12/04/1985 - Minutes MINUTES
1. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. on December 4, 1985.
2. Members present: LaValle Allen Barbara Osborne
Marcia Gaiser Don Jacobs
Gerry McReynolds Fred Benz
Mike Misovetz Keith Liden (staff)
Ex Officio Members present: Tom Miller
Larry Schmidt
Carl Miller
3 . Introduction
- Members were introduced
Discussion followed regarding the role of the Committee and the tasks
which needed to be completed related to recycling and franchise
agreements .
4. Preparation of work schedule
-- A tentative timetable was discussed for completion and implementation
of a City recycling program and it was decided that additional
information was necessary before a realistic schedule could be
5. Information requested for next meeting
- Data from waste haulers regarding present recycling program offered,
level of participation, and costs involved .
- Relationship between the agencies involved in the recycling program
(DEQ, METRO, Wash. Co. , Tigard) .
- Identify other recycling efforts in Tigard
- Date when City Council. will review franchise rates .
6. Selection of Chairman and Vice Chairman
- These positions will be filled at the next meeting.
7. Next meeting - Monday, December 16, 1985, at City Hall ,
B. Meeting Adjourned