11/16/1992 - Packet I Ar�-
NOVEMBER 16, 1992, 7.00 PM
2. ROLL CALL: Wogen_ Dispenza _ Irwin
Jacobs_ McReynolds_ Sullivan_
4. APPROVE MINUTES: 09/21/92
6. PROMOTIONS UPDATE- November 71h - Yard debris depot
A. Service Standards
B. Annual Report
C. Cart vs. Can Collection (Semi-automation)
A. Next meeting-December 14 or 21, 1992?
SEPTEMBER 21, 1992
1. The meeting was called to order at 7:04 PM.
2. ROLL CALL: Present: Eldon Wogen, Chairman
Cece Dispenza Don Jacobs
Tom Sullivan Mark Irwin
Mike Leichner, Pride Disposal
Larry Schmidt, Schmidt's Sanitary Service
Bill Martin, Wash. County Haulers' Assn. Dir.
Liz Newton, (left at 7:45 PM)
Loreen Edin, Staff Liaison
3. CALL TO AUDIENCE FOR NON-AGENDA ITEMS - No one appeared before the Committee to
4. APPROVE MINUTES: 7-27-92 - Motion by Committee Member Dispenza, seconded by
Committee Member Jacobs to approve. Approved by unanimous vote of Committee present.
5. BROADENING COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION UPDATE - Liz Newton noted that she would be
meeting with Council and then the Board and Committee Chairs before having any new
information for SWAC. It was anticipated to be on the November agenda for SWAC.
A. Cook'n In The Park (8/22/92) - Compost Cafe was reviewed by about 50 people. Poor
weather reduced the number of attendees.
B. Yard Debris Depot (11/7/92) - Grimm's Fuel will give a break to the haulers on the
disposal fees that day in order to participate in the event. Excluded from the "free" depot
collection will be commercial landscapers. A mailer may go out through the school
district, haulers will send notice on their bills.
C. Hazardous Waste Depot (tentatively scheduled for 1/10/92 through Metro) - Haulers will
be promoting and participating.
A. Next Meeting- 11/16/92-agenda should include curbside automated pickup information,
and community participation update.
B. Tonnage Report - Tonnage of recyclables is up since the distribution of the red bins to
residential customers. It was noted that only 160 residential customers have switched
from a 32 gallon can to a mini-can during the first two months of the new rate schedule
(July & August.)
8. ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Committee Member Sullivan, seconded by Committee Member
Dispenza to adjourn at 7:55 PM. Approved by unanimous vote of Committee present.
City of Tigard
Date: Saturday, November 7, 1992
Time: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Where: Tigard City Hall Parking Lot
Who: The Tigard Residential Community
WHAT IS YARD DEBRIS? Yard debris is any organic matter remaining after
landscaping or gardening. This includes grass clippings, branches, shrubs, plants, weeds,
limbs,and leaves. Stumps and logs under 4" in diameter will be accepted.
0 The City's three franchised waste haulers,Miller's Sanitation,Pride Disposal,and Schmidt Sanitation will
be collecting and hauling the residential yard debris as a public service. They will also be on hand to
answer your questions regarding curbside recycling!
■ Grimm's Fuel,our closest Washington County Yard Debris Recycling Depot,is also participating in the
one-day free event by assisting the City's franchised haulers.
■ There will be trucks and drop boxes available for you to put your yard debris into.
■ No plastic bags can be accepted.
The event is open to all of the community. If you have any questions about recycling,we will
do our best to answer them!!
Sponsored by Miller Sanitation Service,Pride Disposal, Schmidt Sanitation Service, City of Tigard,and
Grimin's Fuel.
Special thanks to the Tigard School District for their help in distributing this information.
YARD DEBRIS RECYCLING DEPOT- The mailer through the School District sure was effectivelll We
anticipated 60-70 compacted yards. We ended up with 160 compacted yardsl This is equivalent to about
4500 garbage cans of yard debris. We also hauled 4 compacted yards of mixed waste (mostly plastic
CHRISTMAS TREE RECYCLING-We are currently checking with the Boy Scouts to coordinate the Haulers'
curbside pickup after the Boy Scouts weekend promotion. Tree charge will be about$3.00 and flocked
trees and trees wrapped in plastic may not be picked up. We will share more info with you next month.
MEDICAL WASTE COLLECTIONS-By 12/1/92, all of our haulers will be using Bio-Med of Oregon as their
subcontractor for medical waste throughout the City. The haulers have done this after reviewing the cost
of using a smaller contractor just here in Washington County, which was going to be more expensive in
the long run.
_ - A mountain of
glass moves
closer to reuse
at Owens
. ' Brockway
Glass Con-
gainers in
Hogan photo)
Reduce, reuse, recycle
w a r 1WV doll Igo
Jeanne B.Roy short time later MacDonald's and a national environ- progress in reversing the throwaway trend of the medi-
ne year ago This Week magazine pub- mental organization,the Environmental Defense Fund, cal industry.For example,in 1990 seven Portland-area
lished the popular"Reduce,Reuse, reached an agreement on waste reduction. hospitals switched from disposable to cloth diapers.
Recycle Kid's Guide."It described Today,your Big Mac comes in a paper wrap,not a Carol Winter,chair of the Green Team at Kaiser Per-
the way kids(and adults,too)can do foam shell.That change alone resulted in a 90-percent manente,reflects pride when she says:"We now avoid
small things each day to save the reduction in package volume,and an 85-percent reduc- the landfilling of 8,400 disposable diapers,4,200 in-
earth's resources.So this is a good tion in the cardboard containers needed to ship the fant wraps,and 5,000 mattress overlays each year."
time to look at how well the three R's are faring in the packaging. Kaiser's Green Team has gotten many ideas from
Portland metro area. Other changes at MacDonald's are less obvious. '•50 Simple Ways to Save the Earth."The results are
During the past year,the volume of Portland's waste Napkins have been reduced in size and,along with impressive:
going to a landfill decreased for the first time ever.I takeout bags,are now made of recycled fiber.Pump- *Water-sip plastic bottles for patients have replaced
see this as the beginning of a new trend.Often inspired style dispensers for ketchup are being introduced to re- plastic pitchers and Styrpfoam cups.
by assertive kids,some Portland households are ag- place individual packets.And supplies are being pur- •To route supplies,reusable tote boxes have re-
gressively reducing garbage. chased in bulk.In the words of Steve Peat,field service placed cardboard boxes.
Skyrocketing landfill rates are making a difference, manager:"We used to have single-portion-packet •A surplus property warehouse sells surplus and
too.Reducing waste now makes good business sense. cleaning supplies like bleach for one sink.We've gone used goods to employees.
Providence Medical Center was spending about to bulk.A one-gallon jug replaces 64 packets." •Regular lawn mowers have been replaced by
$78,000 a year on garbage disposal.It's been able to When buying Coke,MacDonald's now'avoids pack- mulching mowers,reducing landfill garbage by 1,600
cut that by about$26,000 through an ambitious recy- aging entirely.The beverage is stored in huge 75- bags of lawn clippings each year.
cling effort. gallon tanks which can.be filled by a hose from the dis- progressive businesses.A few years ago customers
Wbutor's truck. of Norm Thompson kept asking:"Why did you send
Reduce: The environmental Grocery bags.A positive change in grove stores is this little product in all this packaging?"In response,
ry Norm Thompson has made great strides to reduce
We 191'1 t control the reduction in carryout bags.Most grocery bhains
The MacDonald's story.Fast-food restaurants, now offer a 5-cent credit to the customer who brings Packaging•
long the symbol of a throwaway society,have recently his or her own bag.And many stores are selling The first step was to replace those irritating foam
taken positive steps in response to demands of the pub- reusable canvas bags.Many shoppers have found addi- peanuts with a biodegradable paper substitute,Quadra
lic.In 1990,MacDonald's took the City of Portland to tional uses for plastic carryout bags,though they are Pa Next,to save 80 tons of packaging a year,soft
court rather than comply with the city's ban on polysty- not recyclable curbside. items are now packaged in lightweight bags rather than
rene-foam.The judge ruled in favor of the city,and a Hospitals.Hospital employees have made some \Continued on nett page
COVER PROFILE,-.-'..' . '
■Continued from previous page sorted into about 50 varieties and sold for about$1 per
case less than new bottles.Sunflower hopes refillables
cardboard boxes.This Christmas,John Strombom,di- will comprise 30 percent to 40 percent of the wine bot-
rector of distribution operations,will test Thompson's tie market in the future.
