09/18/1990 - Minutes Utilities and Franchise September Minutes
1. Called to order at 7:00
2. Roll call. Present:
Eldcn Wogen
Tom Sullivan
Mark Irwin
Gerry McReynolds
Don Jacobs
Rebeckah Barrett
Tom Miller, Miller Sanitary Service
Larry Schmidt, Schmidt's Sanitary
Mike Leichner, Pride Disposal Company
Lee Kell, Kell Alterman & Runstein, Legal co m sel for haulers
Ken Elliott, City Attorney's Office
Phil Grillo, City Attorney's Office
I Teen Edin, Staff Liaison
3. Minutes approved. Loreen introduced Phil Grillo & Ken Elliott - City
Attorney's office. Lee Kell represents haulers.
4. Third Party Haulers
Third party - proposed to go before council to start permit process, Lee
Kell. Decided to discuss after ccapactor ordinance.
5. Compactor ordinance - putting cmpactors in large apartment complex.
Lee Kell One problem with franchise - always arises where someone can offer
cheaper services - one of reasons for existence is disparity in
rate structure which creates profit opportunities - in Tigard
commercial custoaner pays hider margin for service - subsidizing
residential and drop box service - proposal changing rate structure
- hauler ready to propose new rates that will equalize profit
margins for all services. Integrated system must be viewed as a
whole - before locking at ways to permit other collectors, let
haulers propose new rate structure.
Jerry: Have requested information from haulers about what is involved in
service - can't hold up present process for new rates. Have a
request from large apartment houses for compactors filled by ??
Voted to allow as a committee - now have ordinance.
Lee: No intention of stopping process - have two problems. 1) rate
problems; 2) want to cane back next meeting with suggestions.
Town: Wants to know how shiftequity in rate structure - will counittee
make a suggestion which will overhaul system - if no one subsidizes
anyone else will really change current structure.
Jerry: Would like to see what impact would be - a whole new rate table-
after that can make changes.
Tom: OK. We thought you wanted something to implement without
problems. Not a real difficult task.
Lee: Will work recycling into program - recycling will happen whether
you want to or not.
Tarn and Jerry argued to have an agenda to rate issue.
Lee passed out suggestions for ordinance - from him, haulers, Phil, additions
and deletions from Phil's ordinance compactors exist in other places besides
apartment house - haulers asking for regulation of all compactors - mist have
permit to operate - issue of ownership of garbage, who puts garbage in
oompactor not addressed. Wants to avoid issue of ownership.
Jerry: If we don't address ownership can't cite midnight haulers who take
valuable recyclables.
Lee: OK. But why cloud issue by letting permittee "own" waste between
back door & c mpactor?
Phil: Put in to guard against hazardous waste.
Team: Hazardous waste becmies mine at some point anyway. Intervention
possible under the original draft.
Lee: Changes in sections 1 & 2 will stay as in present ordinance - with
ooaLoactor must provide recycling bins too - definitions of
cmpactor - any cmpactors.
Phil: Residential mast provide for source separation but not in
ea uercial or industrial setting.
Iae: Doesn't think applies - all situations must address recycling
Phil: Location of recycling bins same as compactors.
Jerry: Location can be as broad as you make it - could be at other end of
Tam: Important for multi-family - everything together - concern that
area accessible and available to both tenants and haulers.
Phil: Define same location for multi-family versus industrial - don't we
have to exempt hcame compactors?
Tom: Cmpactors defined as used by employees - heame c mpactors exempted
Phil: Whereas clause won't be part of ordinance
Lee: Incorporate in definitions
Phil: Keep exception clause
Jerry: 2a - $1,000,000 high - everyone else didn't think so. 2e-
maintenance board - $25,000.00 too high a cost
Tam: what purpose
Phil: My idea. Some guarantee that system be maintained.
Tom: Something to get attention - maybe $5,000.00 or service agreement.
