04/08/1987 - Minutes UTILITY AND FRANCHISE COMMITTEE MINUTES OF APRIL 8, 1907 7:80 PM — TIGARD CIVIC CENTER Members Present: Mike Mioovetz, Fred Benz, Barbara Osborne, Curry McReynolds, Rebecca Barrett, and Don Jacobs Ex Officio Members Present: Tom Miller, Mike Leiohner, and Larry Schmidt Staff Present: Wayne Lowry and John Acker The meeting began at 7:00 p.m. During the reading of the minutes, Fred Benz asked to have a chance to discuss the Rate Review process and the Committee' s decision on April 1, 1087 to recommend a rate increase to the City Council . Fred was not present at the April 1 meeting. Fred indicated that this Committee has recommended a total rate increase in the last year of about 21 percent which he felt was much too high. Fred questioned the validity of several reported figures including costs and revenue related to recycling and maintenance and interest costs reported by Pride disposal . In addition to these concerns Fred felt that the rate of return of 10 to 12 percent set forth in the Committee approved procedure was too high and should be 5 to 10 percent. Fred requested that the rate increase recommendation be tabled until the next meeting. In order, to accommodate Fred' s concerns, Gerry called for a ruvote of the original motion made on April 1, 1087. Mike moved that the committee again recommend to Council a 5 percent increase in rates from $8 . 10 per can to $8 .50 per can. A voice vote was taken with five yen votes and one no vote. The Committee asked the Finance Director to further review some of the figures reported on Pride disposal' s report. The April 1, 1087 minutes were revised to indicate that a vote was taken and that the recommendation to Council was unanimous . John Acker led the Committee in a discussion of the upcoming clean­-up day . Volunteers will meet at the Civic Center at 9:00 a.m. on May 2. The haulers will stop at the Civic Center to find out where the volunteers were sent at about 12:30 p.m. The volunteers will then return to the Civic Center ou that we will know what areas were covered . The regular meeting date was set an the first Wednesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. The next meeting will be May 6, 1087. Mike Misovetz would like the Committee to address storm drainage issues noon and to review the rate structures . Gerry McReynolds suggested forming a nubnnmmittee to do an analysis of rate structures . The subcommittee members are Gerry McReynolds, Fred Benz, Rebecca Barrett, and one at—large member for the haulers . The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. u6/1186W