own shredded waste paper for packing material. Building materials.When he was a contractor,Jer-
Companies like Payless and Nike have distributed ry preen was appalled by the volume of waste at a typ-
mugs to employees to eliminate the need for disposable ical remodel site."I got tired of seeing stuff thrown
cups.And Starbucks has introduced a whopping 10- away when it was perfectly usable,and there are so
cent discount if you bring your mug for coffee or your many lower-income people who can't afford new stuff. '
used bag for coffee grounds. One time a two-year-old kitchen was completely torn
Reuse: It is wonderful out because the owner didp'tlike it.II
the second time around After a couple of years trying to match up reusable
materials with those who need them,this year preen
Clothing.A recent boom in the used-clothing mar- opened The Wherehouse Project on Martin Luther
ket is occurring in resale shops.The Yellow Pages now King Jr.Boulevard.He now has 6,000 square feet to
lists over SO shops,more thaq Portland has ever had. display cabinets,doors,light fixtures,plumbing parts
The shops,which ar%selective in the clothes and ac- and hardware.Architectural Salvage and Recycling on
cessories they display,are particularly popular among Macadam Boulevard also-opened this year.
women.According to Sandra Hardtla,owner of San- Recycle: From cradle to cradle
dra's Cedar Chest,"A lot of professional working
women have almost totally turned to resale." Portland's national standing.The recycling meas-
Thrift store sales are up dramatically as well.Good- uryng tape for cities is the"recycling Tate.4?This indi-
will reports Portland-area sales of$9 million in 1991, cates the percentage of total waste which is recycled.
up by$2.2 million over 1990. Portland has increased its rate to 38 percent,a respect-
Bottles.Refillable glass bottles are an endangered able rate but by no means the highest in the country.
species the
e days.
Milk bottles have disappeared.In Some communities s are recycling over 40 percent.
the Portland area,only a few soft drinks and beers,like Improved service.Household recycling has im-
Pepsi and Henry Weinhard,are still available in proved dramatically over the past two years with the in-
refillable bottles. troduction of standard bins and weekly pickup.in both A tvsldsr recycles ntaf
Sunflower Recycling,one of Portland's recycling Clackamas County and Portland,recycling more than of jnDw a ecyc s m t-
pioneers,has a plan to increase use of refillable bottles. doubled after bins were provided to each household. alfiaAcme 7hodib and
With the arrival of a new washing machine from Aus- Thin year magazines were added to most curbside pro
tris,Sunflower expects to receive,wash and distribute grams,and in Portland,Tigard and Tualatin,milk jugs CO'
two million wine bottles each year.The bottles will be were added as well.Because the jugs are bulky,some
A va ono WITOCK
to -OFF
"RRR troatMuuwYssurusrsllYMmYtar
advertiser in This Week CARDBOARD-NEWSPAPER-OFFICE PAPER t9tO tt0.. IqN TWA
magazine.Our paint and •WE ORGANIZE NEWSPAPER DRIVES sIw na; x
decorating centers have •OFFICE,COMMERCIAL&INDUSTRIAL RECYCLING (503)2 A 6322
result Man-M LOCATED Ar
sAM4WM .► .�.. sw CORIIER OF _
Our new Factory Outlet store in Gresham also offers
paint,wallpaper and window coverings,only in a"below ALSO
wholesale"format We wanted our ad to scream"low
prices"and the ads we've run in This Week do just that BEAVERTON M
Our store has had a stead stream of m
y customers ever -
since—so we know that This Week advertising works RECYCLING CENTER
because this is the only advertising we've done!We're ONLY ACCEPTING CLEAN
looking forward to a long-standing relationship with all of r NEWSPAPER_& •GLASS BOTTLES&JARS
the customers in This Week's huge marketing area." CARDBOARD •TIN CANS -
Call for your success at 682-1881!
recycling trucks now have compactors to smash them
Yard debris.During1991 and 1992,most metro- Jeanne B.Roy,founding
member and chairman of Port-
area cities added yard debris to their list of curbside re- land's Recycling Advocates,
cyclables.For example,Tualatin decided to institute a writes the weekly column
"world class"yard debris program.The hauler pro- "Reduce,Reuse,Recycle"in
vides 90-gallon roll carts and collects them weekly. This Week magazine.
According to Emilie Kroen,administrative assistant
for the City of Tualatin,"The program has been very
effective in getting yard debris separated for recy- grail takenat OOwens
1 Photo-
cling."The numbers are impressive.In September, Brockway Glass Containers
residents showed a weekly set-out rate of 37 percent. in Northeast Portland.
The yard debris is delivered to Grimm's fuel where it is
composted into garden mulch.
Whereas Oregon City and Gladstone have had yard
debris programs for years,Gresham,Lake Oswego,
Milwaukie and Clackamas County recently initiated I r
weekly collection.The City of Portland is starting out i i
slowly with collection once a month.And Washington
County has not gotten beyond the yard-debris-depot its newsprint production.The magazine pulp makes the Reusable metal The Professional
stage. newsprint brighter,smoother and stronger. from various
Industry investment.Innovative companies are Wood waste.Although only three Portland-area sources is re-
finding new ways to use recyclables.For years hard- processing centers for wood waste were open in 1990, duced to cubes
core recyclers have been hauling mixed paper—junk eight new ones opened in 1991.One newcomer,The like this at Acme Shied
mail and cereal boxes—to depots which have been los- Sym Exchange in Northeast Portland,accepts clean, Trading and elm Trimmer
ing money on it.Recently the Georgia Pacific mill in used lumber in the form of boards,pallets,crates or Supply Co.(Greg
Toledo started using mixed paper in its corrugated construction lumber.Many pallets are repaired for re- Kozawa photo) Tal $932M
cardboard.As a result of an emerging demand,Port- sale.The rest of the wood is chipped and made into "'s'rtst'tt
land Public Schools just announced that it will be racy hardboard for furniture and paneling.Other processors &
cling mixed paper,and the City of Portland will start a compost the wood waste or sell it as fuel for paper shkidaiw
small pilot program to collect it from households.
plants. � _ Hedge Trimmer �-
Last spring,James River added a deinking facility to Milk cartons.A few years ago,Tetra Pak,a manu- 3'om.r Will for ianl hWou
its plant in Halsey.Now it can accept slick paper(mail facturer of beverage cartons,decided to become proac-
advertisements)for use in making Renaissance tissue tive on recycling.Because of the Tetra Pak collection HT 20J0 $329q
0"PAs•law `
and towel products and Eureka copy paper.Carolyn system,all students in Portland Public Schools can re-
McGreevy,public affairs spokesperson for lames Riv- cycle milk cartons and drink boxes in the lunchroom 846 $bW '8
er,says that the company is responding to consumer this year.Paper in the cartons is separated from the 11110118Ci(Blower ;
requests for more products with recycled content.It plastic by Weyerhaeuser paper company for use in _ 212 MPH Wdwspw
also wants to assure a continuing supply of quality pa- making cardboard. i a'"jmwt1`
per pulp in the face of a decreasing supply of chips ggyg$S6
from sawmills. Future Three Rs progress
The capacity of this plant is so large that it now re- When you add up the small steps of progress in thea� $hiBdBjQ�
ceives paper from the western half of the United States. three Rs,you find we have traveled a long way in re- 20" iter dlis Ia.Saw
In the Portland area,James River will be purchasing ducing waste.And yet the journey has just begun. 3 Cub
from offices a combination of high-quality office paper As to the future,I have three predictions.First,ex- a a theurkits road area.
and slick advertisements. cess packaging will become socially unacceptable. $ sig
A few years ago,magazines had no commercial val- Second,use of reusable,standardized containers will vN
ue.The reason they are now collected curbside is that be widespread.Third,recycling rates of over 80 per-
Smurfit's Oregon City paper plant began using them in cent will be commonplace.
-4 Along with brightly colored re-
B e A Good Sort... cycle bins given to Washington DELIVERYFREE PICK-UP&
County residents came these 652-2711
..................................................... Glass:Empty and wash out food. Remove lid and wrt tips for sorting recyclables.
17635 SE N1,Mauk,,
t r
by color-green,brown and clear.
.................tin Food Canss Empty end warn out all food.
Remove labels.remove tap and bottom and Batten.
AiuminUwl Wash on all food.Separate from other O
metaK,blot shown.Plat M separate bag.Race In Bin.)
MagaMinOSITle with twine or plate In grocery bag. WHEN IT COMES TO EARTH-FRIENDLY PRODUCTS.,
0o not mix vim newspaper.
.......Newspapers Tic with twine or place In grocery bag. Step into Earth Merantile,ad it's cine that this is not your ordinary Chopping uoiveBe.
. Them's the pykig hot cup of to or celee that msgially appears.The gbde ae2k of a rodmig char
..Corrugated Cardboard:Flatten and tie with from the nearby book room.M oonsioml squeal of delight from a toddler eho has pat dkcovered the
... twine.Inetueks brown paper bags. Playroom.
utrktg aratn0.you dkcover something else.Namely,Mho may
Motor Oiit Four Into unbreakable,leak proof plank: est selection of ovkquterosOyaafe household,personal care G
Container with wave nap ad. l amerce products Chit ride of the oaone byer.All earth
nd all of the highest quality we could fund.From recycled
......:.. '. soon for a doe of euthkiendly atutude and p�-fly THE
to tater urtl�derim. inn r n
Set at curbside on garbage day cold make a eorld of dlBerena in how you Chop.
