go through for drafting the comprehensive
8. Adjourn. Next meetingwill be February 17, 7 : 30 P.M.
(approximately 10 :0