01/13/1992 - Minutes Records Management Committee Meeting January 13 , 1992 Attending were: Amy Anderson, Kathy Kaatz, Bonnie Mulhearn, Nadine Robinson, Renea Simmons, Cathy Wheatly, Bobby White. • Discussed budget for 1992/93 fiscal year, Nadine will be looking into a computer aided retrieval system for reader/printer. • Since next FY will be keeping microfilming projects up-to-date and no new projects will be filmed. Nadine will be requesting . 5 FTE in records be transferred into Court . • Next fiscal year we will need to start updating the city' s retention schedule or adopt the states retention schedule. To do this, we will need to do a complete inventory of City Records . • Discussed that, whenever possible, files coming over to Records should be in 8-1/2 X 11 end-tab file folders . • Cathy mentioned that she is going to have the TMC put on the computer system. This will probably be done next fiscal year. • Nadine suggested doing a joint order for file folders, to help reduce costs . • Cathy has council minutes for the last 3 years on the network. They are stored in her word perfect directory. • 24 hour city hall - this is a software package that will give citizens access to all types of information. Initially, the system will contain information such as council items and information on city departments . The computer will be located in the library. It is budgeted for the fiscal year. Next Records Management Committee Meeting will be held on February 10, 1992 at 9 :30 in the THCR.