:...........................................................r. �' f • rPOR A BETIM YpRID.d2y-Satufday,10 ams pm Thursday,10 2m-8 pm Sunday,l2 pm-5 pm
The recyding-bin Is the property of your haular and must remain art this address. This bin Is provided for 6345 SW Capitol H*hw2y in Hillsdale(503)246-4935
your recycling use through a cooperative,Kort of yew city,your hauler and Washington County. This
program is funded In part by a grant from METRO.
Wh'' -Unit Pricin Makes�-Sense for Solid Waste
Y 9
by Jeff Fletcher
As announced in last week's arrangement creates an economic month; and three cans costs
Nation's Cities Weekly, the U.S. incentive for residents to.recycle $44.94.A 40 percent surcharge
Environmental Protection or reduce their waste. on these rates is imposed if resi-,1
Agency(EPA)is seeking applica- dents want backyard waste pick
tions from communities interest- Unit Pricing up. r
ed in ,participating in the
agency's residential solid waste The deficiencies of property In designing the rates,Seal
unit.pricing demonstration,pro-
tax and fixed user fee arrange- divided its rate "pie" into ti.
ject. ments are why "pay as you separate cost elements. Four E
throw" waste fee systems have ments were minimum charges v
What is garbage unit pricing, become more popular in recent recycling, landfill closure,billing
and why should cities and towns years. and low income rate credits.Foui
want to take a closer look at it? elements were tonnage charges
Most waste managers view for waste disposal, variable col-
Solid Waste Fee Structures unit pricing systems as an eqw- lection, program administration,
table way to increase residential and taxes.The final element was
In most of the U.S.,garbage is recycling and composting, send a fixed collection cost,basically a
removed once or twice a week appropriate conservation and
with funding coming from some pricing signals to consumers, and
portion-of property taxes or from help cities reduce landfill tip fee Per-bag fees are common in
fixed user fees. " costs. rural areas where citizens drop
off their trash at the local land-
Neither method gives any Unit pricing systems also give fill
incentive for residents to recycle residents a realistic picture of
or to reduce their waste. what waste collection and dispos- A growing number of.munici-
In the property tax method, al actually costs, while permit- palities that collect trash`also
residents receive unlimited trash
ting customers to retain some have adopted per-bag fees.
pick-up but never see a solid choices and control "over their The trend toward unit pricing,.
waste bill. Waste costs are bills. _ for garbage service seems likely'
"buried" in the general property Unit pricing systems for non- to continue.
tax rate. Citizens have no idea recycled trash usually employ Unit pricing systems are equi-
how.much it costs-to collect,and variable per-can volume-based table,-since customers-pay only
dispose of refuse every-week. fees or per-bag rates.- for the amount trash they throw
There is no incentive for,resi- One of the,first large.scale away.Unit pricing relies on mar=
dents to recyclp.or reduce their
- tests:in,,-the!U.&,of solid waste ket forces and does-not favor,any
waste. - one kind of waste reduction mea-
unit pncmg was the introduction sure over another.
.in the`fixed user fee method, by Seattle, Washington, of a
residents also ieceive unlimited '"variable can rate"waste`user'fee `=With unit pricing,residents
trash pick-up, but pay a waste in the,early 1980s. Designed-to who practice waste sourcereduc-
fee separate from their property accompany and promote the tion, backyard composting, and
tax bills:Trash rates are set,and city's voluntary recycling pro recycling receive a clearreward—
periodically raised,to cover waste' gram,'the rate design provides lower rates—for doing so. Waste
collection and disposal costs.But clear monetary incentives for ies- `Watchers"do not subsidize waste
rates are flat for the life of the idents to recycle more,and throw "hogs"through the waste pricing
rate period,no matter how much away less. mechanism.
waste a resident throws away., Seattle residents subscribe to Finally, waste unit pricing
.Like tax-funded systems, fixed a weekly level of collection-ser- systems can be accepted fairly
fee waste arrangements provide vice for nonrecycled trash,offered readily by consumers,'since"they
no incentive for citizens to reduce in 30-gallon can increments or in are,similiar to utility pricing
waste. a"super-recycler"19-gallon mini- mechanisms already in place for
In both the tax and user:fee can option. The current monthly gas, electric, water and'sewer,
systems, mandatoryversus vol single-family '.rate for.once-a- and telephone services.
untary recycling is not a key fac- week curbside or alley„mini-can. For more information on the
tor. Without a variable pricing pick-up is $11.50; the one-can EPA demonstration project, call
mechanism in place for nonrecy rate is $14.98; pick-up of two Dr. Deborah Nestor at(202)260-
clable waste pick-up, neither cans/week costs $29:96 per 5500;fax,(202)260-6405. 0
November 16, 1992
• Review Board and Committee member comments (handout)
• Review recommendations accepted by City Council (handout)
• Present CIT concept (Liz)
Boundary options
Sample agenda
• How the Solid Waste Advisory Committee fits in
Stress keeping members involved in the system.
SWAC members good candidates for the Steering Committees
or to spearhead solid waste issues before CITs.
Review of SWAC tasks important to insure broader public
comment and involvement.
TO: Mayor and Members of Council
FROM: Liz Newton, Community Relations
DATE: November 10, 1992
SUBJECT: Board and Committee Structure
After the November 4, 1992 Board and Committee Chair meeting,
Councilor Schwartz asked me to condense the comments received from
the Boards and Committees over the summer on changing the
structure. Following, in no particular order, are the comments
heard most often.
• Boards and Committees need specific tasks, clear
• There was support for broadening issues.
• Communication between the city and the citizens needs
improvement. '
• There was support for involving citizens in "quality of
life" issues.
• There is interest in looking at the "big picture".
• The structure needs to be more proactive, user friendly.
• Citizens should drive the issues.
• The system needs to change.
• The citizens role should be to provide input.
• Use of the CITYSCAPE should be expanded - more
• Important to have geographic representation on Boards.
• In general, there is support for the "CIT concept".
• Incorporate Transportation Planning function into Planning
Appoint Transportation Advisory Board member to current
Planning Commission vacancy.
Appoint Transportation Advisory Board member to Planning
Commission seat vacated by Wendi Hawley in January.
• Defer filling any vacancies on other Boards and Committees
until review of structure is complete.
• Continue to reappoint existing members for six months to
retain continuity during transition.
• Develop "CIT" concept
Neighborhood based (start with elementary school
boundaries. )
Ask existing Board and Committee members to provide
Review existing standing committee roles
Are they effective and appropriate?
Library Board
Park Board
Solid Waste Advisory Board
Planning Commission
REPORTS (Library Board, School Board, Planning Commission, City
UPCOMING EVENTS (Yard Debris Recycling, City and School District
meetings of note, Community and School
celebrations or activities)
MAIN EVENT (Transportation Issues, Parks - where and how to pay for
them, Community Policing, City or School District
Budgets, School Boundaries, Annexation - pros and
OPEN MIRE - An opportunity for audience members to ask questions
Roles and Responsibilities for Solid Waste Collection
Solid waste collection within the City of Tigard is a three way partnership between the customer, the City of Tigard and the regulated
franchise hauler. The authority to regulate and set standards are expressed in Chapter 11 .04 of the City Ordinance.
The following "Rules of the Game" are provided in order to describe the roles and responsibilities of each of the three partners in assuring
an efficient and effective solid waste collection system in Tigard. Additionally, these minimum standards are offered as a guideline for
service and are not to be construed as the total responsibilities for each party. •
All Collection Service All Collection Service
These responsibilities exist for each of the collection service categories. These customer responsibilities exist in all collection services.
1. Annual Report: The Franchised Hauler shall file an annual report for the 1. Cleanup: The Customer shall make every effort to place
year ending the previous Dec. 31. on or before March 1. containers so as to prevent material from being blown, littered,
2. Approved Sites: The Franchised Hauler shall resource recover or broken, or leaked during the course of waiting for collection.
dispose of wastes at sites approved by the city. The Customer shall be make every effort to clean up any such
3. Area: The Franchised Hauler shall not intentionally provide solid waste material prior to collection.
or recycling collection service to customers in another Franchise Area 2. Containers: The Customer shall be responsible for placing solid
within the City of Tigard except by arrangement with another waste and recycling in an adequate container for collection.
