01/21/1991 - Minutes Utilities and Franchise Minutes
January 21, 1991
1. Called to order at 7:00 P.M.
2. Roll Call. Present:
Gerry McReynolds
Rebeckah Barrett
Mark Irwin
Don Jacobs
Thomas Sullivan
Eldon Wogen
Mike Leichner, Pride Disposal Company
Tom Miller, Miller Sanitary Service
Larry Schmidt, Schmidt's Sanitary Service
Loreen Edin
Lee Kell, Kell, Alterman & Runstein, Legal Counsel for Haulers
Howard Washburn, Howard's Construction
Charles Hales, Home Builders Association
Bill Martin, Washington County Recycling Coordinator
John J. Knez, Jr. , Knez Building Materials
3 . Minutes from previous meeting were approved.
4. Construction Site Cleanup:
Bill Martin, Washington County, brought letter.
Concerned with special waste (local government needed to
assert authority over collection) . County is attempting
to tie into waste reduction plan since special waste is
not being hauled by haulers in the County in general.
Bill Martin instructed to look at.
Under state law, he noted special waste included in solid
waste and under authority of local government.
Historically, local governments haven't covered heavy
construction waste. Committee was interested in bringing
heavy waste into the system for revenue and controlling
where the material is dumped. Thinks any material
franchised haulers can haul will belong to hauler,
doesn't know what decision will be about heavy waste.
Gerry: Utility and Franchise Committee is an advisory committee.
Council has final authority. If anyone is unhappy with
Committee's decision, must go to Council. Construction
waste was determined last year by the Committee to belong
to the franchise haulers.
Hales: Charlie Hales, Home Builders Association, disagreed with
Committee's decision. Quoted ORS definition of
"contractors" . As ordinance now stands, he felt it would
permit removal from site by contractors. He recommended
ordinance language not be modified as haulers have
requested which would disallow contractors to remove
Gerry: Felt contractor was generator. Hauling should be by each
individual generator.
Hales: Impossible to sort through all site waste to haul each
individual contractor's own waste.
Gerry: Problem isn't clean up, it's hauling. We have franchised
haulers. Can't allow someone else to do their job.
Isn't fair to ratepayers.
Hales: Aware of that. Discussing short-term specialized
manufacturing operation which requires specialized
disposal process. Doesn't see why City wants to get
Gerry: Do you operate the same way in Lake Oswego?
Hales: No. Their ordinance reads differently and we are going
to propose changes.
Loreen: Cleaning up the site falls under different category.
Hales: Yes. Mr. Washburn is a specialized service.
Loreen: Previous discussion noted contractor must be more than
mere hauler of waste (i.e. , cleanup operation on site) .
Gerry: Bone of contention with Mr. Washburn is that he doesn't
generate the waste. The other issue is apartment complex
that wants to haul its own garbage.
Hales: Frustrated. Feels that they are being discriminated
against by the Committee because they are small
businesses who don't generate waste from start to finish.
Loreen: Suggested we save issue until the second year waste
reduction plan comes from Washington County in the
Eldon: Understanding during last discussion that just hauling is
not allowed.
Washburn: Noted his container is not a drop box, but a cage to
collect trash. Has to be emptied by hand. Can operate
until decision is reached.
Gerry: Where to go from here. In process of clarifying
ordinance and adding features. Washington County will
make decision in three months. Howard can operate.
Martin: Can issue special permits for drywall haulers, etc.
Looking at regulating all haulers.
Lee Kell: Felt interpretation is clear - purpose of exemption is to
allow haulers to haul own waste.
Jerry: Comments?
Sullivan: Who is more likely to recycle, haulers or contractors?
Gerry: No established recycling markets.
Sullivan: What are we talking about in dollars? Washburn is
Washburn: 15% cheaper for turnkey service over dropbox.
Sullivan: Control over dumping? Make sure it goes to the right
Gerry: No guarantee. An independent has no way of controlling
or identifying.
Sullivan: Even when we have ordinance, it's difficult to control
illegal dumping.
Gerry: Hazardous waste. What about oil-based paint cans?
