08/12/1987 - Minutes *we UTILITY & FRANCHISE C0MMITT�m�'
Minutes of #m3unt 12^ 1087
Members Present: Jacobs, McReynolds, George, Minovitz, Barrett, Irwin.
Called to order at 7:00 PM.
Minutes accepted .
Rate Review Procedure:
T. Miller reported from haulers to subcommittee.
Removed schedule III and renumbered all schedules .
Redefined officers, shareholders, etc. Prorated compensation.
Changed Schedule II - direct and indirect onoto for each area of income.
Haulers wanted to remove columns 1, 2, and 3 - Form with columns will allow
comparisons between Tigard and other areas . Haulers concerned about
distribution of information in column 1 - discussed ways to keep information
Motion to have three columns made, seconded, and passed.
Redefined residential to be cans and commercial as containers.
Accepted report for submittal to City Council as the form for the haulers to
fill out to net rates - will he submitted August 31 .
Chairman asked for a letter to be sent to Fred Benz removing him from the
committee due to three absences without excuse.
Chairman resigned as chairman duo to move outside area - Gerry McReynolds
became chairman.
Discussed increasing tip fees - rates will be increasing - local officials
have input through Metro' s policy committee.
Nominations opened for vice-chairman - Don Jacobs elected vice-chairman.
Telephone Franchise - PNB wants to remove some of deregulated revenue from
franchise fees - information only at this point. Gerry asked what percentage
of city PNB has and what percentage of revenues dealing with. Gerry also
raised question of other phone services paying franchise fees.
Wayne will distribute information on existing franchises and revenue - City
Attorney will have to be asked about other possible franchises.
Council workshop scheduled on September 28 at 6:30 PM.
Sewage and storm drain engineers have been hired.
Next meeting - September 16, 1087.
Adjourned at 8: 10 PM.