04/26/1993 - Minutes SOLID WASTE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES April 26, 1993 1. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: Eldon Wogen, Chair Don Jacobs Tom Sullivan (arrived at 7:10 PM) Cece Dispenza Mark Irwin (arrived at 7:09 PM) Gerry McReynolds Paul Hunt, City Councilor Tom Miller, Miller's Sanitary Service Mike Leichner, Pride Disposal Larry Schmidt, Schmidt's Sanitary Service Bill Martin, Wash. County Haulers' Assn. Dir. Loreen Edin, Staff Liaison Liz Newton, Staff 3. CALL TO AUDIENCE FOR NON-AGENDA ITEMS - Committee Member Dispenza requested that SWAC schedule a Yard Debris Collection Day within the next month or so. After lengthy discussion, Loreen Edin stated she would work with Committee Member Dispenza to try and schedule a place for June 5, 1993. She noted that there would be a Bulky Waste Collection Day in June in Tigard also. Mr. Russ Iwanchuk, 11710 SW Fairview Lane, Tigard, appeared to speak before the Committee. Mr. Iwanchuk's concern was the vacation credit policy noting that he did not believe it was right to allow the hauler to charge when Mr. Iwanchuk did not place garbage out for collection. Lengthy discussion followed between SWAC members and Mr. Iwanchuk. SWAC members noted that the policy allows for four vacation credits each year as long as the customer notifies the hauler of no pickup at least by noon the last business day prior to the scheduled collection date. Committee Member Irwin suggested Mr. Iwanchuk look at using the 'on-call' service where he would call only when he wants service if he were out of town a lot. Committee Member McReynolds stated that solid waste service is a utility and provided under rules that benefit the 'system" service delivery. He noted that many cities don't allow for any vacation credits and he felt Tigard's policy was more than fair. Committee Member Sullivan stated that solid waste, regionally, was not a market driven system but a franchise system for both garbage and recycling. Loreen Edin stated that other utility companies (i.e., phone, electric, water) do not stop charging for service when a customer is out of town. Solid waste does have the opportunity to stop charging for vacations but only with prior notice by the customer. Chairman Wogen thanked Mr. Iwanchuk for taking the time to come to the meeting and share his concerns with the Committee. 4. APPROVE MINUTES - March 15th minutes will be presented for approval at the next SWAC meeting. 5. CITIZEN INVOLVEMENT TEAM (CIT) UPDATE - Councilor Paul Hunt stated that the Council believed that specialized committees were not as effective in getting a broad range of citizen input as CIT's could be. Therefore, effective 6/30/93, service by SWAC, Park Board and other specialized committees would be concluded and CITs would begin 7/1/93. Councilor Hunt suggested that the CIT format would allow for 4 areas in the City to have meetings where the agendas could be developed by the citizens in the area. He requested SWAC members consider if they would be interested in working in the CIT process. Committee Member McReynolds asked how a citizen complaint would be heard in the CIT process. Liz Newton stated that at each CIT meeting there would be various staff members present as well as Councilors. Any complaint heard at a meeting would be forwarded to the appropriate staff person or Councilor for response. She also noted that the CIT meetings PAGE 2 OF 2 SWAC MINUTES APRIL 26, 1993 would be held in locations within the 4 City areas. This was anticipated to encourage attendance by more citizens. Committee Members McReynolds and Sullivan stated they did not feel the CIT process would be successful and they did not support the CIT process nor the conclusion of SWAC as a specialized Committee. Committee Member Irwin stated he felt it could be successful. Loreen Edin reminded the Committee that it was not just SWAG that would be concluded in June, but Park Board, Economic Development Committee, Transportation Committee, and all NPOs. 6. UPDATES - Loreen reported that Metro has determined there will be no TIP fee pass through this year. She also reported that administrative rules should be issued by the May meeting based on SWAC's comments from the March meeting. 7. OTHER BUSINESS - Next meeting was suggested to be held on May 24th. Committee Members McReynolds and Sullivan stated they did not feel a need for any more SWAG meetings since the Committee was going to be discontinued in June. Chairman Wogen asked what was planned for the agenda. Loreen Edin noted that the Yard Debris Collection process would need to be discussed as well as developing a public information outline of material and issues to be shared with the CITs over the next year. Consensus of a majority of the Committee was to hold the next meeting on 5/24/93 at 7:00 PM and make this their last meeting as SWAG. 8. ADJOURNMENT - Motion by Committee Member McReynolds, seconded by Committee Sullivan to adjourn. Approved by unanimous vote of Committee present at 8:17 PM. le/swacmin