11/20/1990 - Minutes Utilities and Franchise Minutes - November 20, 1990
1. Called to order at 7:00 P.M.
2 . Roll Call. Present:
Gerry McReynolds
Rebeckah Barrett
Mark Irwin
Don Jacobs
Eldon Wogen
Mike Leichner, Pride Disposal Company
Tom Miller, Miller Sanitary Service
Larry Schmidt, Schmidt's Sanitary Service
Loreen Edin
Lee Kell, Kell Alterman & Runstein, Legal Counsel for haulers
Howard Washburn, Howard's Construction
3 . Minutes from previous meeting were approved.
4. Howard Washburn, Construction Cleanup, Inc. , asked the
committee to allow construction cleanup people to continue
operating . . . offer good prices which builder should be
allowed to take advantage of; and consider licensing or permit
to continue.
Gerry: Are you hauling waste you clean up?
Howard: Yes.
Gerry: That was area of concern . . . would be happy to talk to
you at the next meeting, which is 12/18/90.
Mark: Are you recycling?
Howard: Could recycle, but lawyer informs him that only haulers
can. Has a market for lumber.
Loreen: Howard's name had come up with Metro. Metro wants to
encourage recycling by builders.
Gerry: Law leaves questions, but comes from legislature.
Lee: Where are you taking it
Howard: Hillsboro landfill.
Lee: Not true that you can't recycle. One market is wood
5. Rate structure update:
Gerry: Has talked to Mayor and City Administrator about rate
structure. Will review in March and present to Council;
will present rate structure changes at that time, which
will require public hearings. Tied in is ordinance
review . . . Clarifying issues in ordinance . . . things to
address . . . how to handle haulers in case of infractions,
poor performance (how to measure) , how to audit records.
Do we want to change hauling areas to balance customer
Loreen: Reported on meeting with Wayne and haulers and walked
through hauler's proposal for rate structure. Concluded
good information for discussion. Requested: (1) haulers
split recycling charges for commercial versus
residential; (2) apply proposed rate structure to 1990
figures to preview effects when making report (will
report actual as well) . Policy discussion is necessary.
Do we want commercial to subsidize residential . . .
general policy of City? Ordinance does prohibit
discriminatory costs. What is interpretation . . . current
within user group want equity. Also talked a little
about charge back for commercial recycling.
Gerry: Considering asking for funds to audit records of all
three haulers. One thing to achieve is understanding of
work patterns and enable us to give better direction to
reporting process.
Loreen: Regarding solid waste rates amendment to correct typos.
Wondered if it might be better to send a letter to
haulers, asking them to comply with "correct" rates.
Tom: Wants something for rate file.
Loreen: City would want a refund or credit to overcharged
customers back to 7/1/90.
Tom: Could offer customers credit or refund on bill . . . their
Eldon and Mark agree that a letter should be sent to haulers. Mark
proposed correct rate as of July 1 and give them an option to
refund or credit account for the difference.
Eldon seconded the motion; passed.
6. Solid Waste Ordinance:
Gerry: Some areas of concern in ordinance are: (1) violations;
(2) what is good or adequate service?; (3) what is
procedure for terminating service and advertising for new
franchisee if necessary?; (4) redistricting to provide
equitable opportunity for profit.
A lively discussion followed. Eldon suggested that
haulers come up with suggested performance standards;
suggest what they would like to see. Mark also suggested
getting proposed Portland performance standards.
Loreen: Council set ordinance review as a goal. Committee has
received haulers's proposed changes. City/Committee
concerns and proposed changes should be discussed next.
Lee: Has some additional changes to ordinance. Passed out
copies and noted mostly typos.
Committee requested a full new copy of hauler's proposal.
Loreen will send some typos she noticed to Lee for
inclusion in new full copy of proposed changes.
Larry: Asked Committee to go out and ride along with them to see
what was really going on in the field.
Lee: Will send corrected copy to City early next week.
Committee will send comments to Loreen for next meeting
7 . Other Business:
A. Discussed letter re: residential hazardous waste
disposal. Tom said must be done by licensed haulers; is
expensive. Tom said haulers could stage collection day.
Gerry asked him to find out about costs, etc. Will
discuss next month.
B. Letter of complaint from Henningsen & Associates, Inc.
Mike reported Henningsen back on service.
C. Loreen reported Council goal to review Solid Waste
Franchise ordinance.
D. Reported two vacancies: Dan Walsh (current) and Rebeckah
Barrett (effective 1/1/91) . Gerry will be reappointed.
E. Compactor ordinance not on Council agenda for 1 or 2
months. Staff will study.
Meeting adjourned at 9: 15 p.m.