Franchised Hauler. They shall be non-absorbent, vector-resistant, durable, easily
4. Billing: The Franchised Hauler may bill for services 3 months in advance cleanable, and where appropriate be provided with lids or cove,*
for residential and multi-family residential customers. If billed in which can be readily removed or opened. The Customer is
advance, the Franchised Hauler shall refund a prorated portion of the responsible that the solid waste container be maintained in a
payment for any months in which service is not provided. safe and sanitary condition. All containers other than manual
5. Blocking: To the greatest extent practicable, the Franchised Hauler pickup shall be supplied or approved by the Franchised Hauler.
shall avoid stopping of collection vehicles so as to block the passage of 3. Contracts: A Customer may be required to enter into a contract
other vehicles and pedestrians on public streets and sidewalks. with the Franchised Hauler for unusual service involving added
6. Bulky Wastes: Franchised Haulers shall respond to all calls within 96 or specialized equipment not normally provided under city
hours of receiving said call unless a later pickup is agreeable to the required services.
customer. 4. Damace: Customer and Franchised Hauler supplied solid waste
7. Change: A Franchised Hauler may periodically change a Customer's containers shall be replaced by the Customer if in the course of
designated collection day provided a written notice is given to a storage of solid waste or recycling the Customer causes
Customer indicating the intent to change the Customer's designated damage sufficient to render the container unusable for the safe
collection day and informing the Customer of the new collection day. storage of solid waste. The Customer shall be responsible for
1 14 .4
8. City Facilities: The Franchised Hauler shall collect and dispose from all container damage caused by weather, criminal activity, or
city facilities at no cost to the city. norma/ wear and tear to Customer owned containers.
9. Cleanup: The Franchised Hauler shall make every reasonable effort to Franchised Haulers shall be responsible for container damage
pick up all material blown, littered, broken, or leaked during the course caused by weather, criminal activity, or norma/ wear and tear to
of collection. Franchised Hauler owned containers.
10. Complaints: The Franchised Hauler shall respond promptly to Customer 5. Frequency: The Customer shall assure that all solid waste such
calls and complaints. Both office and on-route staff shall be knowledge- as food, disposal diapers and animal waste is removed at least
able and courteous in answering Customer information requests and once per seven (7) days.
resolving Customer complaints regarding solid waste and recycling 6. Hazardous: The Customer shall not leave in any solid waste or
collection service. recycling container any hazardous, toxic and/or medical wastes.
1 1 . Containers: Containers made available by the Franchised Hauler to 7. Misses: The Customer shall notify the Franchised Hauler
collection service Customers shall be designed for safe handling. They promptly of a missed collection of solid waste and recycling.
shall be non-absorbent, vector-resistant, durable, easily cleanable, and 8. Payment: The Customer shall pay for all service wit
hin thirty
where appropriate, provided with lids or covers which can be readily (30) days of receipt of a bill from the Franchised Hauler.
removed or opened. Customers lacking credit with the Franchised Hauler shall pay
12. Covers: All open-body collection vehicles shall have a cover which prior to service if required by the Franchsied Hauler. The
shall be used while in transit from collection areas, except during the Customer shall pay all additional service charges for any past
transportation of bulky wastes. due bills. Stop service Customers are responsible for any past
13. Damage: Customer and Franchised Hauler supplied solid waste due bills prior to re-establishment of service.
containers shall be replaced by the Franchised Hauler if in the course of 9. Placement: On the scheduled day, the customer shall provide a
collection the Franchised Hauler causes damage sufficient to render the safe access to the pickup point which does not jeopardize the
container unusable for the safe storage of solid waste. The Franchised safety of the driver of a collection vehicle or the motoring public
Hauler shall not be responsible for container damage caused by or create a hazard or risk to the person providing service.
weather, criminal activity, or normal wear and tear. Receptacles must be in a visible location which may be serviced
14. Disabilities: The Franchised Hauler shall provide solid waste service in and driven to by collection vehicles where practical. Access
conformance with the Federal American with Disabilities Act. must not require the collector to pass behind an automobile or
15. Driving: Franchised Haulers shall comply with all applicable federal, other vehicle or to pass under low-hanging obstructions which
state and local laws and regulations relating to driving and transpor- obstruct safe passage to and from receptacles. Receptacles
tation. All collection equipment must be maintained and operated in must be at ground level, outside of garages, fences and other
compliance with all local and state statutes, ordinances and regulations enclosures. Items not for collection shall be at/east 3 feet from
including compliance with regulations related to the safety of the any solid waste container.
collection crew and the public. 10. Service: The Customer shall request the level and type of
16. Empties: The Franchised Hauler shall not leave emptied containers in a service to the Franchised Hauler.
location where they would unnecessarily obstruct the sidewalk, a
driveway, or any public thoroughfare or impede pedestrian or vehicular Residential Waste Collection Service
17. Equipment: The Franchised Hauler shall furnish sufficient collection These customer responsibilities exist in residential waste collection
vehicles, containers, facilities, personnel, finances, and scheduled days services.
for collection in each area to meet city required service levels.
18. Extras: Franchised Haulers shall collect occasional containers of a 1. Extras: Customers shall pay the fee established by the City of
Customer's solid waste set at the point of collection as "extras" beyond Tigard for such "extras" to the Franchised Hauler to collect
the Customer's subscribed service level upon authorization of the occasional containers of a Customer's solid waste set at the
point of collection as "extras"beyond the Customer's
2 subscribed service level. The Customer shall indicate to the
customer, and shall charge the fee established by the City of Tigard for Franchised Hauler if the Customer wants service in which no
such "extras". extras are collected.
19. Fair Market Value: The Franchised Hauler is responsible to not interfere 2. Holidays: The Customer shall be responsible for proper
in source separated materials for recycling services provided for by placement on make up days for Franchised Hauler designated
provision of the State of Oregon fair market value exemption rules. and notified holidays.
20. Fees: The Franchise Hauler shall pay to the city a fee equal to 3% of 3. In-Ground: The Customer shall remove a garbage can from an
the gross receipts of the franchise based on quarterly payments. in-ground or "sunken"location for collection.
21. Hazardous: The Franchised Hauler shall not empty a solid waste 4. Point of Collection: Customers shall request collection at a
container that contains hazardous, toxic and/or medical wastes with an location other than in the yard that is within one hundred (100)
approved notice left on the container. feet from the street. The Customer shall indicate to the
22. Holidays: There shall be no collections on Christmas Day. Franchised Franchised Hauler the point of collection and notify the
Haulers may designate other State holidays for no collection provided Franchised Hauler upon any change of location. The Customer
the Customer has been notified in writing. Customers shall be informed shall assure proper placement of the container for collection.
of collection make-up days and make-up days shall occur during the 5. Time: The Customer shall place the solid waste container out
same week as the holiday and may include Saturday. prior to 6:00 a.m. on the Customer's designated collection day.
23. Identification: All collection vehicles and containers provided by the Solid waste should be placed safely and securely to prevent
Franchised Hauler shall be clearly identified by displaying the Franchised lightweight materials from blowing away prior to being dumped
Hauler's name and telephone number prominently and conspicuously. into the collection vehicle.
24. Leaking: All Solid Waste collection vehicles shall be constructed, 6. Vacation: Customers may temporarily discontinue service per
loaded, operated and maintained in a manner to reduce to the greatest and receive up to 4 credits in a calendar year for periods of
extent practicable dropping, leaking, blowing, sifting or escaping of three weeks or more providing that the Customer request the
solid wastes, recyclables. discontinuance no later than 48 hours prior to the date of
25. Maintenance: All vehicles shall be maintained so as to prevent the discontinuance. The Franchised Hauler shall keep a record of
vehicle's fuel, hydraulic fluid or lubricants leaking from the vehicle onto such temporary discontinuances.
private property and public streets while stationary or in transit. 7. Weight: The Customer shall not place more weight in the
26. Misses: The Franchised Hauler shall respond promptly to reports of collection container than approved by the City of Tigard. !f the
missed collection of solid waste and recycling. A complaint of missed container is brought into weight compliance, the Customer shall
collection received by the Franchised Hauler from the Customer or the pay the charge for call back service if the Customer requests
City shall be remedied by collecting the material within 24 hours (ex- that the material be picked up on any day other than the Cus-•
cluding Saturdays, Sundays and non-collection holidays) of the tomer's next regularly scheduled collection day.
Customer's or City report. This 24-hour deadline does not apply where
the missed collection has occurred due to late or improper set-out by Residential Solid Waste for Recycling Collection Service
the Customer.
