11/16/1992 - Minutes 40 SOLID WASTE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES NOVEMBER 16, 1992 1. The meeting was called to order at 7:01 PM. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: Eldon Wogen, Chairman Cece Dispenza Don Jacobs Mark Irwin Gerry McReynolds Tom Sullivan Tom Miller, Miller Sanitary Service Mike Leichner, Pride Disposal Larry Schmidt, Schmidt's Sanitary Service Bill Martin, Wash. County Haulers' Assn. Dir. Liz Newton (left at 8:00 PM) Councilor Valarie Johnson (left at 8:00 PM) Loreen Edin, Staff Liaison 3. CALL TO AUDIENCE FOR NON-AGENDA ITEMS - No one appeared before the Committee to speak. 4. APPROVE MINUTES: 09/21/92 - Motion by Committee Member Irwin, seconded by Committee Member McReynolds to approve. Approved by unanimous vote of Committee present. 5. BROADENING COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION UPDATE - Councilor Johnson noted that her Council term expires 12/31/92 and that this would be the last time she would be meeting with SWAG. She expressed her appreciation to the SWAC members and franchised haulers for their hard work! Liz Newton distributed handouts describing the review of the City's board and committee structure. After meeting with all boards and committees and holding a Board and Committee Chair meeting, there seemed to be strong support for broadening the structure to deal with more "bi icture" pP 9 g P issues. Council had determined that filling any vacancies on boards and committees should be deferred until the review of citizen involvement structure is completed. Councilor Johnson noted that if there were any terms expiring of existing members, Council would reappoint for a six month term to retain continuity during the transition. Council and staff will be working with citizens to develop Citizen Involvement Teams or a "CIT" concept. These will be neighborhood based and there has been discussion of having perhaps 4 areas throughout the City to encourage participation on a larger scale. Councilor Johnson stated that a final plan should be in place during the first half of 1993. Committee Member McReynolds stated that he had just heard of a similar concept at the League of Oregon Cities. He noted that there is growing concern state-wide that citizens should have the opportunity to review all issues facing local government and that standing committees often reduce the effectiveness of citizen review with a narrow focus. He also noted that SWAC had discussed disbanding over the last few months. Councilor Johnson stated that a review of the existing standing committees would need to be done to determine if they would be effective and appropriate under the CIT approach. She noted that the Transportation Advisory Committee is being disbanded and one current member is being appointed to an existing Planning Commission vacancy. Another Advisory Committee member will be appointed in January to the Planning Commission when Wendi Hawley resigns to take her position on the City Council. PAGE 3 OF 3 SWAC MINUTES 11/16/92 B. Annual Report - Loreen Edin noted that the Washington County Wasteshed Technical Committee had determined it would be in the best interest of the Wasteshed to have all cities use the same report form. Coopers and Lybrand have suggested modifying the assumptions used for the financial report. Other areas of discussion are limiting owners/related party compensation expensed and perhaps the deletion of disposal revenue and expenses from the rate of return computation. C. Automation of Residential Collection - Haulers have been preparing a proposal which would consider service and financial impacts of some type of automation of curbside collection for residential customers. The haulers have also been looking at adding Yard Debris at curbside in early 1994, since Metro has required this service by 7/1/94 if there are available markets. Haulers believe that the Commercial rate subsidy will have to be changed before automation can be a reality for Tigard. This will be an agenda item for SWAC review at the December meeting. A copy of the haulers' draft discussion paper was distributed for SWAC information. 8. OTHER BUSINESS: Next meeting was requested to be scheduled for 12/14/92 in order to not hold a meeting during the week of Christmas. 9. ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Committee Member McReynolds, seconded by Committee Member Dispenza to adjourn. Approved by unanimous vote of Committee present at 8:41 PM. L PAGE 2 OF 3 SWAC MINUTES 11/16/92 Councilor Johnson asked for comments from the Committee members regarding the future role or need for SWAC. Committee Chair Wogen stated that SWAC had been very task oriented. He supported the CIT approach and wondered how the rate structure issues (i.e., commercial subsidy) would be addressed. Both Committee Member Dispenza and Sullivan expressed concern that there continue to be education of the citizenry in solid waste issues and that the CIT members become educated on all the issues they would deal with. Committee Member Sullivan noted that a committee process moves slower than is good on 'cutting edge" issues like the changes in the solid waste industry. Committee Member Irwin stated that a CIT with 60+ members would find it difficult to come to consensus. Both Councilor Johnson and Liz Newton discussed that meetings would not be for the purpose of voting or coming to consensus, but rather a town hall/open forum for presentation of information with a time for questions and input. The Planning Commission and Council hearing process would still be available for citizens wishing to ^testify, on any particular issue. Mike Leichner stated that government is seen as a maze. With the CIT process there seemed to be more chance for citizens to have input and receive information so they can understand issues and decisions even if they can't agree with the decision. Committee Chair Wogen expressed some concern about the CIT structure and Committee Member Dispenza stressed that it would be essential that the City Council and Staff be responsible to educate the people. Councilor Johnson noted that she and the Council had been concerned about educating citizens on a broader base for a long time and that was one reason why the CIT plan eventually was proposed. Liz Newton noted that she would be going back to Council in December for further direction. Council had expressed their desire to have this resolved and a citizen involvement process in place by July 1, 1993. Councilor Johnson & Liz Newton left the meeting at 8:00 PM 6. PROMOTIONS UPDATE - 11/7/92 Yard Debris Depot Loreen Edin reported that the depot was successful in that 60-70 compacted yards were expected and at the end of the day there was 160 compacted yards (equivalent to about 4500 garbage cans) of debris taken to Grimm's Fuell She expressed thanks to the haulers for their hard work as well as the SWAC members who helped. Many people were turned away at the end of the day. After discussing ways to streamline the process next year, the Committee consensus was that there is a need for more Yard Debris Depots in the future. Staff should consider moving the site to Cook Park, allow Tigard residents only to dump (check ODLs), have a chipper available, not allow loose brush (must be bundled) , form lines for quick drop off and one for larger loads, allow a defined portion to be dropped off for no cost and determine cost for material over that portion, and perhaps hold 1 depot in the Spring (early) and two or more in the Fall. 7. UPDATE ON WORK WITH HAULERS A. Service Standards - Loreen Edin noted that she and the haulers had been meeting since May to develop a draft. Copies were distributed to allow SWAC members a chance to read for comment at the next SWAC meeting. PAGE 3 OF SWAC MINUTES 11/16/92 B. Annual Report - Loreen Edin noted that the Washington County Wasteshed Technical Committee had determined it would be in the best interest of the Wasteshed to have all cities use the same report form. Coopers and Lybrand have suggested modifying the assumptions used for the financial report. Other areas of discussion are limiting owners/related party compensation expensed and perhaps the deletion of disposal revenue and expenses from the rate of return computation. C. Automation of Residential Collection - Haulers have been preparing a proposal which would consider service and financial impacts of some type of automation of curbside collection for residential customers. The haulers have also been looking at adding Yard Debris at curbside in early 1994, since Metro has required this service by 7/1/94 if there are available markets. Haulers believe that the Commercial rate subsidy will have to be changed before automation can be a reality for Tigard. This will be an agenda item for SWAC review at the December meeting. A copy of the haulers' draft discussion paper was distributed for SWAC information. S. OTHER BUSINESS: Next meeting was requested to be scheduled for 12/14/92 in order to not hold a meeting during the week of Christmas. 9. ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Committee Member McReynolds, seconded by Committee Member Dispenza to adjourn. Approved by unanimous vote of Committee present at 8:41 PM.