01/26/1989 - Packet AGENDA
TMRSDAY, JTANt�,RY 26, 1989, 7:00 P.M. - 9:30 P.M.
3. Approve Minutes
4. Report on NPO Meeting: Coven
5. Review Revised Design Plan: Bart Gutherie and Don Stastney
6. Development Plan Presentation: Bob Moore
7. Discuss Newsletter: Newton
8. Plan for breakfast meeting: Group
9. Review Work Program: Group
10. Other business
11. Adjournment
Tuesday, January 12' 1900
7:00 p.m. — Town Hall
Stuart Cohen, Mike Marr, Pam Juarez, Richard Marley
Present:Council Members Valerie Johnson
Present:Consultants Bart Qutherie, Don Staunuy, Bob Moore
Present:Others Duane Roberts, Liz Newton, Ed Murphy, Pat Reilly, Peggy
Weston Byrd, and three unidentified guests,
1 . Called to order at 7: 12 p.m.
2. Stuart read letter from Julynn Ash resigning from the Task Force effective
January 12, 1989.
3 . Minutes — approved with amendment of typos to be corrected per Duane
Roberts .
4. Review of Urban Design Plan draft (continued) .
Page 41 Diagram — Ash would be 'T'd into Hill Street,
Page 42 Bart commented that street trees would be on both sides and
center of Hall Blvd. eventually.
Mike mentioned the Hall—Commercial intersection and the problem of cars
turning off Hall . Can we improve visibility at intersection? Bart
commented that this is outside the scope of our function of making
recommendations ,
Mike — Maybe types of businesses along Hall should be shown on this
Bart discussed four issues relative to Hall Blvd.
#1 Issue: Boundary of study area relative to Hall Blvd. Recommend Hall be
designated a design district, with both sides considered,
although it is outside the original study area,
Alternative: Just consider design of the street itself.
#2 Issue: Design of Hall Blvd. facility with median landscaped strip and
left turn lane and with street trees on both sides ,
#3 Issue: If design district — treat both sides with some continuity if
centerline is study area limit — treat Hall uses in accord with
neighboring areas coming down to Hall from Main Street area. If
design district — the west side could be service commercial or
auto—oriented commercial uses .
Eastside could be same plus industrial uses recognizing the need
for curb cuts ,
04 Issue: Specific: guidelines for the design district in subsequent draft,
would include generous setbacks, landscaping, restricted curb
cuts and would address signage and building heights issues,
Stuart asked for clarification of differences between the two treatments .
Bart responded that more restrictive development: guidelines would result
from treating Rall as a design district.
Valeria suggested that the Task Force not increase the sire of study
district at this time. Perhaps the Task Force could address the treatment
of Hall in it's recommendation,
Stuart suggested bath alternatives be mentioned in the report.
Bart will recommend in the report that Wall Blvd. latter be treated as a
separate design district. Concensus by Task Force present.
Page 44: Peggy asked about; "consistent: character" including the park .
Bart answered "yes . "
Revised copies of pages 46 through 52 (also Passed out at: last meeting)
were distributed.
Bart reported that legend work on all illustrations are completed -- to be
distributed .later.
Page 46: Richard asked whether the phrase "proposed jointly by the COPTF
and the City Council" is appropriate, in that it would be a
proposal by Task Force to the City Council .
Discussion resulted in a conclusion that "adopted by City
Council." would replace the phrase,
Page 47: Discussion deferred in order to consider a project list.
Lir said next: document to prepare is City Center�__Development� Plan.
We need a project list for this plan relative to funding sources .
Considered in developing the plan are the vision, market study,
transportation study, parks consultant recommendations, and the design
There should be few non—capital projects on the list.
Ed remarked that tax increment financing would be a significant funding
mechanism and would not: harm downtown property owners, nor the public in
general .
Ed presented a list of projects ,
Stuart suggested adding light stations (or "standards") .
Street furnishing would be included with individual streets .
Mike suggested Public Open Spaces and Public Restroom Facilities .
Bart suggested aCommunity Center be added to the liot.
Peggy suggested the MoyIng, and Restoration of Historical,§Qldipgj, and
Richard expressed concern about the lack of fit between the Fanno Creek
Park design plan and the CCPTF plan designs, especially the park parameter
land uses . Stuart commented that the park design could be considered
shorter term than the CCPTF plan and could be flexible to adjust to later
perimeter development.
Bob Moore remarked that the Urban Renewal Plan can consider all of Fanno
Creek Park, even though only part would be accomplished in the early years
of the development.
Ed proceeded to develop lists of detailed components of the individual
projects ,
(At 8:30 p.m. , Stuart declared a ten minute bruak . )
Bart said about 1,000 off-street parking spaces would be needed to support
15 years of development of Main Street.
Pages 50-52: About Tigard City Square
Mike asked about the earlier considered concept of visibility of
the park from Main Street and noted that the park consultant' s
design shows more park facing on Main Street.
Stuart suggested listing project components without being
specific about the locations at this time - and the process
moved along.
Mike's concern about future light rail diverted discussion from
Tigard Square. He suggested coordination with Tri-Met yu that
taxpayers are not hit twice with the cost of developing light
nail road area, once per Tigard'o plan and later with Tri-Met`o
plans . There was general agreement and Valerie suggested Tigard
initiate early contact with Tri-Met to make them aware of our
plans .
Back on the Tigard City Square, Bart clarified that only two
towers (at Tigard City Square and at the Civic Center) are
proposed and would be public buildings , Other "towers" would be
part of commercial building structures .
Dun Stal,01 pointed out that towers can n�'be cost justified.
Valerie pointed out that some desired features may be donated.
Stuart asked about state funds for the arts. Bob Moore said
there is a tax return checkoff for the arts and he will check
into the availability of such funds .
Freestanding reytroumo were discouraged by the Task Force and
instead reotroomu may be incorporated in the Tigard Community
Peggy pressed the issue of relocating and renovating the John
Tigard House. Stuart and Pam raised the issue of cost. The
Task Force agreed that it will be on the project list, with the
idea of obtaining private funding for the project.
Beyond the physical projects, the Task Force agreed to a low
interest loan pool and business relocation assistance as
projects. The issue of land assembly was discussed and it was
agreed that the process should be limited in 000pu^ not used
aggressively, and applied with specific criteria to be defined
later. Bob Moore pointed out that there are due process
provisions and relocation assistance which apply.
Ed said next stop will be to put some cost estimates to the
projects .
5. Schedule of meetings was discussed.
Wednesday, January 18, 1980, NPO meeting at 7:30 p.m. — staff and 3 Task
Force members will attend.
0. The next Task Force meeting is 7/00 p.m. , January 26, 1989. A breakfast
meeting is planned for February 3 .
7. The meeting was adjourned at 10:07 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Richard Morley
Secretary (Temporary)