27. Noise: Franchised Haulers shall not engage in any activity which These customer responsibilities exist in residential solid waste for
causes excessive or unusually loud sound which disturbs the peace and recycling collection services.
quiet of any neighborhood or which injures or endangers the comfort,
repose, health, peace, or safety of any person. 1. Containers: The Customer shall receive back at the point of
28. Office: Franchised Haulers shall maintain office hours open to collection any recycling containers except used motor oil
Customers and other persons for personal visit or telephone contact containers. Containers should not be placed in an area where
with a minimum of 7 hours starting no later than 8:30 AM nor ending they obstruct the sidewalk. Within 24 hours of collection, the
before 4 PM. excluding holidays. Franchised Haulers shall have office Customer should move emptied containers from the Curbside
staff or an answering service or machine available for accepting into the Customer's yard area. Lost or stolen recycling
containers shall be replaced by the Franchised Hauler with City
3 approved reusable recycling containers after charging the
Customer telephone calls and complaints at all times. Phone lines must Customer the established replacement fee. Containers provided
be dedicated business phone lines. by the Franchised Hauler remain the property of the Franchised
29. Promotion: The Franchised Hauler shall participate in City of Tigard Hauler, and are to be left at the Residence when a Customer
directed promotion and education efforts in solid waste and recycling moves.
activities as well as provide a public education and promotion program 2. Materials: The Customer shall place out for collection any of
that encourages participation in recycling and notification to all the solid waste for recycling as designated by the City of Tigard
customers of the opportunity and terms of recycling service at least so long as the materials are properly prepared.
once per year. 3. Ownership: All solid waste for recycling placed for residential
30. Rates: Franchised Haulers shall charge only the City of Tigard estab- curbside collection shall be the responsibility of the Customer up
lished rate for each level of scheduled service. until the time of collection. At the time of collection. All solid
31 . Ready Access: Access to solid waste containers must not require the waste for recycling placed in a Franchised Hauler provided
Franchised Hauler to pass behind a vehicle, under low-hanging container shall be collected exclusively by the Franchised •
obstructions, pass through doors or fences and be within 100 feet of Hauler.
the street or curb in a visible location. 4. Point of Collection: The Customer shall place materials for
32. Records: The Franchised Hauler shall make all company premises, recycling collection at the curbside.
facilities, equipment and records which are related to the franchise 5. Properly Prepared: The Customer shall properly prepare all so/id
available for inspection by individuals specifically authorized by the City waste for recycling as required by the City of Tigard. The
of Tigard within 24 hours of receipt of a written notice. Records to be Customer shall remove improperly prepared material from the
maintained by the Franchised Hauler are to include financial, solid waste container so that the Franchised Hauler may collect the material
disposed, recyclables collected, truck maintenance schedules, driver the next Customer's recycling collection day. /t is the
accident reports, driver infractions, personnel training and customer responsibility of the Customer to separate solid waste for
complaint logs. recycling and keep distinct from garbage. Customers should
33. Service: The Franchised Hauler shall make available, for subscription, prepare materials so as to prevent newspapers, corrugated card-
all levels of Solid Waste collection service for which the City of Tigard board and other lightweight materials from being blown away.
sets rates to every person in its designated Franchise Territory. 6. Time: The Customer shall have out for collection on the
34. Special Events: City of Tigard sponsored clean-ups shall be supported designated collection day all solid waste for recycling prior to
by the franchised haulers to the fullest extent practicable. 7:00 a.m.. The Customer on heavy traffic streets may be
35. Training: The Franchised Hauler shall be responsible for training requested in writing to have out for co/lection all recyclables
collection crews before initiating solid waste and recycling collection, prior to 6 a.m.. •
and office staff prior to the employee having public contact. The scope
of training shall include but is not limited to acceptable safety practices,
acceptable standards of service to the public, courteous customers Commercial Waste Collection Service
service, and accuracy and completeness of information. All information
conveyed to a customer or inquiring person shall be consistent with These customer responsibilities exist in commercial waste collection
City service standards. services.
36. Termination: A Franchised Hauler may terminate service if a customer
has not paid for provided service after a regular billing and after a 7 day 1. Extras: Customers shall pay the fee established by the City of
written notice from the date of mailing, which notice shall be sent not Tigard for such "extras" to the Franchised Hauler to collect
less than 15 days after the first regular billing. occasional containers of a Customer's solid waste set at the
37. Timeliness: Unless prevented by Force of Natures, calls received by 1 point of collection as "extras"beyond the Customer's
PM by office staff must be returned the same day or by noon of the fol- subscribed service /eve% The Customer shall indicate to the
lowing business day if received after 1 P.M.. Franchised Hauler if the Customer wants service in which no
4 17
38. Waste Disposal: A Franchised Hauler must dispose of disposable Solid extras are to be collected.
Waste collected within their Franchise Area at a Metro approved facility 2. Point of Collection: Customers shall designate the point of
and Department of Environmental Quality certified facility. collection to the Franchised Hauler and notify the Franchised
39. Weight: The Franchised Hauler shall leave an overweight solid waste or Hauler upon any change of location. The Customer shall assure
recycling container with a notice describing the problem and requesting proper placement of the container for collection and assure that
that the Customer place the material in more than one container. The no blockage occurs by vehicles or other containers.
Franchised Hauler shall document such action. The Franchised Hauler 3. Time: The Customer shall place the solid waste container so as
may charge the call back rate established by the City if the Customer to be available at all times for collection. Solid waste should be
requests that the material be picked up on any day other than the Cus- placed safely and securely to prevent lightweight materials from
tomer's next regularly scheduled collection day. blowing away prior to being dumped into the collection vehicle.
40. Zoning: Facilities for storage, maintenance and parking of any vehicles 4. Weicht: The Customer shall not place more weight in the
or other equipment shall comply with all applicable zoning ordinances. collection container than approved by the City of Tigard. if the
•overweight container is brought into weight compliance, the
Residential Solid Waste Collection Service Customer shall pay the charge for call back service if the Cus-
tomer requests that the material be picked up on any day other
These hauler responsibilities exist in residential solid waste collection than the Customer's next regularly scheduled collection day.
Commercial Solid Waste for Recycling Collection Service
1. Day: Collection service by all vehicles will be Monday through Friday
except during Holiday Weeks. These customer responsibilities exist in commercial solid waste for
2. Collection: Solid Waste collection shall be offered weekly or on-call and recycling collection services.
consistently occur on the same day of the week for a given Customer.
3. Hazardous: A Franchised Hauler shall provide information upon request 1. Containers: The Customer shall receive back at the point of
to all Customers about the restrictions on Hazardous Waste and options collection any recycling containers. Containers should not be
available for Household Hazardous waste collection and disposal. The placed in an area where they obstruct the sidewalk. Within 24
Franchised Hauler shall comply with all Federal, State, County and hours of collection, the Customer should move emptied
Metro regulations applicable to the collection and disposal of hazardous containers from the Curbside. Lost or stolen recycling
wastes. containers shall be replaced by the Franchised Hauler with City
4. Hours: Franchised Haulers shall not collect any solid waste through the approved recycling containers after charging the Customer the
streets in predominately residential neighborhoods except between the established replacement fee. Containers provided by the 0
hours of 5:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.. Franchised Hauler remain the property of the Franchised Hauler,
5. Ice and Snow: Franchised Haulers may, when weather conditions make and are to be left at the commercial establishment when a
driving or collection hazardous, delay any collections scheduled on Customer moves. The Customer shall conform as to the type of
these hazardous days until the first day, excluding Sundays and non- material to be collected in each clearly labeled container,
collection holidays, that hazardous conditions no longer exist. If these including an indication of the material to be placed in the
conditions exist more than one day, collection will not occur until the container and the word "recycling" or "recyclable" or the
next week's regular collection day. "chasing arrows"recycling symbol.
6. In-Ground: The Franchised Hauler shall not remove a garbage can from 2. Frequency: The Customer shall notify the Franchised Hauler
an in-ground or "sunken" location. when the container of solid waste for recycling shall be
7. Late Setouts: The Franchised Hauler is not required to collect for that collected each week or at a frequent needed to accommodate
week residential cans that have been determined to be late set-outs container size.
after the designated time. Customers wanting collection that week may 3. Markets: The Customer shall recognize the Franchised Hauler
5 18
. request a call back service at the rate approved by the City of Tigard. as owner of material collected while transporting and marketing
8. Point of Collection: Customers may request collection of solid waste at of collected materials for recycling. The Franchised Hauler shall
a location within one hundred (100) feet of a public street at the basic ensure that al/ collected recyclables are delivered to a processor
collection rate established by the City. Franchised Haulers shall not pass or broker of recyclable materials or to an end-use market.
through any doors or gate(s), cross flower beds, go through hedges,
4. Materia/s: The Customer may make available for pickup a//
cross open lawns, enter any backyards, pass under any overhangs
solid waste for recycling as designated by the City of Tigard so
which limit ground clearance to less than nine (9) feet or place long as the materials are properly prepared.
themselves in a situation which would jeopardize their health and 5. Multi-Family: The manger or owner is the customer in a multi-
safety. Such point of collection location shall be identified to the hauler family complex and is responsible is responsible for the proper
upon establishment of service. Distances in excess of one hundred preparation of the solid waste for recycling and for the proper
(100) feet shall be subject to a distance charge as established by the
City. education of tenants in use of the service. It is the responsibility
of the customer to distribute recycling promotional materials to
9. Weights: The franchised haulers shall not empty residential containers every multi-family residential unit.
that meet or exceed the following gross loaded weights on manual
collection per container: 6. Ownership: All solid waste for recycling placed for commercia
cogallon can - 40 pounds collection shall be the responsibility of the Customer up until the
20 gallon can - 40 pounds time of collection. All solid waste for recycling placed in a
32gallon cart - 120 pounds Franchised Hauler provided container shall be collected
60 90 gallon cart - 180 pounds exclusively by the Franchised Hauler.
