03/14/2005 - Agenda Parks & Recreation Advisory Board
Monday March 14, 2005
7:00 p.m.
Tigard Water Building
8777 SW Burnham Street
The purpose of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board is to
advocate for park and recreation opportunities for a growing Tigard.
1 . Roll Call
2. Comments from the audience
3. Approve Minutes
4. Board Update on survey presentations
5. Review of SDC Questions raised by the PRAB at the last meeting.
6. Approve 2005 Parks Capital Projects and Budget at April 11 Mtg.
Park & Open Space Acquisition $1 ,300,000
Fanno Creek Park Outdoor Exercise Trail 15,000
Fanno Creek Trail Segment 85,400
Fanno Creek Trail Segment 101 ,486
Jack Park — install picnic shelter & irrigation system 31 ,000
Northview Park — Install playground and soccer field 45,000
Skate Park Construction 405,000
Tree Replacement 50,000
Tualatin River Cook Park Trail from Garden to Bridge 97,530
Tualatin River Bicycle & Pedestrian Bridge 250,125
Washington Square Regional Center Trail 430 000
Q 4 Q ,
TOTAL $2,810,541*
(*SDCs= $1 ,628,086, Grants =$865,694, non-SDC funds = $316,761 )
7. Drinking in City Parks
8. Adjourn
FY 2005-2006
Private Bull Mtn area Neighborhood 62% 38% 3 negotiated $500,000 $311,500 $188,500
H2O DIST Bull Mtn area Neighborhood 62% 38% 3 negotiated $285,000 $177,555 $107,445
Private Bull Mtn area Greenspace 62% 38% 4 negotiated $350,000 $218,050 $131,950
Private Jack Park area Neighborhood 0% 100% 2 $250,000 $510,000 $510,000
Private Bull Mtn 'BPA" Pocket Parks 62% 38% 2.5 $300,000 $750,000 $467,250 $282,750
Private Ventura/74th Greenspace 4 negotiated $0
TOTAL 18.5 $2,395,000 $1,174,355 $1,220,645
PROJECT FY 98/99 FY 99/00 FY 00/01 FY 01-02 FY 02-03 FY 03-04 FY 04-05
Fanno Creek Trail 98,000 7,500 2,332 107,832
Cook Park Exp. 400,000 158,000 525,417 852,665 3,500 1,939,582
Park Master Plan 39,000 3,397 42,397
SDC Study 6,876 12,718 19,594
Trial Route Study 5,000 5,800 10,800
Dolon Trail 234,000 234,000
Wetland Monitoring 3,806 3,806
Woodard Park Exp 61,625 61,625
Skate Park Design 11,417 11,417
Bonita Park Development 35,615 35,615
Tigard St/Fowler Trail 4,558 4,558
Main Street Trail 3,257 3,277 6,634
Fenced Dog Park 5,722 5,722
Park Devlopment 26,476 26,476
Total 537,000 173,315 771,293 18,725 987,798 6,777 14,510 2,510,058
Note#1: SDC expenses for
98/99-02/03 total
Cook Park SDC expenses
for 98/99-02/03 total
$1,936,082 (77.8%)
ioard Park
Rich Carlson,Skate Park Task force Chairman
14250 SW 88th Ave.I Tigard,OR 97224
Tel: 503.214.0871 / Email:rich@teleport.com
Dear Friends,
} We need your help! Former Tigard Mayor, Jim Griffith, believed in kids and he wanted
to provide positive choices for Tigard youth. He created the Mayor's Youth Forum whose
members immediately pointed out that the city did not have a place for kids to
skateboard, in-line skate, or BMX bike. Mayor Griffith's vision was a place where
youngsters, teens or adults could come together to skate or ride BMX bikes - a place that
was accessible and was free.
Skating and BMX biking are the fastest growing sports in the United States. For many
kids, it is their only sport. When the community doesn't provide a place for these
activities, young people are forced to skate or bike in public places where property may
Ibe damaged or they may be dangerous to pedestrians.
