02/07/1983 - Packet AGENDA NPO # 3 MEETING MONDAY, February 7, 1983 - 7:00 P.M. FOWLER JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL IN THE FRENCH ROOM 10865 S.W. Walnut, Tigard, Oregon 1. Call to Order 2. ROLL CALL: Mortensen Fyre Bledsoe Horowitz Ramsdell Porter Moonier Smith 3. Read previous meeting minutes for approval 4. Comprehensive Plan Designation Map 5 Interim Zoning Map 6. Tigard Community Development Code - begin discussion 7. Other Business 8. Adjournment 0 • MINUTES OF NPO #3 MEETING SUNDAY, January 23, 1983 BOB BLEDSOE'S HOUSE - 11800 SW WALNUT 1. Call to order at 2:08 P.M. 2. ROLL CALL: Present were Mortensen, Eyre, Bledsoe, Ramsdell, Porter and Smith. 3. NPO #3 reviewed its memos to the City Council on the Comprehensive Plan, in order to choose which items to speak on. It was resolved to concentrate our input on selected items. 4. NPO #3 rephrased its suggested policy on Housing 6.3.4. in response to objections from staff at the Planning Commission public hearing. The revised policy is, "In all phases of the development APPROVAL process in a residential 'Established Area, ' the primary consideration of the City shall be to preserve and enhance the character of the ADJACENT ESTABLISHED AREA." 5. NPO #3 decided to withdraw its Implementation Strategy #6 since the map of established Areas is on an area basis, and not lot by lot. 6. NPO #3 recommends that Policy 10.1.1 b of Urbanization concerning non- remonstrance be deleted. We oppose this recently introduced addition. 7. Concerning the lot next to the Circle K on Walnut Street, NPO reaffirms its position that this should be C-P or C-N and not C-L or C-G (C-5) , as also City Council decided. The Planning Commission conclusion that we supported C-L or C-G, despite our testimony, was in error. 8. Herman Porter shared his rough draft of Chapter 11, Special Concerns, in response to Staff's reworking of our proposal. Due to the shortness of time the NPO 3 delegated with full authority the task of rewriting � 4� g y g this section to Vitz Ramsdell. He will incorporate all of the original that staff did not object to, along with the ideas from Herman's draft, and his understanding of the philosophical position of the NPO. 9. NPO #3 voted to request that any near future published notice of public hearings on the Comprehensive Plan Map, whether for City Council or Planning Commission, include the possibility of the density transfer which NPO #3 is proposing. 10. Adjournment at 4:50 P.M. January 26, 1983 FROM: Neighborhood Planning Organization Three (NPO #3) TO: Tigard City Council SUBJECT: Special Areas of Concern--NPO # 3 Attached is a proposed section for the chapter Special Areas of Concern. This section represents special concerns of NPO :#3 area that will likely not be dealt with adequately by the other sections-. Most of the material was expressed in the NPO #3 plan adopted by City Council in 1975• lie will refer to this section in the discussion of transportation and housing, since the concerns are related. Representatives from our NPO will be at the public hearings to further explain our reasoning for these proposals. We will be available to answer any questions you may have at that time. Robert Bledsoe, Secretary NPO #3 P.S. This is a new version in response to the version presented by staff to the planning commission. a C Tye. JAN 2 G 1y93 CITY OF TIGARD PLANNING DEPT. • 11.3 NEIGHBORHOOD PLANNING ORGANIZATION #3 Many of the older residential neighborhoods in �tPO #3 were developed along country roads that were lic-htly traveled, but which are now more heavily traveled. Some of this increased traffic results from local. development, but most of it is through traffic which must use these roads since no arterial has been built. Further increases in traffic, and consequent widening of these roads, will result in the destruction or degradation of the quality of the residences along these roads. This is particularly the case with 121st Avenue and Gaarde Street, which have right-of-ways of 40 to 50 feet that are offset in some places . The comprehensive plan for NPO #3, adopted by the City of Tigard in 1975, supported