7. Point of Collection: The Customer shall make available for
collection at curbside or within 10 feet of the customer's solid
Residential Solid Waste for Recycling Collection Service waste container(s), or at another location mutually agreed on by
Franchised Hauler and customer. Where the Customer's
These hauler responsibilities exist for residential solid waste for recycling recycling collection or storage system is indoors, the Customer
collection service.
is required to place the materia/ outdoors. Where a customer
has individual can service at multiple points the Customer shall
1. Containers: The Franchised Hauler shall leave at the point of collection be designated for curbside recycling pickup. In such case,
any recycling containers and covers except used motor oil containers. "curbside"shall include whatever private streets or alleys are
Lost or stolen recycling containers shall be replaced by the Franchised normally used by the Franchised Hauler in the collection of solid
Hauler with City approved reusable recycling containers after charging
the established replacement fee. waste for the customer.
2. 8. Properly Prepared. The Customer shall properly prepare all sole
Customers: All solid waste customers shall be offered the opportunity waste for recycling as required by the City of Tigard. The
to recycle to the level designated by the City of Tigard. Weekly waste Customer shall remove improperly prepared material from the
customers shall be offered a recycling bin and weekly recycling. On-call container so that the Franchised Hauler may collect the material
customers shall be offered a bin and recycling on the same day as on the next Customer's recycling collection day. It is the
waste collection in a volume comparable to the weekly customer. responsibility of the Customer to separate solid waste for
Recycling only customer shall be offered a bin and be provided weekly recycling and keep distinct from garbage. Customers should
recycling at the rate established by the City of Tigard. prepare materials so as to prevent newspapers, corrugated card-
3. Day: Collection of solid waste for recycling service by all vehicles will board and other lightweight materials from being blown away. If
be Monday through Friday except during Holiday Weeks.
a customer is notified that a container of recyclables has been
4. Disposal: Disposal of recyclables is prohibited except with prior rejected by the Franchised Hauler for improper preparation, the
approval by the City of Tigard. Upon rejection of the market, the City customer should either correct the preparation problem by
accepts any market rejection slip as prior approval for disposal of
properly preparing recyclables or transfer the contents of the
6 19
rejected material. Placement of properly prepared recyclables which recyclables container into a solid waste container. if a customer
have been set out for recycling into any Solid Waste container, specifically requests a Franchised Hauler to transfer the
including the Solid Waste compartment of a collection vehicle is improperly prepared recyclables into a solid waste container, the
prohibited. Franchised Hauler may comply with the request, but is not
5. Frequency: Recyclable Materials shall be collected each week on the obligated to do so by these regulations.
same day as solid waste collection for any given residential customer. 9. Time: The Customer shall have out for collection all solid waste
6. Hours: Collection of solid waste for recycling shall not be collected for recycling between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m..
before 5:00 a.m. nor after 7:00 p.m. unless prior approved by the City The Customer on heavy traffic streets may be requested in
of Tigard for special circumstances. writing to have out for collection all recyclables between the
7. Late Setouts: The Franchised Hauler is not required to collect for that hours of 6 a.m. and 7 a.m..
week residential solid waste for recycling bins that have been
determined to be late set-outs after the designated time.
8. Markets: The Franchised Hauler shall be owner of all material collected Drop Box Waste Collection Service •
for transporting and marketing of collected materials for recycling. The
Franchised Hauler shall ensure that all collected recyclables are deliv- These customer responsibilities exist in drop box waste collection
ered to a processor or broker of recyclable materials or to an end-use service.
9. Materials: The Franchised Hauler shall pick up all properly prepared 1. Hours: Collection of drop boxes shall be between the hours of
solid waste for recycling as designated by the City of Tigard. 6:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.. The customer shall notify the
10. Ownership: All recyclable materials placed for residential curbside Franchised Hauler prior to 2 p.m. to assure collection on that
collection shall be the responsibility of the Customer up until the time of day.
collection. No person shall take or remove any solid waste for recycling 2. Multi-Family: The manager or owner of a multi-family complex
placed out for collection on the designated collection day for the with drop box service is responsible for the proper preparation
Franchisee Hauler. of the solid waste.
11. Point of Collection: Collection of solid waste for recycling shall be 3. Payment: The Customer shall make payment at the time of
made at the curbside. collection that includes cost of collection and estimated cost of
12. Proper Preparation: The Franchised Hauler shall collect any properly disposal if requested by the Franchised Hauler. An overpayment
prepared material that is visible and accessible. For improperly prepared by the customer shall be returned to the customer.
material the Franchised Hauler shall complete a City approved notice 4. Point of Collection: The Customer shall assure ready access b
describing the problem, and leave it in the Customer's container or se- the collection vehicle to any container. Such point of collection
curely attached to the container or Customer's front door. The location shall be identified to the franchised hauler upon
Franchised Hauler shall document such action. establishment of service.
13. Records: The Franchised Haulers shall submit copies no less than 5. Time: The Customer shall request drop box service to the
annually of amount of material recycled and participation rates to the Franchised Hauler. The Customer shall have use of the drop box
City of Tigard or its designated agent. for 48 hours from time of delivery. The Customer agrees to pay
14. Tires: Franchised Haulers shall provide for the collection of tires from the required cost for additional time over 48 hours at the
any residence in the franchise area, within 96 hours of a request and approved City of Tigard rate except on weekends where a drop
charge a fee. Tires may be placed in the solid waste collection vehicle. box is delivered on a Friday.
The Franchised Hauler shall not dispose of tires at any facility other
than an approved facility which reuses or recycles the tires. Drop Box Solid Waste for Recycling Service
Commercial Waste Collection Service These customer responsibilities exist in drop box solid waste for
7 20
These hauler responsibilities exist in commercial waste collection service. recycling collection service.
1. Day: Collection service by all vehicles will be Monday through Friday. 1. Customers: All customers shall be offered the opportunity to
Saturday service is available through the Franchised Hauler and may be recycle with drop box service to the level designated by the City
charged a weekend surcharge. of Tigard at the rate approved by the City of Tigard.
2. Hours: Franchised Haulers may collect any solid waste through the 2. Day: The Customer will have the drop box available for
streets in predominately commercial neighborhoods at any time. collection service Monday through Friday unless prior
3. Ice and Snow: Franchised Haulers may, when weather conditions make arrangements are made with the Franchised Hauler.
driving or collection hazardous, delay any collections scheduled on 3. Hours: Collection of drop boxes shall be between the hours of
these hazardous days until the first day, excluding Sundays and non- 6:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.. The customer shall notify the
collection holidays, that hazardous conditions no longer exist. Franchised Hauler prior to 2 p.m. for to assure collection on that
4. Multi-Family: The manger or owner of a multi-family complex with day.
commercial service is responsible to assure that the solid waste does 4. Markets: The Customer shall recognize the Franchised Hauler•
not contain hazardous materials. as the owner of material collected for transporting and mar-
s. Point of Collection: For containerized service, the Franchised Haulers keting of collected materials for recycling. The Franchised
shall have ready access by the collection vehicle to any container. Such Hauler shall ensure that all collected recyclables are delivered to
point of collection location shall be identified to the franchised hauler a processor or broker of recyclable materials or to an end-use
upon establishment of service. market
6. Weight: The franchised haulers shall not empty commercial containers 5. Materials: The Customer may set out for collection any solid
that can not be safely maneuvered manually or exceed 200 pounds per waste for recycling as designated by the City of Tigard so long
yard as measured by appropriate equipment. as the materials are properly prepared.
