09/23/1977 - Agenda MEMORANDUM
TO: NPO #7 Members
FROM: Dick Bolen
SUBJECT: Next Scheduled Meeting is for Thursday, September 29,
7:30 PM at Fowler Junior High School
DATE: September 23, 1977
1. Roll Call:
2. Approval of Minutes:
3. Staff presentation of Multi-family density allocation made to
adjourning NPO' s
A. Discussion
4. NPO consideration of appropriate residential densities
A. Discussion
B. NPO Recommendation
5. NPO consideration of traffic circulation
A. Staff presentation
B. Discussion
0 r
Units Units
1 542 614 479
2 892 728 55%
3 316 1634 16%
4 168 803 17%
5 651 962 40%
6 813 3061 21%
7 676 2038 24%
TOTAL 4058 4840 29% City Wide
338 acres 2624 acres 11% of residential
land area
NPO #7
September 13, 1977 - 7: 30 p.m.
Fowler Junior High School
10865 S.W. Walnut Street - Tigard, Oregon
Present : Anderson, Grund, Larson , Paterson, Scroggin, Williams,
Meats, Richey
Absent : Owens, Millard, Penick
Minutes of the previous meeting were handed out , reviewed, and ac-
cepted as being complete enough for our purposes.
Dick Bolen conducted the meeting in the absence of Chairman Bonnie
He explained that Tigard is in the process of adopting a housing
code which conforms to L.C.D.C. goals and guidelines and sets out
policies designed to encourage the provision of a diversity of hous-
ing to fit those desiring to live here and who work here .
The discussion of the large lot pattern along Tigard and North Da-
kota Streets was reviewed with the preference being stated for leav-
ing low density there and placing more dense housing in newly devel-
oping areas.
Dick showed us the colored-in map including possible locations of
efficiency housing.
Yvonne Larson stated that there were some residents in attendance
from North Dakota Street who wished to talk about their area. They
were given the opportunity.
Summary: In approximately three years several wrecks have been ob-
served. The narrow road lined by barrow pits with no shoulders
seems to be the problem. Widening the street would require removal
of trees which also is undesirable . The importance of keeping ef-
ficiency housing compatible with the neighborhood was stressed.
Mr. Paterson stated that the question may be "What character of
neighborhood can we afford to keep?" The citizens living on North
Dakota feel that putting more houses along the street will make traf-
fic problems worse . Some felt that more houses further over would
also increase traffic using North Dakota to get to the Tigard Plaza
Tentative decision was not to include efficiency housing on North
Dakota and to attempt to ease the traffic situation if possible .
September 13, 1977
Page 2
Questions to consider: Minimum lot size and where to locate effi-
ciency housing. Should we put it all west of 130th? How much med-
ium density (apartments) and efficiency housing can we include with-
out violating the low density designation?
Location of areas of medium density was discussed along with. the
idea of neighborhood shopping at Walnut and approximately 132nd
Street .
We verbally compared our NPO area with NPO 3. There are differences
in geography, age, street patterns, and CLOUT. We asked Mr. Bolen
to bring color maps of the other NPO's next meeting so we can com-
pare amounts of medium density areas.
Lynn Scroggins expressed her difficulty in making a decision on den-
sity until we know how soon and if Scholls Ferry will be widened.
It is a State highway .
We don ' t want to generate more traffic than the planned street
system can handle if improved, and we wish the solution to be sensi-
tive to present development .
We were reminded that our plan will include a map and a text .
Our task is to tomo-, up with densities we desire, have the traf-
fic engineer check it out, then make adjustments .
Be prepared to decide at the next meeting!
Meeting adjourned 9 :45 p .m.
Next meeting September 29, 7: 30 p .m.
Respectfully submitted,
JoAnn Grund