01/17/1989 - Minutes �m
1 . Call to order at 7:00 p.m.
2. PRESENT: McReynolds, Barrett, Jacobs, Wogen, Leiohner, Miller, Schmidt.
3 . GUESTS: Rick Krnnewittur (NPO #7) and Mike Miyovetz
4. Minutes from previous meeting were accepted
5. Yard Debris —
Wayne — clarification 2/15 date for coordinator i .e. Wauh. County, not
individual jurisdictions ,
Tom & Dan Walsh mut with county — pass thu buck from DEQ — Metro respond
by July — will only do plan if enough reason.
Washington County has decided to request an extension from DEQ. They have
drafted a letter and sent copies to local governments requesting a 6 month
extension to study feasibility of own plan. Problem is final disposal of
material. There is a possibility of a market frum farmer's (compost) .
Feel can du pick up and accumulate, want to determine what should be done
after that. Tom recommended going along with the County.
Haulers indicated a plan could be done quickly if needmd.
Gerry asked if we oan charge and how. He stated that a program can't
really be dune without meeting expenoeu . Will it be part of monthly bill
or separate'?
Could recycle yard debris the same as other reoyolableo if Washington
County and/or Metro don't make the plan.
MOTION: To table yard debris plan until plan is developed by Washington
County arid/or Metro. Backup plan: will be to add yard debris to list of
recyolableo and pick it up with the rest of the recyclableo .
0. Storm Drainage Study Meeting — February 20 with City Council, Planning
Commission and Utility and Franchise Committee to discuss storm drainage.
7. Other Business:
Larry called our attention to ado in the Times offering to clean and haul
garbage that is in violation of their franchise. What kind of penalties
for, violation of franchise, civic or court? Ordinanoe doesn't address
these issues, may need to be rewritten.
Gerry McReynolds was reelected chairman, Don Jacobs was reelected
vice—chairman, and Rebeckah Barrett was reelected secretary.
8. Meeting adjourned at 8:25 PM.
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