6. Multi-Family: The manager or owner of a multi-family complex
Commercial Solid Waste for Recycling Collection Service with drop box service is responsible for the proper preparation
of the solid waste for recycling and for the proper education of
These hauler responsibilities exist in commercial solid waste for recycling tenants in use of the service.
collection service. 7. Ownership: All solid waste for recycling placed for drop box
collection shall be the responsibility of the Customer up until the
1. Containers: The Franchised Hauler shall leave at the point of collection time of collection. All solid waste for recycling placed in a
any recycling containers and covers. Such containers need to be fully Franchised Hauler provided drop box shall be collected •
identified as to the type of solid waste for recycling is to be placed into exclusively by the Franchised Hauler.
such container for collection. 8. Payment: The Customer shall make payment at the time of
2. Customers: All solid waste commercial customers shall be offered the collection that includes cost of collection and estimated cost of
opportunity to set out solid waste for recycling to the level designated recyclable processing from non-customers and customers
by the City of Tigard. lacking credit with the Franchised Hauler. An overpayment by
3. Day: Collection service by all vehicles will be Monday through Friday. the customer shall be returned to the customer.
Saturday service is available through the Franchised Hauler and may be 9. Point of Collection: The Customer shall assure ready access by
charged a weekend surcharge. the collection vehicle to any container. Ready access shall be
4. Disposal: Disposal of recyclables is prohibited except with prior defined by the City of Tigard. Such point of collection location
approval by the City of Tigard. The City accepts any market rejection shall be identified to the franchised hauler upon establishment
slip as prior approval for disposal of rejected material. Placement of of service.
properly prepared recyclables which have been set out for recycling into 10. Time: The Customer shall request drop box service to the
the Solid Waste compartment of a collection vehicle is prohibited unless Franchised Hauler. The Customer shall have use of the drop box
8 21
the collection vehicle is being used exclusively for recycling collection. for 48 hours from time of delivery. The Customer agrees to pay
5. Freouencv: Solid Waste for recycling shall be collected as frequently as the required cost for additional time over 48 hours at the
needed to accommodate container size. approved City of Tigard rate except on weekends where a drop
6. Hours: Franchised Haulers may collect any solid waste for recycling box has been delivered on a Friday.
through the streets in predominately commercial neighborhoods at any 11. Properly Prepared: For improperly prepared material the
time. Customer shall be notified by the Franchised Hauler at the point
7. Markets: The Franchised Hauler shall own the material collected while of collection of improper preparation and the action to take to
transporting and marketing of collected materials for recycling. The correct. The customer shall have the option of correcting the
Franchised Hauler shall ensure that all collected recyclables are deliv- improper preparation if present at time of collection. The
ered to a processor or broker of recyclable materials or to an end-use Customer shall pay the Franchised Hauler a charge for standby
market. time or a return charge if unable to collect immediately. If the
8. Materials: The Franchised Hauler shall pick up all solid waste for customer is not present, the Franchise Hauler shall complete a
recycling as designated by the City of Tigard so long as the materials City approved notice describing the problem and leave on the .
are properly prepared. Customer's front door. If the improper preparation is not
9. Multi-Family: The manager or owner of a multi-family complex with discovered until the materials are delivered to a recycling center,
commercial service is responsible for the proper preparation of the solid the Customer shall pay an additional handling charge equal to
waste for recycling and for the proper education of tenants in use of the time, distance and disposal cost of the load.
the service.
10. Ownership: All solid waste for recycling placed for commercial collec- Infectious Solid Waste Collection Service
tion shall be the responsibility of the Customer up until the time of
collection. All solid waste for recycling placed in a Franchised Hauler These customer responsibilities exist in infectious solid waste
provided container shall be collected exclusively by the Franchised collection service.
Hauler. Further, any properly prepared solid waste for recycling placed
out at the point of collection on the designated collection day shall be 1. Packaoinn: The Customer shall package all infectious solid
collected exclusively by the Franchised Hauler. waste in approved containers and securely close all containers.
11. Point of Collection: Collection shall be made at curbside, within 10 feet All box bottoms shall be well taped to assure proper handling.
of the customer's solid waste container(s), or at another location Any leaking containers shall be repackaged by the customer.
mutually agreed on by the Franchised Hauler and customer. Where the
Customer's solid waste for recycling collection or storage system is 2. Point of Collection: The Customer shall identify to the
indoors, the Franchised Hauler is not required to go indoors to collect Franchised Hauler the location for the collection of infectious •
the solid waste for recycling. Where a customer has individual can solid waste. Such location shall be secure from public access
service at multiple points the Customer may elect to have curbside but maintain accessibility to the Franchised Hauler. In the event
recycling pickup. In such case, "curbside" shall include whatever that such collection points are locked, a procedure shall be
private streets or alleys are normally used by the Franchised Hauler in arranged with the Franchised Hauler in order to expedite
the collection of solid waste for the customer. collection. The Customer shall be readily available at time of
12. Proper Preparation: The Franchised Hauler shall collect any properly collection in order to sign all pertinent shipping documents
prepared solid waste for recycling. For improperly prepared material the required for infectious solid waste transporation and disposal.
Franchised Hauler shall complete a City approved notice describing the 3. Separation: The Customer shall maintain separation of
problem, and leave it in the Customer's container or securely attached infectious solid waste from other solid waste and solid waste
to the container or Customer's front door. The Franchised Hauler shall for recycling. The Customer shall not place any infectious solid
document such action. waste in any solid waste or recycling container other than
13. Records: The Franchised Haulers shall submit copies not less than containers approved for infectious solid waste.
9 22
annually of amount of material recycled to the City of Tigard or its 4. Service: Weekly scheduled Customers not requiring collection
designated agent. for a specific week shall call prior to the scheduled collection
day to avoid any drive-in fee.
Drop Box Waste Collection Service 5. Weight: The Customer shall not load any container so as to
exceed fifty (50)pounds in weight.
These hauler responsibilities exist in drop box waste collection service. 6. Will Call: Will call customers shall provide a 48 hour notification
prior to collection.
1. Day: Collection service by all vehicles will be Monday through Friday.
Saturday service is available through the Franchised Hauler and may be Household Hazardous Solid Waste Collection Service
charged a weekend surcharge. Collection service by all vehicles will be
Monday through Friday unless prior arrangements are made with the These customer responsibilities exist in Household Hazardous Solid
Franchised Hauler and may be charged a weekend surcharge. Waste collection service. •
2. Hours: Collection of drop boxes shall be between the hours of 5:00
a.m. and 7:00 p.m.. Customer shall notify the Franchised Hauler prior 1. to be added later
to 11 a.m. to assure collection on that same day.
3. Ice and Snow: Franchised Haulers may, when weather conditions make
driving or collection hazardous, delay any collections scheduled on CITY OF TIGARD RESPONSIBILITIES
these hazardous days until the first day, excluding Sundays and non-
collection holidays, that hazardous conditions no longer exist. All Collection Services
4. Multi-Family: The manager or owner of a multi-family complex with
commercial service is responsible for the proper preparation of the solid These responsibilities exist in all collection services.
5. Payment: The Franchised Hauler may request payment from either 1. Compactors: The City shall permit all stationary compactors
customers or non-customers lacking credit with the Franchise Hauler at with conditions that such equipment comply with the
the time of collection that includes cost of collection and estimated cost Franchised Haulers equipment and meet applicable health and
of disposal. An overpayment by the customer shall be returned to the safety requirements.
customer. 2. Confidentiality: The City shall assure the confidentiality of all
6. Point of Collection: The Franchised Haulers shall have ready access by Franchised Hauler financial records.
the collection vehicle to any container. Such point of collection location 3. Conservation: The City shall assure that solid waste collection
shall be identified to the franchised hauler upon establishment of is conducted to provide energy and material conservation.
service. 4. Council: The City Council shall act upon any rate adjustment by
7. Time: The Franchised Hauler shall provide temporary drop box service May 31 or demonstrate good cause why such action can not be
to residential or commercial customers within 96 hours of request. The made.
customers has use of the drop box for 48 hours from time of delivery 5. Finances: The City shall insure maintenance of a financially
except for weekends on a drop box delivered on a Friday. stable, reliable solid waste collection and disposal service.
8. Weicaht: The Franchised Hauler shall not collect any drop box that 6. Notice: The City shall give reasonable notice to the Franchised
makes the total weight of the collection vehicle exceed any Federal, Haulers on changes in the required services.
State or local legal load limits. 7. Ownership: The City shall assure that material placed out for
collection belongs to the Franchise Hauler or city permittee.
Drop Box Solid Waste for Recycling Service 8. Preferences: The City shall prohibit any rate preferences and
other discriminatory practices in solid waste service.
These hauler responsibilities exist in drop box solid waste for recycling 9. Rates: The City shall insure rates that are just, fair, reasonable,
10 23
collection service. and adequate to provide the necessary service levels required
by the City.
1. Customers: All customers shall be offered the opportunity to set out 10. Recycling: The City shall provide for technologically and
solid waste for recycling with drop box service to the level designated economically feasible recycling by the Franchised Haulers.
by the City of Tigard at the rate approved by the City of Tigard. 1 1 . Redundancy: The City shall eliminate overlapping service to
2. Day: Collection service by all vehicles will be Monday through Friday. reduce truck traffic, street wear, air pollution and noise.
