Minutes of
Thursday, May 7, 1997
Tigard City Hall
MEMBERS PRESENT: Sharon Fleming-Barrett, Sheila Greenlaw-Fink, Robert Flug
(via speaker phone), Sally Parks, Councilor Ken Scheckla and Susan Wilson.
MEMBERS ABSENT: Emily Cedarleaf, Cecilia Maciel and Dedi Streich.
ALSO PRESENT: Eric McMullen, Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue, and David Scott,
Building Official, City of Tigard.
The meeting was convened at approximately 1:15 p.m.
Introductions were made.
The minutes were approved.
A. Review of substantive provisions of proposed ordinance.
Staff reviewed the proposed definition of Social Care Facilities and expressed
concern that the definition might be construed to include institutional
occupancies such as nursing homes within the scope of the ordinance. Staff
expressed that it may not be the Task Force's intent to include such institutional
occupancies within the scope of the ordinance. Staff proposed that language be
added to the definition specifically exempting institutional occupancies.
The Task Force had lengthy discussion regarding this issue. No consensus was
reached regarding the inclusion of institutional occupancies within the scope of
the ordinance. The Task Force agreed that representatives of the constituencies
providing facilities covered under the definition of Social Care Facilities be
invited to participate in a future Task Force meeting.
Staff then informed the Task Force that the City Attorney finds no legal
requirement that Tigard's Housing Code contain provisions related to natural
light. Staff also presented information related to the basis and history of
including natural light in housing codes and information regarding the health
issues related to the lack of natural light. This information described artificial
light products which provide "full-spectrum" light equivalent to natural light.
Based upon this information, the Task Force decided to retain the provisions of
170(A) modified to allow approved artificial light as an alternative to natural light.
Community Housing Task Force Meeting
Minutes of May 7, 1997
Page 2
170(A) is modified to insert the following language after the word "court:"
"or shall be provided with approved artificial light. Except where approved
artificial light is provided, ... ."
The Task Force proceeded to continue to review/discuss the proposed code
section by section, picking up with Section 190. The following issues were dealt
with: (bold text indicates an action item or decision)
Sec 190 - There was concern expressed that a landlord should not be held
responsible for the cleaning habits of tenants and that proposed language would
provide for this. Concern was also expressed that landlords should maintain the
building in such a way that a tenant can reasonably be expected and allowed to
maintain interior cleanliness. The Task Force reached consensus that both
concerns were valid and should be reflected in the language. Staff will present
proposed language at the 5/28/98 meeting.
Sec 200 - Proposed language was accepted.
Sec 210 - The Task Force agreed that language similar to that presented by
Flug, reading from a New Jersey ordinance, be used. Staff will propose such
Sec 220 - The Task Force agreed to remove 220(A) because this provision is
already covered in existing nuisance provisions in the Tigard Municipal Code.
220(A) is deleted. The Task Force concluded its discussion at this point.
Discussion will continue with 220(8) at the 5/28/98 meeting.
B. Other
There were no other items considered.
The next meeting was confirmed for 5/28/98, 11 am - 3pm. Future meetings will be
determined as necessary at the 5/28/98 meeting.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 3:15PM.
Respectfully submitted,
David Scott
Building Official