02/16/1988 - Minutes `%Ww CITY OF TIGARD UTILITY AND FRANCHISE COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING, FEBRUARY 16, 1988 Members present: McReynolds, Barnett, Cochran, Irwin, Jacobs, Walsh, Wogen Ex-Officio Members: Miller, Leighner, Schmidt, Misovetz Called to order at 7:00 p.m. Minutes of last meeting accepted. Franchise update: Wayne - talked with Attorney and City Recorder - will ask for direction at Executive Session next Monday and has written a memo for Council - alot at stake - including revenue within Metro area only, Portland getting 5 percent - will discuss strategy with Council. Increased franchise fee over 3 percent on phones, and gas 3.5 percent on water and electric must be passed directly to rate payers per PUC regulation - will be shown on bills for City of Tigard. Solid waste haulers reports due March 1. Gerry asked for summary at next meeting. Lion's Club - Gerry hopes to attend board meeting to explain what is needed in way of reporting and reasons for reporting requirements. Need to correct problem of non-garbage haulers collecting recycling. Gerry suggested that we draft a bill to that effect, has been in contact with some legislators. Wayne received call from James Blake, said he will get letter together for Larry with poundage information. Tom - OSSI also working on refining law, are early but time to get started - implementation of law has been rocky - but intention is good - now need to smooth out rough sports. Mike Misovetz - report from Metro - one bidder Waste Man. 1 cubic yard of space at Arlington = $21 - delivered ° Transportation = $40 - $45 per tip ton out back of transfer station. ° Administrative fees = ? ° Arlington area now only alternative - rate payers will have no choice. ° Now charging 0.25/can assuming $20 per ton with above rates for Arlington will add possibly add t3/can. ° Federal requirements - insure land file until gas migration and leaching is over while raise administrative fees. Not out of woods - up take 2 years to get transfer station if the process started tomorrow. Tualatin River received report - Wayne drew attention to article above U.S.A. performing regional study of storm drainage. Other business Broadman workshop - coming up. Gerry encouraged attendance at the session. Next meeting - March 17, 1988 - Thursday 7:00 p.m. Adjourned at 8:04 p.m. ke/3578D