The City and the Skate Park Task Force which was formed from the Mayor's Youth
Forum have worked with an architectural firm to lay out a conceptual design. Our kids are
excited about the design because it has more "street" features that any of the over 60 skate
parks in other Oregon cities. The City has committed apart of a large parking lot in front
of City Hall and the Police Station to be the site. The site will be easily monitored which
i should ensure that it is drug and alcohol free - safe for all of our kids and their families.
The Skate Park will be named after Mayor Jim Griffith at the request of the young people
on the Skate Park Task Force. Although it will cost $405,000 to build the park, the city
will invest up to $150,000 and will apply for a state grant in the same amount. That
means the Task Force will need to raise the balance of the funds through a combination
of cash contributions, grants and in-kind donation of materials.
Our young people cannot raise these kinds of funds on their own. Please help them with
your charitable contribution to the Tigard Skate Park c/o Tigard Tums the Tide, a 503(c)(3)
nonprofit corporation. If you have questions, please contact me at(503) 224-0871,
(rich@teleport.com) or Pat Biggs, Treasurer, 14250 SW 88th Ave., Tigard, OR 97224,
(503) 639-5337 (patbiggs@teleport.com).
Please help Tigard youth build the Jim Griffith Memorial Skate Park.
Very truly yours,
t it'
Rich Carlson, Chairman
Tigard Skate Park Task Force
We 're On Board'.
Proudly Supporting:
LEARN MORE: www.tigardsl<atepark. com
The V*
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collected information about what services were
being provided to youth and what additional services were needed. They noted that while there are many facilities and services available for
other sports, Tigard lacked facilities for skateboarders, in-line skaters and BMX bikes — sports popular with a large
number of Tigard youth. Mayor Griffith established the "Skatepark Task Force" to further pursue the idea and named
Rich Carlson, chairperson.
Since then much work has been done by the task force. Early on, more than
100 Tigard skaters, BMX free-style bikers and their parents participated in
planning efforts. The City hired a professional landscape architecture firm to
work with the task force on conceptual design. The resulting design is
-� included in this informational packet. _ �.<
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A variety of sites were explored and evaluated.After many public meetings, v i P ,,
and much discussion, the task force unanimously endorsed the City
` Hall parking lot as the preferred City-owned site for the skate park.
Mayor ��m Centrally located, highly visible, accessible via public transportation,
near the police department, lit at night, the site is ideal for the skatepark! -School Superintendent
Steve Lowder
Former Mayor Jim Griffith will long be remembered • Invest in our bids.
• Make it accessible,sate and tree for everyone to use.
for his unwavering commitment to the youth of Tigard. • Build it as big as we can with durable materials.
He understood the value of engaging young people in the public : Involve skaters and BMX riders throughout the process.
Establish rules and regulations before opening the park and
process. The skate park will be named in his honor.
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How much will this cost? • •
City Contribution (as matching funds) . . . . .$150,000
Grants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$150,000 ,
Community Fundraising . . . . . . . . . .$105,000
Total Cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$405,000
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- Lou Ogden,Mayer of Tualatin
The City of Tigard is providing the land,and a matching contribution of up to $150,000
in SDC funds.The city is also hoping to secure a matching grant from the State.
A private fund-raising campaign is now underway to come up with additional funds needed. This campaign is being run through a
non-profit organization "Tigard Turns the Tide"whose mission is to empower the youth of Tigard to feel valued by the community,
provide opportunities to make a difference in society, and work to prevent drug and alcohol use and abuse among the youth
of our community.
We are seeking private and public grants from several sources.Young people are involved in various fund raising activities.
. "`' the local Community! The skate park will be a benefit to the whole community, so we want to
reach out to everyone in town—businesses, parents, schools and service organizations
We need your help. So please be generous and get on board!
Tioard oeedi o ihaleparh be(ouse
It's about supporting our young people and steering them toward healthy lifestyles. The Tigard community understands the value of
providing opportunities for its youth to be active and engaged in healthy"off the couch" activities. Talk to kids about skate parks
and they get excited! They voluntarily attend public meetings where they learn about community involvement, civic responsibility,
collaboration, public process and ownership. Giving young people an opportunity to become involved in the community builds on
their strengths and gives them hope for the future. Our Tigard Skatepark is enabling our youth to develop leadership skills and
interact with other young people with the same interests.
