06/25/1998 - Packet CITY OF TIGARD
Red Rock Conference Room
Thursday, June 25, 1998
11:00 am to 1:00 pm
I. Self introductions.
II. Approval of June 11, 1998 meeting minutes.
III. Work session.
A. Review of substantive provisions of proposed ordinance.
B. Other.
IV. Meeting schedule confirmation.
V. Adjourn.
13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223 (503)639-4171 TDD (503)684-2772
Community Development
Shaping A Better Community
TO: Community Housing Task Force Members
FROM: David Scott, Building Official
DATE: June 12, 1998
SUBJECT: June 25, 1998 meeting (1lam to 1 pm, same location).
Enclosed please find the agenda for the 6/25/98 meeting, minutes from the 6/11/98 meeting and
proposed language for Section 230 affording the building official discretion regarding the minimum
number of sanitary facilities specified in the last paragraph. Also attached is an excerpt from "The
1994 Handbook to the UBC" describing the intent and purpose of residential room dimensions,
including ceiling heights.
We will commence our discussion of the substantive provisions of the ordinance with a review of
the proposed language for Section 230. Then we will re-visit Section 290 (D)(1) and Section 300,
before continuing our review. Please note our substantive review finishes with Section 370.
Sections beyond this are existing code sections regarding dangerous and derelict structures that I
am relocating to provide all requirements for maintenance in one chapter of the code.
Please note the next meeting is scheduled for 7/9/98 from 1 pm to 3pm.
Minutes of
Thursday, June 11, 1998
Tigard City Hall
MEMBERS PRESENT: Paul Alig (replacing Robert Flug), Sharon Fleming-Barrett,
Sheila Greenlaw-Fink, Susan Wilson and Councilor Ken Scheckla.
MEMBERS ABSENT: Emily Cedarleaf, Cecilia Maciel, Sally Parks and Dedi Streich.
ALSO PRESENT: Eric McMullen, Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue, and David Scott,
Building Official, City of Tigard.
The meeting was convened at approximately 1:15 p.m.
Paul Alig introduced himself as the new representative from Oregon Legal Services.
The minutes were approved.
Staff advised the Task Force of further progress made in contacting constituent
representatives of social care facility providers. Contact has been made with all
representatives, who are prepared to attend a future meeting.
A. Review of substantive provisions of proposed ordinance.
Sec 210 - It was agreed that the existing definition for "infestation" was adequate
and this section was adopted as written.
Sec 220 - The task force reviewed the proposed language for 220, which
amended existing 220(B) and deleted 220(C). The Task Force reached
consensus that this proposal would be adopted with minor changes to make the
language regarding the unacceptable conditions caused by rubbish build-up be
in the present tense, remove the word "any" before "accumulation" and change
"to breed" with "to afford a breeding place for." Staff will make the necessary
changes. Alig requested that the record stay open on this item to allow him to
further research whether Oregon Legal Services can support the deletion of (C).
Sec 230 - Discussion continued regarding the second unnumbered paragraph
regarding community bathroom facilities. Continued concern was expressed over
the requirement for one facility per 12 residents and the ambiguity surrounding
determining the number of residents, as well as the appropriateness of that ratio.
It was proposed that an exception be included providing the building official
Community Housing Task Force Meeting
Minutes of June 11, 1998
Page 2
discretion to alter this requirement if justified and due to unique circumstances.
Staff will propose such language at the 6/25/98 meeting.
Sec 240 -This section was approved as written.
Sec 250 - This section was approved with the deletion of the word "unit" in (B)
and the addition of"adequate for each dwelling unit" after"facilities" in (B).
Sec 260 - This section was approved with the deletion of (C). It was felt that (C)
could allow a unacceptable situation wherein heat was not provided.
Sec 270 - This section was approved with the replacement, for consistency, of
"All buildings...residential purposes" with "Every dwelling" in the first unlettered
paragraph. Also, "Social Care Facility" is to be added to (C).
Sec 280 - There was discussion regarding the necessity of including ceiling
height provisions. Proposals included changing the minimum to 7'-0" and
deleting the section. Staff will research the intent and purpose behind
residential ceiling height requirements and present information at the
6/25/98 meeting.
Sec 290 - Extensive discussion centered around the requirements in (D)(1).
Concern was expressed that the minimum sleeping room area requirement might
preclude some structures from remaining in the affordable housing stock and
that some cultures find higher density living acceptable. TVFR expressed
concern regarding overcrowding and fire risk to life. Sec 300 deals with
overcrowding. Consensus was reached that there should be a balance between
fire safety and maintenance of affordable housing and accommodation of other
cultural norms regarding "density' within a unit. Alig and McMullen will
research this issue and report at the 6/25/98 meeting.
B. Other
No other items were considered.
The next meeting was confirmed for 6/25/98, 11 am - 1 pm. The following meeting was
scheduled for 7/9/98, 1 pm - 3pm.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 3:00PM.