Jerry: $500.00 misdemeanor - permittee will keep system up - no one
writing maintenance bonds - will be.
Tan: We are the ones who see condition - what is our safeguard against
having to pick up if unsafe?
Maintenance bond dropped.
Lee: Provision included that hauler doesn't have to pick up if ordinance
violated. Page 4 - conditions for operation.
Larry: 4d - problem with compactor design
Jerry: Expand leakage to include spillage, blowing
Phil: Concerned about revoking w/o normal procedures which require
hearing - should use normal code procedures
Jerry: Annual certification - requires lots of people each year - every 2
Tan: Would be form in mail - collectors - will see weekly - if all OK
would sign and send on.
Jerry: Rather than certifications - have haulers report as needed
Tan: If done, what is provision and action on part of City
Phil: Code violation like any other
Jerry: Paquirements lends muscle to hauler's request for repairs
Phil: Add to violations section
Lee: And remove annual certification requirement - will you be having
annual fere.
Jerry: Would have recommend a fee to council with blank amount
Lee: Annual certification could be part of annual fee process
Jerry & Mark: Remove requirement that annual certification be signed by
Larry: Vat about unusual circumstances which require more time.
Tam: Bill for it in rate structure
Jerry: Ready for rate
Phil: Change misdemeanor to violation
Lee: Code enforcement officer needs muscle when taking action
Phil: Violation with fine not to exceed $500/day + revocation.
Jerry: Ordinance is 13 years old. May need rewritten to cover new types
of violations.
Lee: Have done scan work - would like to present to City Attorney
Jerry: Concerned about cost
Lee: If we did spade work would mi m?ze costs. Would be happy to take
on after rate structure.
Loreen: Make sure of council direction when setting committee agenda.
Jerry: Called formation to send ordinance as changed.
Eldon: Moved to City Council
Jerry directed Phil to get final and take to Lorreen - he will present to City
6. Third Party Haulers - Earlier discussion agreed to permit process - Larry
brit pictures
Ise: For good reasons - use franchise process - now have someone who
could be dumping anywhere - no control over
Phil: ordinance doesn't prohibit contractors from hauling waste.
Lee: Not arguing about sub-contractors hauling
Phil Problem is in ordinance
• •
Lee: Concerned about a person who is only hauling waste.
Phil: Must have some connection with construction - gut reaction-
narrow interpretation of ordinance
Tan: For years, don't mess with people who generate waste. Could we add
something about "generating waste"
Jerry: We've got a guy who is doing this and was cited by Coy for it.
Hone builders. Agreeing that the man is like sheet rockers. Can't
interpret ordinance, can only go to court and defend - but need an
Lee: Would rather close loophole than and put in permit process.
Phil: Two loopholes 1) Mmat is contractor; 2) what is hauling incidental
to construction.
Tan: Still barelem - need to amend ordinance to clarify it.
prob fy
Phil: Agreed
Tan: Don't think we need a whole new permitting system - have
identified weakness.
Jerry: Should we do permit or plug holes
Eldon, Doi, Becka - plug holes
Phil: Only real permit - if let contractor dispose of waste need to be
sure that waste is being disposed of properly
Jerry: Mat else should be taken care of?
Tan: Could look and see what we find. Could be part of enforcement
7. Revised rate structure discussion
Jerry: No one wants to take responsibility
Mike: Set a date and we will creme with a proposed rate structure which
charges for recycling.
Jerry & Tom: Can't charge
Jerry: Identify cost of recycling
Tan: Can come up with hypothetical structure and try to meet on middle
Jerry: Recycling question by Precision Instrument which plugging holes in
ordinance need to address that issue.
Tam: Had to determine what materials should be removed frau the waste
stream do we want to require hauler to pick up or let saneone else
do it.
Jerry: If clarifying ordinance, do it now.
NEXT MEETING: October 16 - agenda to include draft franchise ordinance frau
hauler's legal counsel and new rate structure proposal.
Adjourned at 8:55.