Schmidt: Try to avoid if seen, but everyone is trying to avoid
including manufacturer. Available options for disposal
are limited, but improving.
Gerry: Do I have a motion - yea, nay or defer?
Jacobs: If we yea or nay, would we have to change to go
Washington County. If so, we should defer.
Sullivan: What are we yeaing or naying?
Gerry: To stand by original decision, reverse decision or wait-
aitfor Washington County. Since we don't have an active
code enforcement official, decision is effectively
Wogen: Moved that we keep status quo and review when Washington
County comes up with its decision.
Sullivan: Seconded. Motion passed.
Gerry: Charlie, we will take your comments on ordinance into
5. Development of Drywall (Gypsum) Recycling Market:
Knez: Have several drywall contractors taking things wherever
they can. Attempting to recycle all gypsum in area. Has
developed process and testing results. For every 90 tons
of wallboard, get five tons of dirty paper which goes
into landfill. Will charge for service. Hauling in own
trucks. Has talked to Metro. Will take about three
months to get through process for permit.
Gerry: Are you creating a transfer station which will be a hot
political topic?
Knez: As long as I haul it to landfill and customers are
hauling to me, haulers have no objection. Will have to
build fence to block view.
Gerry: We are small cog - if Committee agrees.
Mike: As long as no illegals, I have no problem.
Miller: What Knez plans is admirable.
Martin: Knez falling in special waste area. Metro is asking for
proposals to handle special waste.
Loreen: Some issues still to be dealt with are: Traffic, city
planning issues and Metro permit process.
Gerry: Motion. Encourage efforts and ask Knez to go forward
with permit process and meet all necessary requirements.
Irwin: We're saying that it's ok for people to bring you their
waste, but not ok for Washburn to go get waste?
Knez: I'm selling the material and simply taking back the
returned waste.
Irwin: Didn't we discuss office paper recycling - didn't allow
anyone to collect for a fee.
Miller: He is a supplier. He is receiving items from his
Sullivan: Seconded motion. Motion passed.
Knez: P.U.C. has to deal with self-employed truckers. Might be
a source for finding out to deal with independents.
6. Tom Miller - Residential Hazardous Waste Collection Report:
Has some information on privately run collection day.
Metro and Washington County considering mobile collection
arrangements, but have no funding. Metro issued RFP's
for construction of hazardous waste collection sites at
Oregon City and Metro N.W. Household hazardous waste and
proper handling very expensive business. Programs are
readily available. Just a matter of a few phone calls.
The most problem is liability in siting. Public property
would be best.
Loreen: Rider to cover liability would be $15,000 - $40,000 for
a one-time collection.
Miller: Education is most important - to buy what you use - we
should try to share expenses with someone else.
Based on expense of operation, permit challenges and
availability in area, consensus of Committee was to not
hold an independent collection.
7. Solid Waste Ordinance Work Session:
Gerry wants to defer since it's late. Need some tactical
planning. Need to :
a. Rework ordinance;
b. Change rate schedule;
c. Compactor ordinance.
Proposing we meet twice. Once for ordinance and only
ordinance. Another meeting for rates. Will meet with
City Council on March 19.
Rates: Points to consider:
Correspondence about high rates, twice a month pick up,
different size (smaller) containers, curbside and off
curb rates. Need for garbage service is changing as
recycling increases and cost goes up.
Need to provide sounding board for people with complaints
about garbage service and haulers. Need to formalize
With Measure 5, money will be a problem. Raising
franchise fee is a probability in future. Need to be
able to raise fee and also amendments and clarifications.
8. Other Business:
a. Letter from Gayle A. Collum, Principal of Charles F.
Tigard School. Access to dumpster blocked and not picked
up. Angry communication resulted. Have calmed down.
Loreen and Mike will meet with him.
b. Letter about Juanita Muntz about smaller volume of trash.
Will address with mini-containers.
C. Larry was cited for driving a truck on Durham Road
because of thru traf f is restrictions. Would like to work
out some exemptions for franchised haulers. Loreen to
schedule meeting with Police Chief.
9. Meetings on February 4 and February 18.
Rate review meeting will be held March 18.
Meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.