Respectfully submitted,
David Scott
Building Official
Proposed language for Section 230 providing for building official discretion:
The proposal is to maintain the specification of minimum sanitary facilities contained in the
last paragraph of this section. The following language would be an additional paragraph at
the end of this section:
"When there are practical difficulties involved in carrying out the provisions of this
section for hotels, apartment houses and social care facilities where private toilets,
lavatories or baths are not provided, the building official may grant modifications
for individual cases. The building official shall first find that a special and individual
reason makes the strict letter of this section impractical and that the modification is
in conformance with the intent of this section and that such modification does not
result in the provision of inadequate bathroom facilities in the dwelling."
This language is taken from a similar provision in the UBC which provides this discretion
to the building official for all requirements of the building code. Minor adjustments were
made to fit this context.
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WINDOW FOR WNOOW FOR zr`irt t?; • _ •- e _ :!`
"r'I•: 7 _ . •r-:. .. _+�;sii,ie• -. .. - .-.,......... ,. -, _. , _ 4 ` a.si
Far S[: I foot=304.8 mm.I square foot=0.093 m2
EMERGENCY ESCAPE AND RESCUE WINDOW . y ;ri',;f .��• ;ti :�`:, s
•1 lr
c*T",na Fl;nre 3141
4:ingress of firefighters. The ladder or stair requirement is the vices,inadequate window size,difficult operating mechanisms,
main :,... . .. , etc.,is not i the c ,_,r'�
- - `
Emergency escape windows below the fourth story are net 310.6 Room Dimensions.Room size,`tightness ofconstruction,
tequir+ed to have an escape route down to;giade;however,those minimum in height;number of occupants and ventilation
_tviadows below adjacent grade are so required.Whenthe depth all interact with eachother to establish the interioi living envi-
of a window well exceeds 44 inches(I 118 mm),a ladder or stair ronment insofar as odors,moisture and transmission of disease
�.�that window well is required.Tile type of ladder or stair is are concerned.Therefore;the U.B.C.regulates rooia sizes to as-
>ia identified iatheseprovisions.However,a permanently fixed sist in maintaining a comfortable and safe interior environment,
ladder as required by the Uniform Mechanical Code for access and the minimum room sizes become increasingly important as
' to rooftop equipment would be acceptable or an of usable -buildings become ever tighter in their construction due to en
. .._. P�1 P P Y type 8ser8Y
tai-would suffice.' - ' ' conservation requirements. _
;.Remember,these ladders or stairs are provided for emergency Section 310.6.1 regulates ceiling heights not only to assist in
"Ypse and need not fully comply with the code. maintaining a comfortable indoor living environment,but also
to provide safety for the occupants of the dwelling.As our popu-
=The ever-increasing concern for security,particularly in resi- lation becomes increasingly taller,it is important that ta11 indi-
=:.dential buildings,has created a fairly large demand for security viduals be able to move about without striking projections from
devices such as grilles,bars and steel shutters.Unless properly the ceiling with their heads.
designed and constructed,these security devices over bedroom
==Windows can completely defeat the purpose of the emergency a asic requ n or a smooth ceiling of relatively con-
,-,escape and rescue window.Therefore,the U.B.C.makes provi- stant height is that the ceiling height not be less than 7 feet 6 in-
or security devices,provided the release mechanism has rhes(2286 mm)for habitable space(see definition of habitable
been approved and is operable from the inside without the use of space in Section 209).Kitchens,baths,halls,etc.,may have a
Mikey or special knowledge.Furthermore,the code requires that ceiling height less than 7 feet 6 inches(2286 nun),but under no
AS this can the building be equipped with smoke detectors in ac- circumstances may it be less than 7 feet(2134 mm)measured to
itiidaibce with Section 310.9.1.Fire deaths have been attributed the lowest projection from the ceiling.
the inability of the individual to escape from the building be- For those ceilings having exposed beams which project down
r'_ security bars prevented emergency escape.' from the ceiling surface,there are two criteria:
1. Where the ceiling beam members are aced closer than
=T,Abe very essence of the requirement for emergency escape g spaced
,:endows is that a person must be able to effect escape or be res- 48 inches(1219 mm)on center,the ceiling height of 7 feet
-;4d•in'a short period of time because in all probability the fire 6 inches(2286 mm) is-measured to the bottom of these
Mave spread to the point where all other exit routes are members. , i.i:r ui Tul
a time cannot be wasted to'figure''out*meahs of 2. Where'the exposed bears ceiling members are`spaced at
-=.gig rescue windows or'•obtaining egress-through aheme m
: 48 inches (1219 mm) or more on center,thinimum ;
i impediment to escape or rescue caused by security de- ceiling height of 7 feet 6 inches(2286 mm)is�iimiid to ;
e < Y