Tigard currently has no place for skating to cur safely and legalll _ !ih,�it 0 :r1 " f, IP ;q' CIOR P >
One of the concerns of the City and local businesses is that skateboarding can cause damage to public and private facilities.When
skating in parking lots and on sidewalks, and mixing with vehicle and pedestrian traffic, skaters put themselves and others at risk.
By building a safe, legal spot to skate we offer a place for skaters to enjoy their sport and not be in conflict with vehicles,
pedestrians and the business community.
Skateboarding, in-line skating and BMX free-style are three of the most popular recreational activities for young people ages 8-10.
00 Innovations in technology, product design and the boom in construction of skate parks have created a sport that is much
more than a'passing fad'.Skateboarding is a sport that has survived and thrived for over 50 years.
International TV coverage and the low cost of equipment have resulted in the creation of one of the most popular individual `pick-up'
sports in the world.
Board Trac, who surveys sporting good purchases, estimated there were 13 million skateboarders nationwide in 2003 -- an estimated
240% increase in 10 years.
An assessment of Outdoor Recreation in Washington State found that skateboarding is the fourth most frequently performed outdoor
activity for all ages; falling just behind walking, jogging, and gardening but ahead of soccer,football, tennis, baseball, swimming and golf.
WW The Skate Park Assoc. of the USA estimated that there are 1 million BMX bike riders in the nation.
' National Sporting Goods Manufacturers Assoc. estimated in 2000 - 29 million in-line skaters.
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—AYouth Development Approach Tigard =0 Skateboard Park$
- Reconnecting Youth and the Community ''°""'""""
U.S. Department of Health and Human Resources (pop. 44,010)
Your support is needed. Tioaro, ptovide., b Al J,P . T�
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Skaters Boarders BMX Bikes
`'R t Rich Carlson, Tigard's Skate Park Taskforce Chair, stated, "It is wonderful to see the
Council continue to support the efforts of the kids that have been working on this
project for so long. As many communities in Oregon and across the country have
recognized, this is the type of Community Park that will be used by hundreds of
kids on a daily basis.While we still have a major community fundraising effort in
front of us, the City's continued support is very much appreciated".
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Contributions may be made with cash or in-kind contributions of materials or services. All
donors will receive public recognition and a "We're On Board" bumper sticker. Platinum and Gold
sponsors will also receive permanent recognition in the skatepark.
IPIM.- From $10 to a truck-load of cement...all levels of contributions are welcomed and appreciated.
6010 iW $5000-$9999 All Gold Sponsors will receive both public and permanent recognition in the
skate park.
p llifil lojflJc° $10,000+ All Platinum Sponsors will receive both public and permanent recognition in
the skate park. Your name or logo will appear on all future advertisements and publications as a proud
sponsor of Tigard Skate Park.
To donate: Make your check payable to Tigard Skate Park and mail to...
Tigard Skakepark Fundraising Campaign
14250 SW 88th Ave.
Tigard, OR 91224
For more information, or to get involved with the fund-raising effort, contact:
Richard Carlson, Chair / Phone: 503.224.0811 / EMAIL: rich@teleport.com.
or visit www.tigardskatepark.com
t 1
The ideal site has been identified. The new
park will be located near city hall and police station, using a portion of the parking lot
that once served the old library. The area is centrally located. It's on a bus line, lighted,
and has bathrooms and telephones available at City Hall. Since the City owns the site
- there wi11 be no land acquisition costs.
Usi, !N! The City hired a professional landscape
design consultant to work with the taskforce to complete the conceptual design and provide a cost estimate for
construction. Approximately 100 youth and adults helped create the design through three public involvement meetings.
The resulting conceptual design includes a mix of features that will appeal to novices and at the same time offer plenty of challenge for
experienced riders. The design includes concrete bowls, ridges, a pyramid, and other "street skating" and "free style" elements desired by
skateboarders, in-line skaters, and BMX free-style riders. The features can be combined to create many unique "lines" or circuits at various
levels. The features have a maximum height of five feet and will be constructed of extra strong concrete with steel edging for durability and
safety. Further refinement of the park design will occur as part of a design-build process under design leadership of a professional skate
park contractor.