and implemented the conclusions of Carl Buttke, the consulting engineer who performed the traffic studies for the various NPOs . These conclusions were that 121st Avenue and S:aarde Street should be developed as two lane roads limited to a total of 30 feet "to avoid motorists from forming; a third lane, but providing suf- ficient roadway width for turning vehicles. " The 1975 plan included provisions for these roads to have pedestrian-bicycle paths, and to have restrictions on parking. Also, loy, densities were planned for the neighborhoods serviced by these streets; one reason was to avoid further overloading of these streets with additional traffic resulting from higher densities. The City of Tigard, in the 1975 plan for NPO ;7`3, opposed a pro- posed Murray Boulevard Extension through NPO #3. It has been the opinion of both the City and the local residents that the Murray Boulevard Extension to Pacific Highway should be located to the west of Bull Y ountain. Completion of this arterial linkage would remove much of the through traffic from what should be nieghborhood collector streets. 11-1.3 NEIGHBORHOOD PLAAPG ORGANIZATION #3 • FINDINGS o The development along most of the collector streets in NPO #3 is predominantly low density residences which are in good condition. o The present right-of-way along much of S. W. 121st 'Avenue and S. 451. Gaarde Street is 40 to 45 feet wide, with offsets in some places. Widening; these streets to major collector standards would impact some of the existing homes on these streets. o Some of the traffic now using S. W. 121st Avenue and Gaarde Street is not local, but rather through traffic that could be much better provided for by a properly located arterial connection between Murray Boulevard and Pacific Highway. o Future development on the land along 121st and Gaarde will add to the traffic volumes on those streets. o S. W. Gaarde Street and S. W. 121st Avenue south of Walnut both have many uncontrolled access points; this condition will require special design attention when street improvements are made. o A direct connection between Murray Boulevard, or Scholls Ferry Road, and Gaarde Street and/or 121st Avenue has been proposed many times in the past. A direct arterial connection proposal was considered in detail in the 1975 NPO f3 Plan and was emphat- ically rejected by the City of Tigard. It has also been rejected by the current NPO 13. POLI CY 11.3.1 THE CITY SHALL CONSIDER THE F'OLLOViI -1G WHEN PREPARING STREET 7 ITti1PROVE1v1ENT PLANS THAT AFFECT S. W. 121ST AVL1VtTE OR GAARDL STREET. a. THE I+iPACT ON THE EXISTING RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES AND THE ALTERNATIVES WHICH HAVE THE MIiNI,4',Ufil ADVERSE EFIECT IN TERMS OF: 1. REI ICING THE DISTANCE LET12EUT THE D4ELLING AND TMh STREET; AND 2. NOISE IMPACTS. b. THE EFFECT THE IMPROV loiENT WILT, HAVE ON THE TRAFFIC FLO11i AND THE POSSIBLE NEGATIVE EFFECTS ON OTTER STREET INTEh- SECTIOi;S. c. MINIMIZING THE USE OF THESE STREETS AS PART OF THE ARTERIAL SYSTE,Y FOR THROUGH TRAFFIC. • IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES: 1. S. till. Gaarde Street and S. t'. . 121st Avenue ('between Gaarde and Walnut) shall be developed as two-lane roads with pedestrian- bicycle paths, restricted parking and left turning lanes as needed at intersections. 2. The undeveloped land along S. W. 121st Avenue ( south of Walnut) shall be planned for development in accordance with the locational criteria policies that apply to locating medium and higher den- sities close to arterials and in accordance with the policies for "Established" and "Developing" areas. 3. The City of Tigard shall work with other governmental bodies for the development of an alternative connection from hurray Boule- vard or Scholls Ferry Road to Pacific Highway that is west of Bull Mountain, or on another route which does not utilize roads through existing neighborhoods. 4. The Tigard Community Development Code shall require site design review for any development other than a single or two family structure. The site design reviev:, shall include review of street right-of-way and pavement location.