08/08/2005 - Packet Parks & Recreation Advisory Board
Monday August 8, 2005
7:00 p.m.
Tigard Water District Building
8777 SW Burnham Street
The purpose of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board is to
advocate for park and recreation opportunities for a growing Tigard.
1 . Roll Call
2. Approval of Minutes
3. Comments from the Audience
4. PRAB Adopt Land Acquisition Evaluation Matrix/Criteria and
Reiterate Support for Resolution
5. Discuss Proposed Park/Greenway Locations
6. Discuss PRAB Presentation Strategy and Bond Measure
7. Updates
8. Adjourn
Executive Session: The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board may go into Executive
Session under the provisions of ORS 192.660(1) (d), (e), (t) & (h) to discuss labor
relations, real property transactions, current and pending litigation issues and to consider
records that are exempt by law from public inspection. All discussions within this
session are confidential, therefore nothing from this meeting may be disclosed by those
present. Representatives of the news media are allowed to attend this session, but must
not disclose any information discussed during this session.
Criteria Scoring Breakdown Score
Vulnerability to development 5 =imminent development/vulnerability
(buildable inventory list)
0=no imminent development
Size (relative to use) 5 = size is relative to use (define use based
on park type or open space)
0= size not relative to use
Connectivity to green space, 5 =connects to multiple sites
active park or existing trail 0=has no connectivity
Usability: 5 =Property has size, shape, elevation to
Playground provide usability and meets multiple
Playing fields usages based on type of property
Picnic area 0=Property does not have usability
Nature Center
Educational opportunity
Public access (to be based on 5 =excellent public access
function) 0=no public access
Quality of site(unique features 5 =Unique qualities
not otherwise covered) 0=No unique qualities
Location(does it provide for 5 =provides
people currently without park 0 =does not provide
within %2 mile)
Build out population served 5 = 10,000 plus people(R-12, R-25, R-40)
based on current zoning 4 =6,000 to 10,000 people (R-7)
3 =4,000 to 6,000 people (R4.5, R3.5)
2 =2,000 to 4,000 people (R-2)
1 = 1,000 to 2,000 people (R-1)
0=0 to 1,000 people
Alternate sources of funding 5 = alternate funding available
available 0= alternate funding not available
Possibility for tie in with Nature 5 =over 50% of property is Goal 5
in Neighborhoods project 3 =under 50% of property is Goal 5
0=no Goal 5 resources
Habitat Protection(local, state 5 =high habitat quality
and federal agency listing & 0=no habitat or ecosystems on site
document review)
Narrative Statement/Facts provided by Staff
• Where is property?
• Who identified property(Master Plan, community)?
• Special, unique or outstanding qualities on proposed site.
• Historical or archaeological sites.
• Is the property within the city limits?
• Discussion on items that scorer feels should be considered higher on
this property.
Who fills these out?
Staff Score
PRAB Score(averaged)
Staff compiles
background PRAB prepares form Staff averages Staff may score and
information for for each parcel PRAB score
each parcel (fact independent of PRAB
Recommendation from
both PRAB and Staff to
OPEN SPACE such as playgrounds,soccer,little
NETWORK ° league baseball, softball, tennis
.�" and model boating.They would
An internal open space network connect to other parts of the
identifies parks,plazas,streets and community through the open
access ways that provide choices space network. This version
for residents, employees and visi- park development is -noC
tors to walk or bike throughout with the Tigard Regional Parks
the regional center. Public plazas Master Plan.
provide a variety of places for Pedestrian promenades e=major'
community events, farmers mar- anchor stores provide c nectfvity
kets, festivals and other exhibits through Washington Sqa Mall.
that help create a sense of neigh- RECOMMENDATIONS
borhood. Each of the plazas is linked to a system of
pedestrian-oriented access ways and streets and is The City of Tia should:
connected to the internal pathway system in the mall. seek to purchase lands to complete the Green
Public plazas would be located at the commuter rail Belt around e ashington Sqare Regional
station, in the center of and at the east end of theCenter
Washington Square Mall, and in the south end near purchase or request dedications of park lands
Ash creek. adjacent to significant new developments that
would benefit from parks T
d open s ace.The illustration above shows egin cussions an ac-
connectivity through the mall by quire e rights to construct
enhancing pedestrian prom- pedestrian bridges over High-
enades between anchors. The 6 way 217.
pedestrian system also provides , in sti ate the feasibility
convenient connections and fre- `' y> n of orming apublic private
quent service to the people partnership with the mall to
mover and transit routes. develop develop the central plaza
cooP i
with private land
PARK USES owners and commuter rail
representatives to encourage
Active community use parks °w. the operation of commuter
would be located at Metzger
g rail and the development of a
Grade School Whitford
� rail station an
dP laza.
Middle School and in two r oth •
study the feasibility, align-
locations: in the Fanno Creek � ments and phasing of a people
and Ash Creek corridors. These was"ngton ' mover that would provide ac-
parerks wou o active ses SMa *° cess to the open space system,
parks and plazas.
Greenbelt and Pedestrian Linkages
WHEREAS,the Tigard City Council recognizes the need for additional park and greenway properties in the
Tigard community; and
WHEREAS, past City Councils elected to not purchase or secure land for parks and greenways outside the
city limits; and
WHEREAS, the Tigard City Council has adopted an annual goal for 2005 to "Identify and Acquire Parks
and Open Space (greenway); and
WHEREAS, the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board has also been given the task to: a.)evaluate potential
park and greenway needs, b.) obtain public input and support, and c.) make recommendations to the City
Council relating to the funding of these needs; and
WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to adopt guidelines and an evaluation process to review offers of
donated property, and/or to accept property offered by developers in lieu of System Development Charges
(SDCs) for parks and greenways; and
WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes that state law requirements set forth that new development cannot
be forced to pay for any current deficiencies Tigard has in its parks and greenway inventory.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council that the Parks and Recreation
Advisory Board and staff are directed to:
SECTION 1: Evaluate all park and greenway donation offers and potential property purchase and submit
a staff recommendation to the City Council for each donation and/or property purchase.
SECTION 2: Prioritize the search and evaluation of future park sites to those areas identified as currently
underserved (the City's adopted Park System Master Plan defines "underserved" areas as
areas not within one-half mile of a neighborhood park).
SECTION 3: Allocate use of City general funds for purchases that reduce current park deficiencies and
use park SDCs for acquiring land needed for current and future growth.
SECTION 4: Look to serve those areas which will become park deficient over time.
SECTION 5: Look to purchase or obtain parcels of land with some size as compared to multiple, non-
contiguous, small parcels if possible.
SECTION 6: Consider and evaluate the acquisition of suitable property outside the City limits.
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SECTION 7: Consider land banking adequate property for future park development.
SECTION 8: This resolution is effective immediately upon passage.
PASSED: This day of 2005.
Mayor- City of Tigard
City Recorder- City of Tigard
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