Saturday service is available through the Franchised Hauler and may be 12. Reporting: The City Administrator shall report to the Council by
charged a weekend surcharge. April 1 on the Franchised Haulers annual reports and propose
3. Disposal: Disposal of properly prepared recyclables is prohibited except any rate adjustments.
with prior approval by the City of Tigard. The City accepts any market 13. Restrictions: The City shall assure that no person provides solid
rejection slip as prior approval for disposal of rejected material. waste service without a City franchise.
Placement of properly prepared recyclables which have been set out for 14. Safety: The City shall insure the safe accumulation, storage,
recycling into the Solid Waste compartment of a collection vehicle is collection, transportation, disposal, or recovery of solid waste.
prohibited unless the collection vehicle is being used exclusively for 15. Volumes: The City shall provide sufficient waste volumes to
recycling collection. sustain solid waste management facilities to achieve resource
4. Hours: Collection of drop boxes shall be between the hours of 5:00 recovery.
a.m. and 7:00 p.m.. Customer shall notify the Franchised Hauler prior 16. Waste: The City shall assure that no person accumulate, store,
to 11 a.m. to assure collection on that same day. collect, transport, dispose, or resource recover solid waste
5. Markets: The Franchised Hauler shall own the material collected while except in compliance with city codes and Oregon State Law.
transporting and marketing of collected materials for recycling. The
franchised Hauler shall ensure that all collected recyclables are delivered
to a processor or broker of recyclable materials or to an end-use
6. Materials: The Franchised Hauler shall pick up all solid waste for
recycling as designated by the City of Tigard so long as the materials
awproperly prepared.
7. Multi-Family: The manger or owner of a multi-family complex with
commercial service is responsible for the proper preparation of the solid
waste for recycling and for the proper education of tenants in use of •
the service.
8. Ownership: All solid waste f r recycling placed for drop box collection
shall be the responsibility of the Customer u until the time of
collection. All solid waste for recycling placed in a Franchised Hauler
provided drop box shall be collected exclusively by the Franchised
9. Payment: The Franchised Hauler may request payment at the time of
collection from non-customers and customers lacking credit with the
Franchised Hauler that includes cost of collection and estimated cost of
recyclable processing. An overpayment by the customer shall be
returned to the customer.
10. Point of Collection: The Franchised Haulers shall have ready access by
the collection vehicle to any container. Such point of collection location
11 24
shall be identified to the franchised hauler up on establishment of
11. Prooer Preparation: For improperly prepared material the Franchised
Hauler shall notify the customer in person at the point of collection of
improper preparation and the action to take to correct. If the customer
is present, the customer shall have the option of correcting the
improper preparation. The Franchised Hauler shall charge standby time
or a return charge if unable to collect immediately. If the customer is
not present, the Franchise Hauler shall complete a City approved notice
describing the problem and leave on the Customer's front door. The
Franchised Hauler shall document such action. If the improper
preparation is not discovered until the materials are delivered to a
recycling center, an additional handling fee to properly dispose of the
material shall be the responsibility of the customer.
12. Records: The Franchised Haulers shall submit copies at least annually
of amount of material recycled to the City of Tigard or its designated
13. Time: The Franchised Hauler shall provide temporary drop box service
to residential or commercial customers for solid waste for recycling
within 96 hours of request. The customers has use of the drop box for
48 hours from time of delivery except for weekends on a drop box
delivered on a Friday.
Infectious Solid Waste Collection Service
These hauler responsibilities exist in infectious solid waste collection service.
1. Cleaning: The Franchised Hauler shall maintain a clean and sanitary
vehicle that includes at least a weekly cleaning and sanitizing. In the •
event of a spill in a collection vehicle, that vehicle shall be cleaned and
sanitized no later than 8 hours after the spill. Records shall be
maintained of all such action.
2. Containment: Vehicles used for the transportation of infectious solid
waste shall be outfitted with a device that will contain any spills within
the vehicle. The Franchised Hauler shall carry in all infectious solid
waste collection vehicles a decontamination kit to insure that any spill
can be contained and neutralized.
3. Day: Collection service by all vehicles will be Monday through Friday.
Saturday service is available through the Franchised Hauler and may be
charged a weekend surcharge.
4. Hours: Franchised Haulers may collect any infectious solid waste
through the streets in at any time.
• •5. Ice and Snow: Franchised Haulers may, when weather conditions make
driving or collection hazardous, delay any collections scheduled on
these hazardous days until the first day, excluding Sundays and non-
collection holidays, that hazardous conditions no longer exist.
6. Point of Collection: For containerized service, the Franchised Haulers
shall have ready access by the collection vehicle to any container and
which m v
may involve entering premises or obtaining access to locked or
secured areas. Such point of collection location shall be identified to the
franchised hauler upon establishment of service.
7. Signs: The Franchised Hauler shall maintain the appropriate
Department of Transportation placard and additional shall display an
approved bio-hazardous waste insignia clearly visible on each side and
rear while carrying infectious solid waste.
8. Training: The Franchised Hauler shall provide all vehicle crew members
with appropriate training in handling infectious solid waste and offer
crew members appropriate vaccinations.
9. Weight: The franchised haulers shall not empty infectious waste
containers that exceed 50 pounds.
Household Hazardous Waste Collection Service
These hauler responsibilities exist in Household Hazardous Waste collection
1. to be added later
r �
Automation of Residential Garbage Service
Request to the City of Tigard for Service Change
The following points of discussion outline the proposal being made by the Tigard
franchised haulers. They are:
Company Differences: Millers Pride and Schmidt's are independent
companies each operating in a different section of Tigard. They each have
made company business decisions over the many years of operation that
provided the optimum service at the lowest cost to the customer. The City
of Tigard needs to take these facts into account to assure that an individual
company is not penalized by decisions reached by the City in change of
Customer Base Differences: Miller's, Pride and Schmidt's have significantly
different customer bases. While Pride has a large number of commercial
accounts, Schmidt's has a small number. This difference, even discounting
the commercial rate subsidy, does determine efficient operation. Specialized
commercial service is appropriate for Pride and Miller's. Separate collection
of commercial accounts for Schmidt's may not be efficient.
Commercial Subsidy: The stated policy of the City of Tigard is to charge
extra for commercial garbage collection and to apply that extra to residential
collection to reduce residential can rates. This policy fails in its execution to
the degree that the subsidy only takes place within each company. If the
amount of the subsidy for 1991 were prorated over the Tigard customer
base, Schmidt's Sanitary would receive approximately $40,000 annually
that at this time it does not recieve.
Yard Debris Recycling: With yard debris recycling being required to be
implemented by July 1994, it is an opportune time to add this service as
part of the conversion to automation. In effect, adding every other week
automated yard debris recycling increases each company's customer base
by 50%. This increase in scheduled work makes the purchase of a new
automated truck more justifiable, especially for Miller's and Schmidt's that
have a smaller customer base.
Curbside Carts: Miller's, Pride and Schmidt's each propose to provide and
collect from each residential customer a 35 gallon roll cart for curbside
garbage collection by August 1993. Customers currently receiving more
service would be required to go to multiple 35 gallon carts to accommodate
equipment requirements. Miller's, Pride and Schmidt's further propose to
deliver and collect from each residential customer a 60 gallon cart for
residential yard debris collection by January 1994. Both carts will be
required to be curbside collected to receive the lowest cost of service.
Cans and Mini-Cans: Miller's, Pride and Schmidt's are proposing the
elimination of all cans and mini-cans. Automation is designed to do one thing
very well. If the City of Tigard is serious about reduced collection costs
requiring the automated truck to do many things is not maximizing its
potential. To accommodate the customer that reduces their garbage needs
below the 35 gallon cart, the franchised haulers propose to implement a
weight based system when technically and legally available.
Truck Purchases: The purchase of new trucks can only be made
economically with the existing equipment replacement needs in
consideration. Pride Disposal will continue to phase in the company's long
term plan to fully automate and will accomplish this in Tigard by August
1993. Miller's and Schmidt's company policy has been different from Pride
and will need time to adjust the direction of each company. Miller's and
Schmidt's will begin the collection of carts in August 1993 with modified
existing equipment. Miller's and Schmidt's will then have time to determine
the future truck purchasing needs of each company recognizing their area
customer bases, area topography, and future of the subsidy.
Future Rates: The franchised haulers propose the above program changes for
an additional $3.40 per month per cart. The franchise haulers further
propose that this additional rate be applied during the 1993 rate review
process and would expect the new rate to be in place by July 1993. Cart
delivery and service would proceed immediately after the rate change while
the yard debris program would begin 5 months after the rate change. This
would allow each company to cover some of the costs of implementing all
these programs while the company is incurring the costs.