?W Izs 'fl' Funding will come from both public and private sources. The City of Tigard is providing the land plus up
to $150,000, and will apply for a matching State grant, which will effectively double their contribution.
A private fund-raising campaign is currently underway to come up with additional funds needed for construction. The taskforce is seeking
private and public grants and matching funds from several sources.Young people on the taskforce are actively involved with various
fundraising efforts.And finally, we are counting on YOU — the local Community! The skate park will be a benefit to the whole community,
so we want to reach out to everyone in town — businesses, parents, schools and service organizations.
Cjl ` f,.s t �i �` a � '}� tz 's' {dfI Based on what we are hearing from neighboring cities (Tualatin, Beaverton,
Newberg, Hillsboro and Portland) skate parks are indeed a good investment and not just a passing fad. One of the most consistent messages
we hear when talking to other cities and municipalities is that,"We wish we had built ours bigger, we wish we had money to build another,
and please hurry up and build yours to take the pressure off ours" Built right, this will be a good and lasting investment and an excellent
addition to the recreational opportunities available in our community.
The experience of t
other communities with skate parks is that fighting, dru s, and gangs are usually nota1s•
problem. Skating and free-style biking are the usual activities. Skaters and bikers practice ; � s ,, s �,a; 7 , ; ;°
and show their skills to each other.They teach and support each other, and self-regulate behavior,
taking turns using favorite features. The Tigard skate park will have an added safety advan-
tage being located right next to the police station. Its going to be a safe, drug and alcohol-
free environment for all to enjoy.
- Sean Belveal,
Tigard Police Activities League Director
The site is already available, so construction
can begin when funding is in place. If all goes as planned, the park could be open for use
in late 2005 or spring 2006.
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-Craig Dirksen,Mayor of Tigard
;C Oi ; 1101N 1 1} . 6 ' ` � j�');1 No. There will not be an increase in the City's insurance premium. The insurer views
skate parks as they do other park features such as playgrounds, sports fields, swimming pools, and basketball courts. However, the skate park
must be properly designed and maintained. This is one reason the City hired an experienced consulting firm to plan the skate park.
Yes. The BMX bike community is strong in Tigard. They, too, need a safe, legal location
to practice their skills.A good number of young people who enjoy BMX riding have been active members of the Tigard Skatepark since
its inception.
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There will be minimal disruption of natural environment as the site is an existing parking lot. Planned site improvements will make the
most of surrounding natural areas with trees planted on the periphery providing shaded areas with picnic tables and benches where
spectators can view the action. Trash bins will be placed on site, and the City will maintain the park. Quality
construction materials that are least susceptible to the elements will be used in construction. Located next
to the police station, and lit at night, this park will be safe and secure 24-1.
Contact Skate Park Taskforce Chairperson Rich Carlson
at rich @ teleport.com or (503) 224-0811.
or visit www.tigardskatepark.com.
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Asphalt Removal Framing Materials
Grading + '" 90-120 sheets of 5/8 CDX Plywood, 2x4's 2000 - 2400 lineal ft., misc. lumber
Safety Fencing Concrete Pumping(with air compressor)
Drainage Waterproofing (concrete sealant) Evercrete
Landscaping Excavation - large excavator for two-three days, bobcat throughout the project, labor
Rebar - 2500 - 3500 pieces 3/8 20' lengths
Questionst Please contact Rich Carlson,Choir at. Concrete - 440-600 yards 4000 PSI concrete
Phone: 503.224,41371 Coping - 2" schedule 40 pipe
rithoteleport,cotn Crushed Rock - 300- 400 3/4 minus crushed rock- depending on the existing soil
Tigard Skakepark
14250 SW 88th Ave. Tigard, 4R 97224 Sidewalks
Tigard St*rkcbTVrdlrrnuihetideisa50f(t)(3),nonprator zrnicn. Grind Rails
Ak da 4bivis ere taxdeduckk M allmed 6y taw Guard Rail
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�. SCALE: V = 10' - 0" TIGARD, OREGON